Parsing In FFXIV is a Disease

I’m sure this will be the one that creates more ripples.

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31 thoughts on “Parsing In FFXIV is a Disease”

  1. I play Ninja and Samurai cause weeb job. When I'm not doing fireball jutsu on Ninja or wind scarring with Samurai, I play tank and get rolled in Ala Mhigo doing the first wall to wall cause I didn't know my limits.

  2. I'm never a fan of the stereotypes that parsers get but they are mostly true until you reach around top 10 ranks. People always assume I'm toxic or try to invalidate my work but no, high rank parsers know crit is way too op and won't wipe the party over a gcd (we will land it though), and will not mald over comp if its a reclear. PLD and MCH were borderline unviable week 1 to the point if you brought both you were griefing and some groups with good players could not clear without switching out of PLD. Week 10 nobody cares cause gear and thankfully some buffs. And if we really do care whether for reclears or for parse we just make our own parties. Only weirdos join parties to complain

  3. This vid is so true, you could have made it about WoW without changing much beyond the background gameplay footage and the title and it'd still be the truest vid about this.

  4. It's not a surprise most people don't understand numbers. Especially statistics, which are hard to use correctly.
    And meta slaves deserve a special place in a gaming hell for sucking fun out of everything they touch.

  5. Seen people saying SAM is unplayable and I could only just laugh at them. Sure the changes aren't good and I don't see really any benefit from them but jesus it is still perfectly playable. Just because you're not hitting the big damage numbers doesn't mean it isn't playable you just played the class for a stupid ass reason if that was why you played it.

  6. What bums me out being a console player is I have no way of easily parsing without getting a friend who plays on PC to help out. To gatekeep people from statics based on fflogs alone or the absence of fflogs is imo wrong. Being consistent on mechanics, able to take and give constructive feedback, being chill and a good teamplayer goes longer than pumping out a few extra percent of dps. I have used parsers in many other mmos and they have their uses but to have a parse as a baseline criterion for even joining a group is irrelevant outside of speed kills and optimization runs.

  7. Yeah, I hear you. I main summoner casually and hearing people say "summoner doesn't do enough damage" and my thought is "really? First off what are you expecting and secondly I think they're fine". Half to 3/4 of their rotation is instant cast so very mobile, one of TWO dps with a rez, a shield they can toss on themselves to soak damage, one of the best damage buffs in the game since it lasts for 30 SECONDS!!!, And a respectable Regen with smoking phoenix and a Regen bomb that can heal a DPS on its own or help keep the tank up rather well…expecting for Monk or Reaper damage when they have all this going for them is a fools errand

  8. This may be the first Chair video EVER where I didn't have a single disagreement.

    As someone who's played a number of genuinely unbalanced multiplayer games over the years, where the best and worst characters are fucking leagues apart, it really pisses me off when FFXIV players fail to appreciate the fact that not only is every job viable, but EXTREMELY similar in their power levels. I'm not saying the game is perfect, but it's definitely balanced, at least compared to every other MMO I've ever played. The people getting hung up over fractions of percentages need to choke on the glue they guzzle.

  9. I heard every job is viable for all activities in the game, but also that some jobs are more optimal than other jobs. Is the "least viable choice" for every role still viable if the whole party plays that, or can the difference compared to a normal party composition be big enough to make any content unviable?

  10. 100% agreed
    The obsession with parsing that's pervaded the MMO space is extremely irritating.
    Optimization is one thing but parsing for percentiles is just brain sickness

  11. the only number i care about is ilvl cyuz easy number go up i go brrr and no matter what my self esteem will never suffer, also ive noticed that when the logs put in the analyser some tips they give like use your cds dont make sense (as a healer) like why would i use my assize when it comes off cooldown when everyone is full when in 20 seconds theres a raidwide. i get that the parse can be a good thing to see if you just cant clear the fight bc of pure damage but if u clear it who cares

  12. I am so glad to hear someone holds this exact same opinion
    I need to find more people with this outlook on parsing as a TOOL and GUIDE for bettering your play
    and not a LEADERBOARD to stroke your ego with.

  13. I don't understand why a development team who despises parsing and putting people down over numbers listens to those very people and impliment changes thinking this is healthy for the game.

  14. This video ended being some sort of dark hero arc with that of forcing s strats to new players. Specially in duty finder. Dude if you're on p1s on a Monday you Don get to impose anything but dd strat, at that point you might not even find more/bettrr people to clear. Just do it, who cares about the parse of a single tank

  15. Parse actually made me a better player. Back on the good old ARR days I didn't realize how big of a turbo casual I was. Then when you get it and realize you're doing terrible. It helped me go out and try to learn jobs better. A lot of players are in the same boat of not know how they're doing terrible. But I just keep it to myself and laugh. Do I have a lvl 90 ninja in my party that just slams his melee combo? Adda boy !! 🤣

  16. I've heard this argument before but despite being involved in raiding for 7 years including several server first clears I've known only a handful of these sorts of people. The only one I actually raided with was a DRG who we kicked because he willfully wiped us after messing up his rotation on o12s.

    If you're hearing this a lot you're hanging around with a very specific subset of people and just need to not do that. It's easy to do, I know that because I'm doing it.

    Also, yes, all pinks in EW so far.

  17. as someone who recently started playing (started apr 5) this isn't super relevant to me rn but I love it. the more experienced members of my fc long to check parses against each other as a friendly competition but to know people treat them like test grades makes me sad. luckily they already plan to give me a spot in their endgame stuff so I'll have a semi normal group (I'll probably be an alt). since it's my first mmo idk if this is common in the genre but parsing like that seems super sweaty and toxic

  18. Thank you. So glad you made this video! The amount of times we wiped on a boss fight and had to flush 9-20 minutes of my life all so that that stupid SAM or any fucking job could squeeze in that 1 GCD made me just not want to raid anymore…

    In the end, no one remembers top parser past the current patch anyways lol.

  19. Great video I have to say! My own thoughts below.

    Nothing wrong with hyper optimization but we have to remember that most of the community won't focus on that. Now, I love trying to get the best I can on logs but it also boils down to buff alignment, party kill time, etc., and I'm not sweating it at the end of the day if we get a kill. It's a tool, just like anything else, and I try to keep in mind to "bring the player, not the parse" for my groups but I also play casually while trying hard.

    But still, it is at least a method (coupled with analysis or logs) to see also how to improve one's gameplay.

  20. This is my first savage tier, I started week 3 and so far I got purple in all fights and I couldnt bring myself to do opti runs knowing I will get nothing out of it outside of numbers. Also running the same thing over and over to farm crit? jesus that makes the game tedious. I guess I will never be above purple because I simply dont give a shit about opti runs where killing the boss too quickly is considered bad. Already have bis and mount why would I want to suffer more by depending my life on RNG?

  21. To an extremely lesser situation, the Pokemon metagame has this.

    99% of folks copy-paste the most popular teams, with no clue why or how they work, or when to use what. Then you get someone who makes a fun team of bottom-tier Pokemon to pull off a bullshit gimmick strategy that'd never work in a tournament, but does great for blindsiding folks on the online ladder in a one-and-done match.

    Guess who's probably having more fun?


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