Third party tools are so much worse than I ever imagined. I am desperately begging for Square Enix to help. This is so much worse than I thought. This is so beyond over the line what I’ve seen. HELP PLEASE!!!!!!

Official Article Link: https://eu.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/topics/detail/68f4c4d3bdea34f732ee8db3425122b8b8d6ec3b

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#FFXIV #FF14 #FinalFantasyXIV

0:00 These are destroying FFXIV
0:59 As a decade long FF14 Player I am VERY UPSET
1:41 What I’ve learned
2:46 One button rotations
3:34 Hacks to clear entire fights for you
5:00 This is outrageous
6:00 Every single raider should be mad at this
6:46 Bots for every aspect of the game
7:27 PvP is ruined by hackers
10:20 NEED SE to address these hackers and bots

You probably haven’t seen or heard of barely anything yet. Hold onto your glutes solid snake because this is about to get hella messy really fast. It is my heartfelt hope that square enix does something against the frankly outrageous rampant hacking and botting I am going to talk about in this video because this genuinely will dismantle this game if allowed to fester. You thought showing a DPS tool on stream was bad? That doesn’t hold a candle to what I’ve unfortunately now seen.

To be clear, all third party tools are explicitly against the terms of service so don’t use them and I outright discourage their use and no names of these tools will be given. Bans have been issued for tool usage already.

So as a player of this game for a decade, who loves this game, I’m making this video more as a cry out for help than anything else. I expect this video to honestly do poorly and get a thousand views if lucky since we have people somehow still blasting out posts about parsing tools which are the lowest of all my concerns. But I love final fantasy 14 and this needs to be spoken about.

Hey guy’s it’s yo boi evyx.

So people have been getting banned for user interface addons and the like because third party tools are against the terms of service. Not my place to say whether this is valid or not, I’m a very simple basic boring guy who the heck am I to say I don’t think I myself or my opinion is that important. However User interface addons are nothing compared to the world of absolute degeneracy I’ve unfortunately been subjected to because for both better and worse yes I really do read my youtube comments, twitter and discord direct messages.

This lead me to reddit posts, multiple websites, video demonstrations, brand new video commentary and much more– of which I am of course not going to say the name of any of these third party tools.

To be frank, if you use these I genuinely think you’re destroying the game.

Let’s start off lightly, one reddit post was a one button macro for both summoner and dragoon where the poster actually clearly demonstrates that it’s highly effective and results in extremely high top end parses. Which to be frank I find demoralizing to see as someone who loves both dragoon and summoner– in case anyone forgot I am that guy that did that over 1 hour in depth guide to shadowbringers summoner with over 100 and so yeah I find that really demoralizing to see someone boil it down to spamming a single button nonstop to great effect.

What if I told you that there are tools to show telegraphs on boss attacks? Yeah that gif that was flying around twitter. That is outrageous and impossible right? Must be falsified? Apparently that isn’t the case. To my horror there are multiple packages that can be combined together to completely show all telegraphs, other addons that can do callouts to exact locations which this creator stated was not properly set up on their end and much more.

So in what world is this okay? How is this not insane and why is no one speaking up about this?
So this creator demonstrated on P1S that they can stop pressing any rotational buttons, including potions, be shown telegraphs and spoon fed information on where to exactly go step by step mechanic by mechanic, and no not just callouts that a raid leader can issue– this goes way beyond that. This all combined together to trivialize the content and landed them with an 84th percentile parse.

I don’t know how anyone could turn a blind eye to this and not be frustrated. This genuinely made me upset to see.

That isn’t even getting into the absolute torrential downpour of bots to bot prettymuch anything and everything. MSQ? Botted. Marketboards? Botted. And to be clear the marketboard bots makes a lot of sense– on Gilgamesh


40 thoughts on “FFXIV Third-Party Tools HAVE GONE TOO FAR!”

  1. I told people this is cheating and I really don't get how they manage to use mental gymnastics to defend this. Either way Square Enix not going to change their mind, so for those who don't like it, tough. Hope you're doing good though, Cole 🙂

  2. You have only squenix's approach to class design to blame for the 1 button rotations. It's only possible after the summoner rework which dumbed down the job completely.
    I've seen summoner dumbed down to 1 button using only what squenix provided with their macro functionality. (well 2 buttons since one is for aoe, another is for st)

  3. Another example of a PvP cheat is one game on Aether in which the very SECOND my LB filled and I heard the sound telling me that, one melee and a white mage gap closed to me and chain stunned IMMEDIATELY, keep in mind that 2 seconds prior to this, neither had been targeting me! I was strafing on the side keeping a low mp ranged enemy busy and they were focusing on completely different teammates inside the crystal. It happened so insanely quickly I couldn’t even be entirely sure which players were the ones who jumped on me with what can only be described as bot speed, and which just piled on after with normal player time reaction for the assist count. It happened a second time in the same match, the white mage immediately using imp on me and a samurai rush+stunning me the exact second my LB bar filled. Not when it was about to be full preemptively, and not because I was focusing them directly, rather almost automatic at the very moment it filled. 

    It was so obvious but it’s not like I’m a streamer who records every match and can verify what happened to others, so how can I even report it with full confidence? I mean, it was pretty obvious for two of them, but still, I don’t want to risk having a record of making unfounded/unprovable accusations when I do come across legitimate harassment I need to report to SE and have them take it seriously.

    I’ve seen way crazier shit than this, I’m talking unguarded dragoon lb level damage to 4 teammates in the first 10 seconds of engaging… and a second time when they respawned, again 3 collapsed all at the same time, before ANY enemy had their LB. No LB throughout this entire match, that’s how insanely fast it was. I only lived through both ridiculously obvious cheating moments because I was a little farther out on bard. The dragoon on my team and I stayed in the instance for a full minute after the match just staring at the stats, trying to make any sort of plausible sense out of the numbers, of which there was none. But it’s honestly so difficult to tell who was doing what and who just got completely carried by cheaters in an rng matchup. The battle log is so incredibly useless and difficult to even scroll through. The number one thing I would request SE add to their interface is a death recap… please Yoshi P can I just have a little basic information, as a treat.

  4. The laughable part is, these tools will do every type of mental and verbal gymnastics to try to justify this sort of thing and tell you to mind your own business. I hate to say it, but I think they're going to need a solid detection system and a merciless punishment system. I really wish it wasn't the case but I'd rather lose the innocuous stuff that is just QOL than watch what these people will turn the entire game into if left untouched. Unfortunately, the player base can't do a thing about it. The developers have to make the hard call and handle it.

    There are people out there making money off of these cheats and there will never be a shortage of whiny kids that are bad at the game and allergic to self improvement willing to pay for "success". This is in no way, shape, or form a self correcting issue.

  5. Yea, I have to side with this as cheating. I mean sure you still have to move and press some buttons yourself, but that still the same as cheating on a school test where you have all the answers and just have to fill them in.

  6. Kinda sucks that aesthetic mods fall into these cheating category despite being potentially harmless. The Raid /PVP bots are pretty BS and completely ruins the teamwork made to accomplish said raid. :T

  7. They're going to ruin the game. These are the people steeamers need to be calling out, not the Devs and TOS, this is why the TOS is gonna get tighter and they're gonna eventually add in some cheat detection software so we won't even be able to have completely harmless things like move animation mods or something. It's out of control, the community has to look at itself, they're ruining the new PvP mode and getting these titles when they didn't actually earn any of it, it's pathetic, people that use these things are pathetic and I'd love to see what they'd say if a streamer got petty and started calling them out by name on stream because I guarantee they're not gonna feel proud about those achievements and act like the best of the best then.

  8. Crystal PvP is to the point where a white mage can poly a dragoon mid-LB. I have to hide before I use it just in case somebody is running a tool that nullifies my LB 3 times in a row.

  9. lumping cheating in with third party tools like act, nice. fueling the war anhd dividing the playerbase. I love it… this game is long overdue for a civil war amongst the community.

  10. I understand the cheating and all that. But I had a couple buddies literally have the "FFXIV Community Patrol" show up in their stream chats requesting the streamer to press Escape to prove that they weren't using 3rd party tools. Where I do find this funny, when does this cross the line between the streamer using addons, to the streamer using HUD/non game changing addons getting harassed by the community?

  11. I guess i'm getting used to that most people need Triggers other 3rd Party Software to clear content. I'm not getting mad anymore, but i think really low of those people.
    The Telegraph Plugin is Cheating and well imagine you are so bad in the Game that you need Bots and Cheats. KEKW

    I knew of it since my TEA Prog in 2019 and thought… WTF…?
    That's why i wouldn't mind when SE prepares to get rid of all 3rd Party Software. It's only fair when everything get's disabled. I don't care of ingame Limitations.
    Either you like the Game as it is or you quit. That's what i think.

  12. I dont understand the logic of these people, you pay to play a game but you want the game to play itself, if the tasks in the game are that much mundain to you that you need to go out of your way to waste time to get a thing that's gonna help you progress on a game that's meant for wasting time on it either way, why even fucking bother to play the game in the first place all you're doing is literately hurting the game ?? all because you want your pixels to do higher number and get an ego boost over internet points that no one gives a flying fuck about, to the long term vets that probably got banned, i hope it was worth losing your accounts you had since ARR. now if you can do humanity a favor and ban yourselves from life by f'in yourselves off the internet.

  13. I'm new to the game and have only cleared p1s-p4s and I can't really care less about all this all I use is cactbot I still play the game myself, it's nice for helping see mechs, if these people want to just press WASD who cares? Sounds boring as fuck tbh. I had raid frames in wow as well it's really not that big of a deal. The pvp and market board bots are annoying for sure but a bot raiding for you is just sad. And bringing up parse seems like a mute point isn't that also against terms of service? So why pay attention to it at all lol

  14. What is the point of playing/raiding if you're not even going to do the fight??? Here I am thinking that people are just ranting over ACT, the people being toxic with it, as well as the PVP botting, but these add-ons make my blood boil ngl.

    Using ACT triggers to call out mechanics, sure, learning tool, that can be argued there. A program that allows you to see telegraphs instead of learning their shape after watching the mechanics? Not gonna fly…

  15. I dont see it annoying at all, i raid for funn not for challenge.

    Also 3rd party tolls should be allowed, if its for console players then some ppl like me play with 300ping and guss what we got?, rpr (mch 2.0) unplayable without xivloader.

  16. This is the issue with people not understandng about the bans. Unfortunately small things like dps trackers lead into big cheats and square Enix has the rules set in place for a reason. What level can we say it's ok or not ok. Square Enix does not have to research 3rd party softwares. There job is to ban people breaking the rules. That's it.

  17. Cheating in this game has been getting worse and worse over the years. I know Yoshi doesn’t want to add anti cheat but I am in favor of it. I don’t care if we lose the ability use third party tools entirely including the innocuous items. People cheating in pvp for what?? Adventurer plate rewards? What if there was actually highly desired rewards still in ranked placement? I know people on my server that literally gather and craft 24/7 for months on end using a bot. Literally a previous fc leader that I used to be a part of openly told people he funded the company by botting. And then there’s cheating going on to trivialize high-end battle content. Yea, it’s fucked. The main issue isn’t the people throwing on act overlay or an extra hud element for quality of life. The problem is the blatant cheating in areas of the game that directly affect other players and/or trivialize content.

  18. Yeah, I am starting to see a lot of tanks with "perfect Legend" title and other ult titles at level 90 not AOE on tanks to keep hate. They got so use to bots they have no idea how to play at all and I am forced to carry them so this is how it is taking away from people. I hope that with SE's new budget they can hire a bot hunting team or more people to review reports. It took 3 days for a GM to get back at me but they did thank me for the evidence. I think one of the problems is we are filling out the reports wrong. I use to delete everything then type what I saw, but when i filled it out line by line that is when it took 3 days. The report I did before took over a week, so the easier it is for the devs to understand our reports the faster they can get through them.

  19. Dude take a stand get some balls. If you don't think you are important or your option you wouldn't be making this videos. Why gay people do this? Know your value and don't be afraid to speak up.
    As a fellow gay man why we do this? Why we think we are no worthy? Snap out of it.

  20. Seriously, this crap is just garbage and the people using them doesn’t realize or care how much this flies in the face of people, like me, who play the game as it should. I don’t do high-end raids because I know I’m not that good. That said, I can’t conceive of using something like these and thinking that “I’m so good”.

  21. This is what I was saying when ppl were blaming console players for the game “going downhill” (yes I had someone on Twitter tell me that, even though 14 has been cross platform since day one).

    You can blame console players all you want but at the end of the day blatant cheating and 3rd party tools like these examples are why SE is coming down hard on them. The whole “it’s console players & their weaker machines fault” & “SE needs to improve their QoL” isn’t the issue it’s literally the fact that ppl are slowly but surely being run out of PVP b/c of bots, it’s streamers not even trying to hide add-ons during their streams. And now Square & Yoshi P have to take action because it’s too much.

  22. Hey another 3rd party tool video…yay….not that they are almost everywhere now .. God this dramatizing is so annoying. Yes delete pvp bots 100%, pure unfairness against me but pve? Dude I'm happy if there are good (or botting) players in my weekly savage runs. Idc aslong as they make my savage experience nicer and faster instead of inting me as a 11% dps Samurai and therefore loosing to the damage check of the boss lol

  23. This stuff is inevitable. Especially with SE's stance on anti-cheat software. Best to just accept the fact that people gonna cheat. Even if they found a way to block all the addons, people with just go to a 3rd party website and buy a kill.

  24. The corruption is quite evident in pvp. One phenomenon that gets less air time but is especially relevant in fighting games is the ability to influence the inputs of other players as well. This includes (in 14) tools like forcing a player to target incorrectly or forced self targeting. Not sure why anyone would use it in a raid but it is worth a mention. The cure is coming.

  25. makes me feel like, if playing the game needs such stuff, whats the point of playing then?? there's just no satisfaction or pride in doing such underhanded things…

  26. The assertion that streamers or youtubers somehow deserve more leniency to use addons, or that the bans imposed on them should be postponed to a later date when it won't negatively affect their DSR prog is ridiculous and just reeks of entitlement. Stop patting yourselves on the back about how your content brings people to the game and stop thinking you deserve extra privileges for any reason.

    It's also kind of funny that a lot of the loudest voices with respect to addons are the biggest causes of parsing-Andy culture infecting this game, yet they need training wheel mods to simplify content to achieve those parses.


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