Today we’re reacting to the FFXIV 6.1 Trailer and Zepla’s Recap of the 6.1 Patch. Super Hyped, can’t wait!
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Criterion Dungeons dont come till 6.2.
Just FYI
He lives!
The music for the Alliance Raid 😲😍😍
My best friend and I are both playing ff. Thank you ruri you are one of the reason we trying
Might have to jump back in.
8:48 @Ruri its all the Role Quests main npc's so its prob the quests for when you do all of them
21:20 I don't think the squad mechanic would help a lot. Assuming you mean GC Squadron you do unlock it near the end of ARR since promotion to last tier requires you to clear the quest with Aurum Vale Clear (level 47). By that time you don't exactly have MSQ Dungeons to fulfill aside from Two final ones.
38:20 I agree with being dependent on healers in general but having your major survivability tool entirely dependent on them isn't a good idea. Idea of Invincibility buttons stands in exact opposite of dependence on healer. Their duration by definition should allow healer to NOT focus on you and Living Dead does the exact opposite by forcing healer to pour their resources on you even more.