Zepla's thoughts on a New Housing System in FFXIV

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20 thoughts on “Zepla's thoughts on a New Housing System in FFXIV”

  1. i really hope island sanctuaries will be instanced housing, or they expand upon the apartments. every time new housing wards get added they all disappear within an hour on my server.
    i imagine that all of the new houses will be taken after the first lottery. if you have a bunch of characters you can bypass the 1 lottery per cycle by just bidding on all your characters.

  2. Chat: "you should wait until the end of the lottery to see how many people are participating"

    Players: all players wait until the end so now 100 people are still participating… just all at the end

    Basically waiting changes nothing if everyone decides to wait….

  3. I got a private estate back in the day. I honestly didnt think it would happen with all the bots. But Gods be good. I got ward 1 Plot 2 in Lav beds on my server Q.Q
    A few months later when I opened an FC house. I thought i could just convert my Personal house to an FC one. And Cried when I realized i couldnt….

  4. What they need to do is just make FC housing in an instanced part of the zone like Apartments, because really the only point of having an FC property is access to the Airship/Submarine system, this would free up many many many many plots for individuals…as it should be. The vast majority of players in FCs aren't even given the ability to decorate the houses anyway, most FCs keep that locked behind higher ranks and accessible to only a few trusted people.

    There I just fixed housing.

  5. I dunno why ppl sat there clicking. I just maccro my mouse to do it for me and go to bed lo. Woke up to a house twice.

    Everyone else did it and no one was getting banned. Some got angry…but they had to yell at me in my new house from outside 🙂

  6. This new system is awful. You don't get picked once for Ishgard, you lose the chance completely for every lot. Before you can do things to increase your chances, now it's all WoW style RNG. Bad move.

  7. Can't even win with a 99 now. The winning number is random too. The time you actually do get a 99 you'll lose to a 1 and so forth. Good luck to those still trying to get a house. Looks like a Jumbo Cactpot housing edition nightmare.

  8. Man, I've seen too many examples of hoarding when it comes to housing or really any limited resource in MMOs, its really disheartening when you are looking for a plot and find out that 80% of the zone is owned by the same account.
    (I didnt know this happened in XIV too)
    Restrict everyone to 1 plot per account or FC and force anyone with more than 1 currently owned to choose one of their plots before releasing the rest. Its not fair otherwise.
    Aside from that the new system looks good, I might even try to buy a house now.

  9. Honestly thinking the prices should be higher, like double of what they are, thatd also make for more costly penalties. I've seen people having 120m gil+ after like 2 months of playing, 3mil for a small house is a joke.

  10. I had already visited and decided in which potential plots I was interested, but now I'm just confused….
    Wait–how was anyone buying more than one house/hording? I thought only one per account was allowed.


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