15 FFXIV Race Stereotypes

What Your FFXIV Race Says About You! (Male & Female) Final Fantasy 14 Has so many different races, and they all have their own visible personalities. But each race always has certain stereotypes. Ranging from silent Au Ra’s, to ERP loving Miqo’te. From Hrothgars to Roegadyn. FFXIV will always have crazy diversity when it comes to player race, and today I explain what you are likely to act like if you main a specific race! #ff14 #ffxiv #finalfantasyxiv

FFXIV is a game that is loved by many. A big contender for World of Warcraft, but my personal favorite MMO ever. Final Fantasy 14’s story is absolutely incredible, and the gameplay itself in my opinion is top notch for an MMO. If you are new to the game and are considering getting it, I would heavily suggest you do so! This video can even help you choose what race to play!

0:00 Hyur
1:21 Elezen
2:35 Lalafell
3:27 Miqo’te
5:18 Roegadyn
6:52 Au Ra
8:07 Hrothgar
10:09 Viera

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44 thoughts on “15 FFXIV Race Stereotypes”

  1. As an Au Ra player myself, I do agree on the talkative bit. Usually I try to stir up some chat other than the usual greetings, either with helping folks out or cracking a few jokes to lighten up the longer runs like in MSQ or Alliance Roulettes.

    The dying bit is a bit odd though because I've never really seen other Au Ra die first – its usually whoever is new and just unfamiliar with the current fight mechanics…that and as a PLD main, if I die first that either means the healer is dead, or I've made a terrible decision and things are about to get spicy.

    Outfit-wise I just use some armors to balance the badass and the beauty…but also I do notice most other female Au Ra players like the more modern looks instead of the fantasy thematics I try to go for with each of my jobs.

    Definitely looking forward to more vids!

  2. Another thing about we male Au Ra,
    We also tend to be chock full of anime references (I am proof of this, both in Roleplay and when doing content)
    I sorta designed mine to have that sort of vibe. He does wear a lot of red though

  3. I play a roe on primal, and I noticed that roes and hrothgar tend to be more common in primal and crystal. Miqote and elezen I saw a lot on my Chaos Alt. But it seems to vary a lot from server to server. Nice video

  4. Hi there, Fem Hellsguard Roegadyn player here, and if I can give a general consensus on the fem roe gang, it’s that we she-roegadyns tend to be the most vocal members of any party we are in. There’s a lot of vocal fem roes and when approached by other players, it is often to say “hey your playing fem roe, amazing” like you are the last unicorn. For glamour you will see from “Lady Dimitriscu” to “Ye Olde Samus Aran” on the armor scale. Fem Roe don’t usually wear scantily clad clothes, and rather pick scuffed and rugged looking light clothes to accentuate their BIG muscles. Just about every single fem roe WILL look different than the last, so variety is high. Height can very greatly with fem roe, with the shorter end of fem roe basically being capable of disguising themselves as highlander fem hyur. Overall fem roe are my favorite race for just being pretty damn cool looking.

  5. Good video I came across, got me to chuckle at a good few things even with the race I play, over all nice work and a good spirit to it 🙂
    For my main character I play is a male Au Ra and I feel I would be one of those few that both character design and RP wise isn't the 'edgy' type, he's decked out in silver for his color scheme but he's more adventurous and free spirited, and no spiky hair in sight (quite plain but I like that.) and the outfit I mostly aim for him to match his free flowing but modest vibe still sticking to the color theme I got going. Do granted I am a bit of the quiet type both in and out of character but once I get going I love being sociable even if I am a bit reserved myself.

  6. Femroe player since open beta here and yep, we're the rarest of the rare. Depending on your server we're between 3% and 1% of the active population. My affinity for them isn't because I'm attracted to the type, but rather because I love their aesthetic. They're really versatile and can carry off looks from butch to femme, and that gives me a huge amount of flexibility when designing glamours.

  7. Female Roegadyn here, yes we do actually exist but damn there aren't many of us about. Really not sure why tbh, maybe people don't want to play a female race with bigger muscles than 9/10 Male races. Also the Au'Ra I used to play used mainly soft white and blue glams and with a hairstyle that focused on approachability so there definitely are exceptions, usually it's the Xaela Au'Ra's who play Melee who are the edgy ones (I was a Raen Healer)

  8. Highlanders and Midlanders are both Hyur, but they're entirely different from one another with there own set of animations, texture's and voice's they might as well be 2 different races. Wish you would've separated them instead of putting them both under just Hyur.

  9. Roegadame here from the very first day I set foot in the game! I can certify that we both exist and are in love with our characters.

    In my experience, we mostly keep to ourselves and enjoy having people literally look up at us, so we tend to seem like rare mythical beings (which I personally like). I can certainly remember most, if not all of the roegadames I've crossed paths with!
    For me, female Roegadyn was a no-brainer since I tend to play big buff women whenever I have the chance to do so and I was very pleasantly surprised to see how they're more versatile in terms of appearance than the other games' equivalent. You can pretty much make her rugged or sophisticated, clad her in full plate, dress her in a tuxedo or have her wear robes and leather, and she will look amazingly good in every single outfit. Also, I love femroes' murder stares.
    And yes, I am the resident dommy mommy character of my FC and friends list. Life is good in FFXIV. c:

    Great video! Looking forward to see more of these ♥

  10. i mained femroe and while i do agree they're super rare, femroe tends to attract other femroe actually! be it in city hub or duty. we maybe only trading dotes but it happens fairly often. (i play alt as male miqo and somehow didnt spawn femroe when playing) same as my manroe. manroes ive interacted is more easygoing actually, most of them are gentle giants.

    so yeah! when you play a race, u tend to attract kins and kiths

  11. I play a Female viera, I have NEVER woren the default outfit because I do not like it at all I think its looks horribly uncomfortable. However I love my bunny woman to bits. I choose them because I feel like the emotes on the female viera are just right for me. honestly when viera first came out I didnt really like them all that much, I've mainly been au-ra female or elzen female. but my static cleared shiva and I said if we clear shiva today I'll go viera. So I did and I have never looked back. My viera is perfect for me, I have the 3rd face which can look a bit to young at certain angles imo but the facail expressions are quite good with that one to. Mostly dress her up as a goth but not all the time.

  12. This was incredibly good for a first video when you said the statically 100% of you watching this video are not subscribed I thought it was a meme or a shit post on all the channels asking for subs but no this was your first video very excited to see more

    Also female au ra here and was listening to the video and right as your talking about they are the first to die I'm like that's not me ( I proceed to die first 20 secs later ) maybe we die cause we listen to background stuff while playing idk just thought that was funny

  13. Femroe player chimin in of the Hellsguard variety b/c I love color scheme & their noses are adorable. I play them b/c they're a great balance of badass & tender. Their emotes can be "CHECK OUT MY 💪💪" to "Here's is the most dainty bow." Also-I'm a tank main, so getting my girl fitted in some sick armor is always the goal. :3

    I've surprisingly seen an uptick of femroes recently in the almost 10 years I've been playing. Certainly still a rare race but when we find each other; it's just a gathering of Big Ladies.

  14. The male au ra edgy stereotype is very amusing to me. Because I don't think I know a single edgy au ra, and I main one, 2 of my company-mate are male au ra (one a omnicrafter, another a healer main). Also, the stereotype is applied to male au ra no matter wich clan, but let be honest… the edgy one are always the xaelas one, and weirdly, they are the more vocal and visible. They're not so many of us around, and I guess Raen male au ra are like our race. Calm and doing our thing without bothering anyone. So the only vivible one are the occasionnal edgy Xaelas.

    Also… male viera are either fem-boy or women. I have stat to prove it. (sample size 16, we got 2 femboys and 14 women)

  15. If you had been here pre-ew then you would see a lot more catboys.. sadly their numbers took a DIVE because of male vieras. I know because I was a catboy once since 2.0 and I didn't race change until EW lol. I will say that as a male Viera main I am in fact a gay man but I am definitely not "girly" type lol. I am average at best? I pick neutral colors and fully armored things over anything else.

    As for hrogthar comment, you aren't wrong. I feel anyone playing them is a legit serious player because I have not meant one that is neither rude nor bad at this game. This is why I like hanging out with them, they are very down-to-earth and chill.

  16. femroe here. it depends on the server. I am on Primal Ultros and we are known for the Roes. we have more than most servers combined. also thank you for proving a point for me. I have a thing for Hraothgars❤. It has become a joke with my friends that I can't get a Hraothgar yo notice me. like I have literally walked in to a group of 5 talking and joined it. they would not acknowledge my presence. which is weird because I get dirty PMs all day from Femroe simps., but yall kittens can't see us XD

  17. You're not wrong about male catboys, I actually started out as one, but honestly I didn't know what I was doing for appearance. I made my catboy have a lion tail, fluffed out dark gray hair with white highlights, and even gave him dark eyes with a glowing silver rings for irises. Turns out that some hrothgar share similar asthetics, I just went with labeling my catboy as a hybrid with a lion daddy

  18. While currently as a highlander right now, my best friend's character originally was a green themed Male Miqo'te he can be shy naturally at first but yeah.

    Ion contrast am a blue themed Female Miqo'te because I love blue. XD

  19. You have to be on the wrong server if you don't see alot of male miqote. And they can be very mischievous, cool, humble and/or..loud. Femqotes get ALOT of attention…u have to not be paying attention to this 🤣🤣🤣

    You sound like you're on a quiet server. Male Roes are very talkative and boisterous. Some are quiet and esteemed. Fem Roes are low in count but higher than they used to be. They are definitely dommy mommy and talkative but outwardly humble

    Most male viera are girls irl 🤣🤣🤣 and they are horny, nice, or just in love with their viera in cute way. All fem Buns are not horny but can come off playful, humble or flirty.

  20. I play Fem Roe! People say I'm pretty good at this game but I'm usually convinced they're just kinda, saying it cuz my character is hot. I usually wear stuff that covers my character's body and face, so you can't ever really see what she looks like under the mask.

    I guess if you're looking for other info on me, er… I've got every combat class at 90 and I don't really play the game all that often! Spot on with the liking big wamen though. Sharp is so freaking pretty.

  21. This man flexing on us other hrothgar players saying he gets daily dm's complimenting his character.

    I'm not jealous or anything idk what you're talking about

    Good video, though for real i was subbed before it ended. Can't wait to see more of your content! 😄

  22. I'm also currently a fem'ra. I'm either hyper extroverted or hyper to myself. Ppl do think im like super nice and uwu and I guess I am and come off that way XD other fem'ra I know are cute/edgy/weird/ bitchy/boujie. Combinations of these. But I'm also a fem bunny and will be swapping back at some point. Everyone thinks I'm super outgoing and bouncy but I do like being to myself too. Maybe I'm horny but I far more playful.

    Femviera fits me i think but I like the dark, cute somewhat gothy side of being aura that I express myself thru.

  23. Im an a avid enjoyer of fem mi'qote and fem au'ra i usually run a year with one then another year with the other as of now im still an au'ra and i dont really feel like losing my little girl right now.

    I would love to sport me a bunny girl but the fact that you cant use most headpieces is such a turn off 🙁

    Im a glamourer i strive to achieve the perfect look for every occasion and my heart swells whenever i find the perfect dye shade for my ideas so as of now im enjoying the true endgame of xiv 🤣… That and doing ilegal shit to get the perfect pose for my screenshots


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