Is Damage Potency EQUAL to Healing Potency? | FFXIV Mythbusters

Let’s see if damage and healing potency scales the same, and more, on this episode of FFXIV Mythbusters!

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FFXIV Dawntrail – Starless Skyline

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00:00 Intro
00:39 (1) How Dual Cast Works
04:22 (2) “Pet Potencies are not a thing!” – Revisited
10:08 (3) Cure and Damage Potencies Scale Differently!
14:59 Outro
15:38 Fun Fact


16 thoughts on “Is Damage Potency EQUAL to Healing Potency? | FFXIV Mythbusters”

  1. Paladins requiscat effect is also literally handled as a instant cast under the hood, as it works for spells in eureka and bozja making them instant. It's always funny insta chain rezzing people in bozja lmaoo.

  2. Using the blade combo after requiescat consumes stacks, but you can instead use clemency and THEN use the blade combo anyway, which I’ve occasionally done soloing treasure maps. Is this interaction explained anywhere? Is there a consequence to using requiescat stacks for instant clemency beyond impacting timing under fight or flight? I have been enjoying paladin but feel like it has a lot out novel interactions like these compared to most other jobs.

  3. While not exactly a myth per se, I would love to see a more scientific comparison of the usage of LB in dungeons. I know there is a lot of different sentiments about which LB is the one to use for the 'fastest' clear. Personally, I've preferred using a mage LB1 on the second to last trash mob pull or a Ranged LB1 on the second to last/last pull in case of extra tanky mobs (think the mini-boss at the end of the desert-themed expert dungeon). However, I am curious if LB generation and the difference between using an LB1 on trash mobs vs. a melee LB2 on the final boss is significant enough. Obviously situational and difficult to test, but something I would find interesting regardless.

  4. I noticed when under full party in trial or raid for example.
    If someone disconnects, we lose lb3 and get lb2, we have time to use it before player reconnects (back to 0).
    But the funny thing is as far as I see, that lb2 under full party in trial/raid (when dc) generates way faster than lb3?
    I mean from lb0 to lb2 with 2 lb bars way faster it seems than with 3 lb bars?

  5. Something I didn't see mentioned with healing potency is the fact that RDM Vercure is a decent heal while SMN Physick is so bad that it's not worth even putting on the bar. Likely due to the fact that it scales off of Mind because of Scholar unlike Vercure which scales off of Int. I know that SMN have a lot of free healing baked into their kit now thanks to phoenix and solar bahamut but it would be nice if they adjusted it to scale off of Int as well for when an emergency heal may be needed.

  6. I’ve been curious about something since DT, and I know I could test it on my own, but it could be interesting for a future video.
    The new rampart, granting 15% additional healing from spells. Does this increase the self healing received from Paladin’s Confetior combo? What about Warrior during Bloodwhetting? Maybe even more difficult to test, what about Dark Knight during Living Dead?

  7. man, i always think i know everything about this game, then one of your mythbuster vids comes out and proves me wrong! legitimately surprised that pet potency is different between jobs, since that feels like they would have to manually adjust values for everyone with a pet. i wonder if it might be something like pet potencies being in line with how much damage the job was initially meant to do, before they adjusted other parts of its damage (with the exception of smn), just because the values are so similar to its expected potency

  8. Way back in ARR (and a little in to HW I think), Swiftcast would get used up on spells that were already instant cast.

    Also, in regards to English tool tips, there are a quite a few misleading ones. For example, Ninja's Huton says it does fire damage but it is actually wind.

    For the Sage test, you didn't show your stats so we can't see what the attack power and healing power of your Sage is for us to do the calculations ourselves.

    As far as I'm aware, Summoner's Physick is the only healing spell or ability of a non-healer that scales off of healing power. Everything else scales off their relevant attack power.

    For your Paladin test, you didn't take in to account Tenacity. Yes, it increases the amount of healing received but it also increases the amount of damage dealt. It does not however increase the amount of healing done. Tenacity scales damage more than it does healing received so that could account for the additional damage from the attacks with the same potency as the heal. I think the best way to test potencies with a Paladin (or any job really) is to go completely naked (or equip glamour items that have no stats) so that you have no stats from gear. I don't know if Determination scales damage and healing differently which might be the case also explaining why damage potency always seems to be higher.

  9. Could healing be limited thanks to magic defence on a player? So the armor stand without magic defence takes full damage from your attacks but you take only part of the health thanks to magic defence when healing yourself? Would be weird ofc but this is ffxiv so :p


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