CROSSROADS | Zepla reviews FFXIV 7.1 Patch Content [Final Fantasy XIV: Dawntrail]

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Editor : TakSangre [Discord : taksangre]


30 thoughts on “CROSSROADS | Zepla reviews FFXIV 7.1 Patch Content [Final Fantasy XIV: Dawntrail]”

  1. I’m about to finished post ARR after having started the game on October 1st. I have completed every single blue quest and have just a few more MSQ quests and Coils then it’s off to Heavensward.
    Hildibrand quest felt really long to do but it was really fun and funny.

    Spent a total of 180 hours playing the game in 28 days. That may not be a lot for most people when it comes to MMOs but I’ve never played an MMO before and haven’t played an online game in over a decade. Loving the game btw. I played 22 Ff games in preparation for this game. Also I’ve had a fun time crafting and foraging/mining.
    I’m not even done with post ARR yet I’m still a level 68 Paladin. I do absolutely everything I come across.
    I’ll finally finish my playthrough of Metaphor ReFantazio before doing Heavensward.

  2. The moment I saw Wuk Lamat in the preview, I unsubscribed. I am not doing that experience again!

    Plus a friend gifted me War Within since they really wanted me back on WoW (since been gone since Legion's end), so will be hanging there a while till the MSQ sorts itself out.

  3. for me dawntrail was even worse than ARR too be honest. they need to fire that writer. it was insultingly bad, even lorebreakingly bad. it literaly just didnt make sense, the characters were 1 dimensional and lame, the pacing was awful and it was just really depressing. it felt lazy and cheap and they really ruined what could have been a cool concept with the endless. they cant do it again, it could have been so emotional if done right. me and my gf have been ranting together for hours about everything that was bad and how easily they could have made it better.

    theres not 1 memorable character or moment i can think of. theyre "fine" or "dont really care" at best to just annoyingly bad at worst.

    i actually disliked sphene more than wuk lamat. and zoraal ja was fucking dissapointing too.

    i really hope they can turn this around cause if this story doesnt pick up i might just be done after playing since 1.0 :/

  4. They did one thing right with the DT story! We all wanted to be Estinien because he had the REAL vacation! but nooooo! We had to deal with the kid (Wuk Lamat) trying to imitate us and following us around like a lost puppy, and cringing so hard while they fumbled around with the answer right in front of them.

    It would have been better to just follow Krile's story as the main plot point and Wuk's was the side plot.

  5. I hope 7.1 has an interesting story patch I mean it wasn't terrible but we could've done with characters being more downplayed and I really didn't like all this kubaiya and all that when I'm the frigging wol,,why do I got restrain myself and the final battle when we needed help? We didn't the only time that help was organically add and not majorly was Endwalkers Shadowbringers where Albert was our shard self so was cool and the scions helping a wayward comrade ok then the eden side quest because Gaia and ryne are besties but this one was forced and really didn't need to be added and it seemed the WOL taken a back seat while a NPC was the main character with a less than desirable personality

  6. When it comes to dawntrail i did like the storyline plot but what i didnt like was that we had to hold wuk lamet hand and guide her not to mention i feel that the warrior of light was place on the side lines. Not to mention when it comes to the scions i felt that they tried to fit them into the story but in some way and they should have place them on a break to develop their characters especially the twins so that we dont get bored with them in future expansions i felt that from my opinion graha and krile should have been the main focus of the story

  7. I genuinely don't get the Wuk Lamat hate. I feel like I hear a lot of stuff and a few people read some stuff into the events that weren't actually there and just inferred random stuff "sidelined WoL" being the most prominent and people just started parroting it. Like could we have done with a mostly new cast of Scions? Yes. The WoL's story being trivialized and Wuk Lamat being awful? Not so much.

  8. 24:36 So glad you brought this up. Very sad we're not getting a fully designed savage alliance raid . BA/DRS give that nostalgic mmo experience of big group content and actually RAIDING. There is alot of annoying stuff about doing them but for only once an expansion I think its fine. I was reallllllly looking forward to it and it's sad we're only going to recieve a 10 minute fight, that is designed to be repeated. Even if its fun I still wish we got something similiar to BA/DRS

  9. I just don't feel like they're giving us real "Quality" content anymore. Yoshi P has been constantly trying to pump up our expectations with new content that's coming out only for it to be a complete let-down. I am not surprised that the Alliance raid has just turned into "Fight a boss in a square/circle arena". It just feels like a slap in the face from what we were expecting. That's not an alliance raid, that is a 24 man trial. They need to put resources back into giving this game the polish it deserves. I don't see anything that's going to hold end-game veteran players over for the next 4.5 months to the next patch(es). I guess Yoshi P wasn't lying when he said we should play other games.

  10. I’m so sad about Dawntrail’s story. It felt like 30 hours of drawn out and yet somehow also condensed missed opportunities.

    I actually like Wuk Lamat’s character, but she was never challenged, and we spent too much time with her.

    Pacing was awful, so many things didn’t make sense, our WoL felt like a cardboard cutout with no personality, and there were just so many moments where I feel like I was internally screaming at my screen questioning why we weren’t reacting to the situation.

    I actually really loved post EW quests, even while they were fresh, and I feel like Zero was a way better example of the WoL taking the back seat for another character’s development and story.

    I am seriously praying for the post patches to be like Stormblood, and I’m looking forward to your Dawntrail video as well Zepla. 🙂

    Edit: oh, I was also so looking forward to a “beach episode” experience to hang out with our best buds and meet new buds and just have silly fun times, and that’s not at ALL what we got. Maybe in the post patches… 🥺

  11. I imagine Dawntrail is especially bad for players like me that joined at Endwalker. People that had played for years were ready for the "vacation" chapter, but I was just getting into it and felt a bit rug-pulled at the idea. I had expected basically Monster Hunter, where we'd compete with our fellow scions to kill exotic beasts with some playful banter. All the while a bigger story was slowly brewing in the background every few levels until exploding in the post-patch quests. Instead I was just a babysitter. Any emotion I should have felt was completely lost out of boredom and irritation. After the MSQ I felt no desire to play anymore which just sucks because I was really wowed by the game, I even enjoyed the post-EW quests.

    Then when the patch announcement video dropped my FC leader streamed it on discord and we all joined in. My entire FC except our leader had moved on to play the new WoW expansion (never thought I'd play that game again tbh) but we wanted to see if the new patch would be enticing to come back. As soon as they announced new MSQ and showed a screenshot of Wuk Lamat, our he ended the stream and asked if we had room for another raider in our WoW guild. We told him no because someone has to keep the FC house alive… rip.


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