Bard Opener & Rotation & Best in Slot | FFXIV Endwalker 6.0 [Trial Spoilers]

A couple additional notes:

– Use potion in the opener if potting at 2 minutes makes you lose a use over the course of the fight OR if you don’t know what your kill time will be
– You may not always be able to double weave Radiant Finale and Battle Voice together in the 2-min burst (and the following ones) if you are sticking to a very tight 120s rotation or if your ping is too high to double weave during Army’s Muse. In that case, push Battle Voice back 1 GCD.

A short video to explain what the current opener and rotation are. They’re still a WIP, and the video is aimed towards players who’ve had some experience with the game before, but it should provide a good amount of information nonetheless, even for newer bard players.

There will be a more detailed video in the future, most likely after Savage drops, as the first Savage patch is notorious to bring with it an endless list of changes regarding jobs. Once that happens, things should be a lot more stable for me to commit to an in-depth, more complete guide, hopefully sometime next month. There’ll be more to come!

I also plan to release another video with some bits of optimization you can do on the current Extreme fights.

Shoutouts to the Balance BRD contributors for their hard work.

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