Blue, Hard and Great – Stormblood Wall of Dungeons FFXIV

We didn’t forget! Return to Stormblood to conclude our WALL OF DUNGEONS series.

0:00 – The Wall of Dungeons
9:52 – Kugane Castle
16:15 – Temple of the Fist
20:32 – Hell’s Lid
25:48 – The Fractal Continuum (Hard)
33:02 – The Swallows Compass
38:02 – Saint Mocianne’s Arboretum (Hard)

Previous Wall of Dungeons (you can tell by the hair):

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23 thoughts on “Blue, Hard and Great – Stormblood Wall of Dungeons FFXIV”

  1. You guys are sick of Bardam’s Mettle, I’m sick of Shisui. Second boss forcing melee to run away for basically every mechanic and third boss going untargetable are really tiring

  2. Stormblood is one of my favorite expansions, edging out Heavensward easily. Sure, the story can have pacing issues, but I love the real-world themes it deals with (oppression under a foreign regime, patriotism vs. simple survival, etc) and the fact that it builds the world tremendously and introduces so, so much lore. Plus, the dungeons are just straight-up bangers.

  3. I'd like to see a super wall for all the dungeons once all of them have been changed and re-released for Trust and once they're done Endwalker. Same with the raids.

  4. Shisui was MAD popular when stormblood came out everyone wanted the armor set, it was so popular they made it into a seasonal outfit that's now on the mogstation.

  5. I agree with pretty much everything… but maaan, Ghymlit Dark is so good ;-; , i really love doing it as a Tank and pulling everything wall to wall…
    Btw Garrett, you gotta try wall to wall pulls, they're waay more fun than single pack pulls, i like it even as a healer because it forces me to focus on healing and use my gcds and ogcds correctly

  6. In defense of the Arboretum's Hard Mode music, I love how it really drives home the vibe of a large human-made complex just left to decay. It is exactly the type of music I'd expect to hear inside of an abandoned, slowly deteriorating mall that's well past it's prime.


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