Barbariccia EXTREME Guide (Storm's Crown Extreme) – Xeno In Depth Guide FFXIV

This is a video guide for the newest Extreme Trial introduced in Final Fantasy 14 Patch 6.2 – Storm’s Crown Extreme also known as Barbariccia Extreme. In this video Xeno goes over all of the mechanics in depth and explains his group’s strategies and how to get maximum uptime on the boss. Barbariccia Ex is a really fun fight with unique mechanics. She’s also cute 😍

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Thank you for watching! Don’t forget to subscribe to Xeno’s YouTube Channel so you can stay up to date with the best Xeno Highlights, Xeno Reacts, Xeno Guides and the funniest Xeno moments from Final Fantasy 14 (FFXIV) and other games played on stream!

#Xeno #FFXIV #endwalker

Channel Editor: Leo Coman (Discord: Leo#9926)

Outro song: Sirius Beat – The Chosen

Background music by Sirius Beat

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29 thoughts on “Barbariccia EXTREME Guide (Storm's Crown Extreme) – Xeno In Depth Guide FFXIV”

  1. 9:50
    Please for the love of Hydaelyn, get rid of positionals yoship!
    Every mechanic Barbie does in this fight, she just spins like crazy.
    I literally said fuck it, and true north every gibbet and gallows.

  2. last night I think I got trapped at the last Barbariccia Smashes the ground + few circles thinking the last part was the same as the first time. we never go to the middle, suddenly Aoe all over the stage.

    good to know there are just repeats after that. means I can just do aim for completion.

  3. 13:14. The real man mode is don’t give a shit about to that AoE and take vuln up (tank prospective). Btw you can survive to the flare with 3 vuln and all your cds and the new crafted gear.

    So, yeah. Tank Men don’t care about vulns xD.


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