The FFXIV “rage streamer” is back at it again?



15 thoughts on “The FFXIV “rage streamer” is back at it again?”

  1. For as long as Pyro has been playing FF, I have enjoyed watching his streams. I've heard him have a lot of thoughtful takes on lore, great interactions with the community more often than not, and I think he's overall a great person. But I wish this 'vocal minority' wasn't eating away at him. I authentically wish things would get better for him and that he could just go on enjoying streaming a game, which is supposed to be fundamentally based on fun.

  2. from what i understand of it, think he also has some form of ADHD((?)) and there are times where the vocal minority bait him at times knowing pyro most likely will take the bait where most other streamers/content creators wouldn't engage. and his personal issue with his wife and the miscarriage of course doesn't help him either. just makes for an unbelievable stressful situation for him. i like pyro, don't get me wrong and have watched him off and on since his wow days. and never was in one of the streams where he went off for whatever reason. at the end of the day, i hope things turn around for him and his family. and maybe streaming isn't for him i think as well. specially with his ADHD as it is, i think maybe him trying to find something more for him. dunno what that would be since each person is different. but that's just my 2 cents from someone on the outside looking in. in the end, my heart goes out for him and his wife on the miscarriage

  3. I liked watching pyro, but stopped watching due to the amount of ads that play. I know its not entirely his fault I don't watch much twitch in general due to ads. But everything seemed to have felt like it was for the subs/ad revenue. There was even a time when he said he turned on ads on purpose during important scenes so that more people would get subbed instead of running them and then doing the scene. I will still occasionally watch him but usually leave when i get that 1/8 ads.

  4. He was not "makeing fun"…He was laughing at cosole players. Even insulting them to some degree… Thats why im not suprised he got some backlash from it… Anyway i think that every streamer are some kind of public person ,and he need to be redy to have people who will love him and some that will hate him… If that person is not redy for that then dont become a streamer.

  5. He's one of three people I've added to my twitch blacklist (Rich being one of those 3) so its always funny to see this shit in the wild of youtube's algorithm. Enjoyed following his FF journey up to a point where it just got annoying to watch him defend WoW whenever a comment got his attention and he felt he had to defend WoW. He got so mad for no reason every time.

  6. Pyromancer live up to his namesake. He got burn by himself over and over again with repeat cycle of anger meltdown -> apology -> anger meltdown -> apology and so on, he is never learn from his mistake and merely repeating the same pattern like automatic program.

    People just got tired of him repeating the tired cycle of anger and attack toward "community" when he got baited by few trolls (every single community have trolls, it is a matter of fact), so they left and he felt them "leaving" as hate attack toward him for being mad at FF14 because they are not leaving when he is being mad at WOW.

  7. I use a controller and started playing with my 60 fps ps5 with ffxiv and I honestly was put off by his comments, you put that out there.. then that’s what you are known for, get yourself under control ..this whole Egomania that he was showing off by talking down and blowing up isn’t something I’m a fan of, not everyone can buy a 3-5 thou gaming computer. Maybe people just love the game, I’m glad you posted this but after I saw him blow up months ago I was like.. figures WoW player. This is why people have negative tie-ins to that game, that play ffxiv .. we got masters of the universe , elitism. He got triggered and it wasn’t a good look, he could have delivered that so much more differently and just said “ I prefer computer to console but to each their own, now, moving along” or something.

  8. Pyro made himself vulnerable, that's the problem.
    He got lucky with his WoW rant, because many people were frustrated at Blizzard at the time.
    But now it's clear to everyone that his anger comes from a place of weakness, not strength.
    And as unfortunate as it is, viewers don't respect that

  9. it's really good playing FF on console. Trust me, as soon as you know how to play on the console, you will understand what I meant.

    Saturday night, lying on the couch, with a big a$$ TV, chilling with some popcorn aside,
    and feeling DESPAIR in Hidden Canals of Uznair……. best feeling ever

  10. He is always like this. He also always has an excuse to lash out and be horrible. Everyone has problems and sometimes even major problems, but don’t act like this. He doesn’t see his viewers as people but only as money making tools. That has always been his issue. So when he gets mad and lashes out because he doesn’t value his audience at all and it isn’t genuine care or community—he gets called out, makes a half assed apology, and the cycle repeats. He was like this in WoW and is like this in 14.

  11. Lol was to be expected, I remember the first time he had an attitude on stream when he was still early in FFXIV, I just stopped watching him. No time to watch that negative ass shit 🤣 now when asmongold does it, it's funny so it's fine. He should learn how to be like that

  12. "I'm sorry, I won't let it happen again. I was under allot of stress."

    That's an excuse repeat offenders use all the time. People who left the stream are happy watching others enjoy the game.

    10:25 He got pissed at his chat for debating and banned people who pay subs and tips for disagreeing with his opinion and calling them a fucking moron. WoW player love the rage and abuse, apparently. FF14 players avoid it be unsubscribing and moving on to other streamers.

    If he can't get that, well he can ban me again 🤣

  13. Honestly let the clip run at least once at the start before taking out bit by bit by bit. So ppl kinda have a bit of context and see the whole picture. Just my opinion because it felt like stretching out a 2min clip


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