Three dooms to unmake all we were.
Full Endwalker playlist here:
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FINAL FANTASY XIV © 2010-2022 SQUARE ENIX CO., LTD. All Rights Reserved.
I love how original and the wide range of instruments the music team for FFXIV is.
bro im so glad i found your channel the quality of these are great
Probably my favourite song in Endwalker. This song just carries so much emotion in every direction. Past,present, future. The second you hear it, you know you are fucked. And the choir. * Italian kiss*
This song is so haunting. Everytime it came up you knew shit was getting real. I love it!
I'm not the only one reminded of "Those Chosen by the Planet" from FFVII, right?
I love every cutscene with this music but…1:21 "there we shall sing our chorus ever louder and ever clearer" is something else. <3