this is the most pathetic display of simping in the Entire Underworld

btw, u can follow me on twitter for more cringe content uwu

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36 thoughts on “BUNNY✨BOY✨REVIEW | FFXIV”

  1. thanx yoshi-p for validating my own special flavor of degeneracy <3 now i am no longer at war with the cat girls

    speaking of cat girls. which jobs/races should i review first? :3c i'll prioritize suggestions

  2. wtb hangout session with Lucy Pyre because there's literally not a single fucking chance in all the hells i wouldn't lose my shit laughing as she gets distracted looking at her pretty boy mid raid fight

  3. I'm a straight guy and I still switched to Bunny boy, seriously no homo lol. My previous char was male Lalafell because other male races are either too boring or too edgy for me. I loved my character so much, he's adorable and strangely fit with all the cutscenes as the WoL … until I noticed how battle animations are much better with taller races. Like When I played as a Lalafell, 99% of the time all I could see was just a potato spinning rabidly. But, even that I still couldn't see any better option so I was content with my rabid potato.

    Then the 2002 calamity happened. I was so desperate to get any tiny glimpse of EW so I was playing around with EW benchmark and creating Bunny Boy for fun. Then the revelation hit me. Yeah, it's pretty and has the femboy energy, but it also has the best animations among male races!! It's not too edgy like cat boy and male Au Ra, but also not too boring and robotic like male human/Elezen. It's just perfect! Before I realized anything I had killed my Lalafell and became a Bunny Boy. I had a hard time trying to explain myself to my FC ._. but no regret!! 😀

  4. I really liked the part about cutscenes.
    I've done full arr and a half heavensward as catgirl and whenever the camera swapped on my face I awalys felt something odd. Same as Viera.
    The only face I can actaully see and "be pleased" about is one of the AuRa ones. The one who emits some kind of permanent melachony.
    I swear it's the only who which does not get weird from time to time xD.

    The only "flaw" i noticed is that, by replaying Heavenswards cutscenes i can't help but laugh when isghardians deeply thank me from slaying dragons while my happy scaly tail is there swingling innocently. It's a bit immersion-breaking because AuRa tribes have been notoriously slaughtered by Ishgard for their features and resemblance….and here they are thanking me for saving me.

    I know that the msq cannot change based on the race you're playing (exept a few exchanges here and there) but the thing remain.

    Anyway, as always nice vid!
    Enjoyed the cringy rap at the end :3


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