Wondering if it is ok to get hit for the achievment or not, the part with the follow aoe and quakes gets me sometimes.(not enough to get ko but a stack)
nice video! was wondering why part 2 was so hard, then realized you can use physical attacks to destroy the crystal on the edge and turn him back to normal, so that you can then do magical damage again.
Do you need to use all 6 elements spells or you just need to set it on your hotbar?
mortal flame doesnt work?
Wondering if it is ok to get hit for the achievment or not, the part with the follow aoe and quakes gets me sometimes.(not enough to get ko but a stack)
nice video! was wondering why part 2 was so hard, then realized you can use physical attacks to destroy the crystal on the edge and turn him back to normal, so that you can then do magical damage again.
Heh, and there I was trying to beat it in under 6:50, silly me. Thanks for this.
혹시 레벨링(70~80)은 어디서 하셧나욥 추천하시는 곳이 있을까용
1주클 하고 청마하게 해주세요 !!!!!
I accidently hit the crystal once and didnt get credit fyi