Endwalker is the Worst FFXIV Expansion I have played by Zepla HQ | React

Kaiyoko reacts to Endwalker is the Worst FFXIV Expansion I have played by Zepla HQ

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#kaiyoko #vtuber #react


End Card Art | https://twitter.com/daikazoku63
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End Card Music – Lofi (Eternal Wind) by Pokari | https://www.youtube.com/c/PokariBass


16 thoughts on “Endwalker is the Worst FFXIV Expansion I have played by Zepla HQ | React”

  1. Kinda feel like they might have gotten lotta bad reception to Eureka and Bojza with feedback so kinda dropped its priority.
    Tbh I don't miss it at all because it felt as mindless as sanctuary grinding but can see how more social people might lol
    Edit: thinking back, they did kinda say they wanted game to be a bit more solo friendly when talking about trusts and that just expanded to a whole expansion I guess.

  2. My opinion: SE and FFXIV hard focused on catering towards new players and endgame ultimate raiders. Midcore content that doesn't have rng elements, but has gradual and definitive results with time and effort from the players in mind is what is needed. Relic is an embarrassment, Critirion's reward structure is non-existent. Deep dungeon is the only thing that was somewhat decent. I stopped playing to the point of losing my personal house. I don't even know if I'll ever return in this expansion, or ever again.

  3. The amount of misinformation I see some of your chatters give about eureka/bozja is just staggering, like someone mentioned the first part of the bozja relic was getting 180 parts?? like what? nowhere in there did you need 180 parts for 1 relic, the first step is literally a 1000 poetic grind for 4 thavnairian scalepowders, which they gave 4 powders FOR FREE for doing the quest and was only needed if you were going for a 2nd relic. That's 17 classes – 1 (for free) x 4 powders = 68 total. And it was poetics, not the middle uncapped tomestone. Also if you at any point need more than 20 of something, you are going for ALL relics, not ONE.

    I swear, some people don't want this to be an MMO at all and throw a temper-tantrum whenever it is >_>

  4. This happens every expansion where someone is not happy with what the devs do for said expansion, I remember this every expansion especially people crapping on stormblood.

    I have been playing since 1.0 and I have seen all the ups and downs of the game, while I would agree the endwalker content is lacking somewhat I am always busy playing ffxiv so much that I sometimes get a bit burnt out.

    I love the game so much and been here so long that unless they crap on the story and all the side content I will still be here playing daily.

    However at the same time I do not want ffxiv to be come like ffxi I quit ffxi due to how it was structure and the way that everything was relant on groups for everything, a blance must be kept otherwise it will lead to people leaving, but again its hard to please everyone.

    Sometimes it feels like the people that are the longest and oldest players end up jaded, for me when I get that way I take a break and play something else or do something different in ffxiv, I mean I do not know about others but I really do not want to be play more than 6 hours each day in ffxiv unless its something I am really enjoy, I do all events, pvp series (every patch) msq, all relics, tribe grinds and raiding along with island and weekly resets along with hunt trains, treasure map runs and rping.

    I can see someone that plays too much burning out or lose interest especially if it not content they are use to or lack there of, I am personally happy with this expansion, to be honest I have seen every iteration of the relic grind each expansion and while this one might be a bit too simple it means I can relax to do something else which I was not able to do last expansion or the expansion before that.

    I am not a fan of long grinds (looking at you eureka and bozja) or the pvp series but as a collector i feel objurgated to do it even though I do not enjoy it, as the same I time I know there are though out there that love it and while I dislike it I never been one to say remove content I dislike but again I been here for a very long time far longer then most.

    At the end of the day all of us having our own reasons for playing the game and I can only hope that the devs can do something to make the hardcore players more happy be that more that more ultimas and long drawn out grinds…. or even harder content

    For those not are not happy if they feel the game is not giving what they want go to do something else you enjoy and come back when they had time to rest or feel the game is back where they feel it should be… After all this is a game and if they are not having fun or feel joy then they should do something else, but by all means they should give constructive criticism for the devs so that they can improve the game for the future in hopes it give thing that would make them happy

  5. the issue with 14 is that they are just so ok with letting you go and not giving you an incentive to come back and the main issue i feel is that its a sub based mmo and theres other mmos or games in general out there that are buy to play and thats it or just flat out free and for 14 you need to buy the game buy the expantions and buy a sub to play it so why would you when other games offer you just as much if not more for way less of a price

  6. To add to my previous comment
    While before I was on the side of "they are working on 16 atm it Wil go back to normal once thy are done", this is a big amount of copium because if this was the case things will only get worse because they got 2 dlcs AND the PC port itself so at this point I'm pretty sure that ff16 has its own team and some people from 14 later moved in to supervise it or work on certain things

  7. As someone who started playing during 6.0, part of me is kind of glad that EW's patch cycle was more low key as it allowed me to get eased in to how endgame works in FF14 more easily.
    As for how it was made more low key, I think it's because the devs focused quite a bit of time on polishing older parts of the game (Duty Support for pre-ShB MSQ dungeons; PvP rework; etc) and on experimental new content that doesn't have much of a grind attached to them (Island Sanctuary and Variant Dungeons). And I wouldn't call either of those bad, just that it doesn't add much for people who want to keep playing ad infinitum.

    Also, if they decide to add a new Exploratory Zone to DT… I hope it's future proofed better, because progressing in Bozja was an ABSOLUTE PAIN.

  8. the issue is zepla speak only to a small minority of player the midcores to hardcore ( most hardcore like this expantion or are simple burn out of raiding) who arent even 10% of the playerbase when the mayority of the playrs in game are casual,solo and rp players so when she demand that the content given is 50/50 to all that just bs .

  9. While i do agree with you the MSQ isnt the key issue- i think its a valid talking point when people are suggesting "Heavensward was worse" because from an MSQ standpoint – the post patch content had us on the edge of our seats and it was a reason many of my friends came back and resubbed. Everyone wanted to try and get the scions to return, everyone wanted to end the dragonsong war and whether or not we could save estinien, everyone wanted to know what was up with those warriors of darkness assholes and their mysterious co-conspirator who we all clocked to be urianger but wanted it confirmed (as stupid as that was in retrospect, we actually bought none of the scions had seen the top part of his face before??) I think the fact that there is no social aspect, and the msq sucks and for veteran players theres no real draw that makes us feel both valued by square enix and gives us a reason to continue. Newer players still have tons of old content to do – and i love that for them, but those of us who did it all years ago, and no one wants to do the new content being added/theres no real reason to do it with your friends means all our long-time friends are like "Okay thanks but i think im done until they give me a reason to come back" I was happy raiding but when we stopped im like "what is there?" not a whole lot.

    And i feel like im being held hostage/punished into staying subbed to keep my house/FC house – when in ARR i was rewarded for staying subbed by being given veteran rewards, etc. Now they're like "Oh that cool mount you saw? Give us 50 dollars for it on top of your sub" They said they'd things to the game instead of veteran rewards because it was getting ridiculous how long you had to sub for to get items – BUT they never really did that. I feel like a long way to say "hey thanks for playing" would actually be to do what ESO does and allow you to spend your achievement points in the cash shop, that way you can be like "Okay i am being rewarded for the time and money i spend playing this game and engaging with its content" – encouraging you to do the achievements that require you to repeat content, help new players etc.

  10. To me this relic being tied to Tomestones is a good thing, because 5 years from now if someone says "I want that Majestic Manderville skin for my Weapon" he can farm some damn poetics and get it BOOM !! Can the same be said for Bozja and Eureka which are dead as ** ? Yes any streamer regrdless of how small will have at least half a dozen or more simps running around with them and they can probably get it, but some random player that is new wont have that, and unless his FC WANTS to humor him and help him with content they now consider beneath them, he wont be getting those old relics.

    Dont get me started on the ARR one, *never even attempted the HW one, so cant comment"… The fact that the devs said "play only content you like" and yet one of the steps of the ARR relic involves crafter/gatherer BS it infuriating, I gave up on both Bravura and Gae Bolg as soon as I got to that step… Maybe it could be market board'd, but I refuse to pay millions to some fat cat for ingredients… keep the DoH/DoL crap stuff towards their own relics… let the combat classes only focus on COMBAT for relics…. I would rather grind CT, or even lame fates, or anything but crafting and gathering.. or deep dungoens, boy do I hate PotD and HoH….

  11. I'll never understand this "I don't want to be FORCED to grind for a relic" mindset. People act as if relics aren't entirely optional content that you never even have to look at to enjoy the game. The grind was never "forced" onto anyone.

  12. Personally I have been enjoying the patch MSQ but I do agree with the sentiment I've seen a couple friends mention before, that if you never played FF4 or cared about it, then this current story can feel either kind of dull or confusing. I saw the exact same reactions happen with the Ivalice/FFTactics and Nier raids, but these were side content and not MSQ so it wasn't that big of a deal.

  13. In my HONEST final opinion…I really reallllly hate to say it, but I feel like because of how the game was received, because 1.0 was a failure that almost cost SE…basically everything including their reputation, the devs and team really tip-toe around the community. They REALLY really cater to different sectors of players at random times for random reasons…and that sort of sucks. I get it, they have received an absolute crap ton of feedback on everything, but they have seemed to lose sight of the middle-ground on a lot of things, and I am not saying they have completely missed the mark, however..I think they dipped too far to one side or the other on things that truly keep the players engaged.

    I am holding out hope that EW was a bridge expansion, that we sort of tied up the 10 year story that has made this game so great, and now we are moving into something new, it happens, MMOs go into these eras, they truly do. Also, Covid…FFXVI…I mean this business team and the devs were spread VERY very thin for years, I think that people are not truly looking at the context of what may have caused the game to be this way.

    I think the doomsaying is a lot, I think people who have grinded this game for a decade are upset and loud, and nobody really is mad, they are just kind of, stagnant for the most part.

    Edit: and also the "Dawntrail just looks like a summer vacation idk I dont have hope" have y'all never heard of marketing? Of story arcs and narrative? This is FINAL FANTASY for fucks sake…I shouldn't even need to explain myself further.

    ALSO Warlords of Draenor chatter…WoD SUCKED, but Legion low-key slapped so…idk, I'm kind of hopeful but not jumping into the copium pit of 7.x


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