FFXIV EndWalker Stream Highlights: 12.07.21 (Final Zone, Final Dungeon, Final Trial)

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14 thoughts on “FFXIV EndWalker Stream Highlights: 12.07.21 (Final Zone, Final Dungeon, Final Trial)”

  1. Yeah, I'm questioning just how massive all creation is in this game. I'm thinking its more likely we're the only place in the universe that hasn't given up THAT METEION KNEW OF. There's got to be more out there.

  2. Thing is, the Meteia needed to be sentient because that's how they communicated with other races. They were created to speak through dynamis (i.e. feelings), since there was no other reliable way to communicate with aliens.

    There were obviously better ways to go about it, but it's not like Hermes was really against the outcome, given the events in Ktisis.

    Also Sephiroth just wanted to make the planet into a spaceship man.

  3. So many antagonists and villains could have their problems solved, not through villainy or mass destruction, but by fucking therapy.

    Go to therapy. Talk about your issues. Christ.

  4. I think with the whole "not a single star was good" bit was because of meiton. Her question plus her presence may have been the cause for some of them ultimately leading to their doom. Seeds of doubt plus her shared subconsious of the bad ones, and emotions causing it to spread. There was one tidbit I believe one of the scions or someone coming to this conclusion but probably didnt want to give examples or explore further because it was already getting a tad dark for the story. Thats my take away, but there should maybe been one star that was doing ok. I get why it would be rough for anyone to get thru those bits in the story.

  5. What I think Drak's not quite getting about the "contrivance" of the Fermi Paradox plot line is that it's not just "Etheirys is the only good star". Meteion was sent on and completed her mission during the time of the Ancients, before the world was sundered. And Elpis, as well as the cutscene after, showed us that unsundered Etheirys was by no means unique. It was well on its way to hitting the same Fermi Paradox question, or reaching the point that Meteion's intervention could accidentally tip them over the edge. The world we've adventured in is not that Etheirys. Venat basically engineered a world that was apocalpyse-proof by sundering the star, with some heavy contributions from Zodiark's emergency aether blanket. The Source was born of suffering, and knew suffering so intimately that they could not conceive of themselves without it, and therefore would never think to try and eliminate it–the same folly that eventually condemned most of these worlds that have gone lifeless and dead.

  6. I just kinda assumed Meteion had really bad luck, and or happened to explore a series of planets that had similar troubles with falling to despair (in their own ways) because of how dynamis can apparently work. The universe is too impossibly vast for her to have seen them all or even an appreciable fraction, but once you start expecting your results before you have them you can easily just see what you want to see. It's not like we had anyone checking the little idiot's work. That said… I don't think the antagonists were this expansion's highpoint by any means.


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