Dawntrail Dungeons are NOT too hard | Serenaya Reacts to FFXIV Forums

Do not harass anyone shown in this thread.

Despite my abrasive tone, I do genuinely believe that anyone can improve and rise to a challenge. Choosing not to however, gives you no right to complain.

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21 thoughts on “Dawntrail Dungeons are NOT too hard | Serenaya Reacts to FFXIV Forums”

  1. I got held hostage by a SCH + Reaper in Alexandria first boss yesterday, they somehow made it that far with the reaper not even knowing enshroud was a thing and SCH not knowing what a stack marker was and running away from it/running away with it everytime. Declined Vote abandoned, held me for 40 minutes before I just decided to leave and take my penalty. If anything, previous dungeons should be harder cause it should not be possible to make it that far in the game with so little knowledge

  2. I got tired of raiding in WoW started FFXIV when ARR launched. I've never done savage and only completed a handful of EX trials before deciding that they weren't worth the time investment for me. I had no problem clearing the MSQ dungeons with Trusts. This isn't even a skill issue. These fights don't even have enrages and you can literally clear them (as a dps job) by only performing mechanics. If you can't do this, just watch a movie. Games aren't for you.

  3. ain't no way anyone struggling so much with the new dungeons has cleared any kind of savage in the past..lol
    dude must have wiped to the poison boss doing the arm mechanic on left or right..LOL

  4. This person must have never seen "WOW Grandma" a literal 82 year old woman who plays WOW (including the Mythic bosses) how can you be at that level but then can't do a regular dungeon? Get outta here xD

  5. The funniest thing tome is that I'm an okay player, i think I am probably better than i give myself credit for. Hilariously, one of the best players I play with currently has no limbs. I know he is better than me, and when I am struggling with a mechanic, i just ask him for advice or callouts, and it helps cover my mistakes.

    If he can do it, others can, and they can find ways to compensate to make up for certain deficiencies.

    As for the anxiety bit, i get it. Back in heavensward, i forced myself to learn tank and got super used to tanking for randoms, getting back into the game. I am getting that tank anxiety again. My solution has been to run new content as dps to get used to it or just invite a friend. Even if i run into the rare jerk (and for me that stuff sticks, and i haven't found my way to deal with it yet and need to step back sometimes and often seek external influence to get me to not hyper focus on waht they say. Having a single person who i know is on my side helps immensely (peaky friends and social connections again!))

    If your anxiety ever gets to the point where you can't do anything and you freeze up for months. Genuinely and in the best possible way, go to therapy. That is such a hard way to live life, and even then, certain activities may not be for you.

    For example, I had to drop multiplayers RTS games cause i ended every match hyper shakey from overstimualtion. I am diagnosed autistic and for some reason, i get hyper aware in those types of games in an unpleasant way, so i enjoy the single player formwhat it is and then maybe play some very casual slower paced matches with buddies and then watch pro games and stand in awe at what they can do. I just kind of accept that while maybe I could get that good, I wouldn't feel good forcing myself. So i take my joy where I can and try not to worry about what I can't do.

  6. Seems like people forgot Stormblood lmao, was exactly the same and it was great, then they started to dumb them down in ShB and then in EW each dungeon was a joke.

  7. It's always funny to see people comparing other difficult games with dark souls
    They're so wrong, they're not hard, they're game where you need to do your homework and learn, it's the fundamental of the game

    If they want to talk about hard game they can talk about monster hunter frontier or things like that
    But not souls game, they're not hard, just challenging

  8. I didn't find the dungeons or trials any more difficult than previous expansions, I found the Wuk Lamat solo fight more frustrating than any of the dungeons or trials (and even that only lasted until I learned her skills).

    I'm a pretty casual player as well, not a hardcore gamer.

  9. Bruh I knew this would happen. i predicted day 2 of early access that people would complain about the slight uptuck in difficulty of the MSQ. I consider myself the everyman casual. I wait to out level the previous EXes before I go farm. I don't do savage or ultimate, but I have attempted them.
    Vanguard HUMBLED me when I attempted to wall to wall the first time. I had to reevaluate my tanking a little then went back in and conquered it. I farm it for gear now XD.
    I guess my point is you have to blame yourself when you die and not the game. you will never improve if you blame the game and not your own fuckups. Try until it clicks and then you will be like : I get it. and then it wont be hard anymore.

  10. this ppl that said that they did savage know that we can look them up, right? :v
    i can literally see what they did and anyone who look at it will know what happened there :v

  11. Might sound harsh, but you can watch the entire MSQ cutscenes on youtube if moving your character is difficult gameplay. At the end of the day FFXIV is still a game lets not forget it. I think what these people hate is that you can actually fail which is unconceivable to them. Its the damn GW2 debate all over again where ArenaNet made the MSQ so damn easy that you literally cant fail in the story, Ive tried for fun and its impossible. Now they wanna do the same thing in FFXIV too. Basically make the game glorified movie becuz 1 out of 1000 has a super specific disability, so those the rest of 999 people have to stoop to that 1 persons level.

  12. I think that the dungeons are fine but here's one item: that first boss in Strayborough Deadwalk is annoying AF. Too many group wipes on that boss ime. But that's about it.

  13. I'm sorry, but doing the story dungeons with NPC duty support is ultra easy mode. They show you were to stand for mechanics, and unless you giga pull each trash pack, the healer can easily keep you up. Screaming that you are having difficulty with duty support probably means you are worse than a casual player. You're just an Andy and a bad one at best.


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