Asmongold Reacts to "A Crap Guide to FFXIV – Healers" | By JoCat

Asmongold watches a video by JoCat, who explains in extreme detail how to be the best possible healer in Final Fantasy 14, helping Asmon and new players make the best choices before embarking into this new MMO..

Original Video: (A Crap Guide to Final Fantasy XIV – Healers)


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47 thoughts on “Asmongold Reacts to "A Crap Guide to FFXIV – Healers" | By JoCat”

  1. i play WoW occasionally and , when i started leveling a healer , my main class on FF , i got yelled at multiple times for not spam healing and doing dmg while the tank wasnt low or close to low enough i needed to heal :')

  2. 4:30 nah this mans is right and you've just had bad healers. I have good tanks and find the enemy still agro to me and anyways he was talking about healers who accidentally walk ahead or use regen so they are always overhealing!

  3. He says if you heal BEFORE the engage, which means as soon as they are in combat with you, they b-line for you and can be a pain for tanks to pick up because they miss the AoE sometimes

  4. As someone who's been tanking for forever I can guarantee that DPS and Healers can and will pull aggro off of you if you are wall to wall pulling, cause they'll stick back and dps one group while you're running off to gather up another.

  5. I do need to disagree with you about the hagro (healer aggro) thing. If you throw a hot on your tank before they pull, no matter how good they are, the mobs will ALWAYS come for the healer first. Maybe only for one hit, but it will happen.

  6. Main Tanks don't have god complexes. That implies that they think they know everything and think they are in total control when they are not. But if they actually are those things, then they are just gods. Without the complex.

  7. Re: Healers doing dps. My old raiding struggled through so much of Icecrown Citadel. I played a resto shaman. I had so much mana and downtime between chain heals. Our dps couldn't beat the enrage timers. I got YELLED AT for helping speed up progression. Because "The dps need to get their shit together."

    I saw it as making sure the raid got more gear so our dps was better in the future and my dps wasn't so goddamn necessary because I hate wasting my fucking time.

  8. I'll admit I was a bit worried with what you would think coming into this game. Seeing this video and hearing your reactions. I'm proud of ya man and I hope your mental physical health is all good! Welcome to ffxiv!

  9. They're cards, yes, but Tarot is pretty steeped in tradition. The cards themselves are always constant. The Judge, the Justice, the Fool, etc, they're the same in pretty much all Tarot decks and each have individual meanings depending on whether they're drawn rightside up or inverted. The METHOD of reading tends to differ however, but usually the order in which the cards are drawn correspond to a particular aspect of your life. Even if you don't actually believe in it, I can say from experience that it's still kinda fun to just do a reading now and again.

    There ARE those people that say screwing with Tarot is like fucking with a Ouja board, however. Does that mean I should stop?

    … nah, fuck em.

  10. To be fair scholars is complicated if you don't know what to pop what where when you know alot of damage come in. Also tanks alot do not use their damage mitigation when needed they should being a healer main is a pet peeve of mine.

  11. When a white mage doesn't aoe in dungeons it is the biggest offense. Their aoe stuns. Imagine refusing to let your tank take 0 damage for 7s or so while making sure he takes damage for 10 less seconds from the HP you depleted off the enemies.

  12. As a WHM main, I like to explain it to newer players like this:

    Before level 30-ish where mana is a problem, sure spam cure and afk.

    When you have Free Cure, spam cure then use Cure 2 (for free). The fact that your primary healing utility costs less mana and you're abusing that, means you're doing your job for heals, and you can DPS inbetween casts. But don't go crazy cuz you can still run out of mana.

    Level 50-ish, Put Restoration on people, and use Medica 2. Tanks are all good enough you wont pull aggro, and this costs so little overall mana that you should be DPSing off cooldown. If you hit 7000 mana, you press Lucid Dreams. Problem solved, keep DPSing. If you ever need to res, you use your swift-cast (maybe your sure-cast if mana problems). If you sure-cast, you go fucking h a m on your DPS buttons right after. It's free, after all.

    At level 50 you get Benediction. Ignore what people tell you, this is not an "oh shit" button. This is a "I know the mechanics that are coming up, I can be greedy with DPS and just sneak in a big heal" button. If it comes to it, then it's an "oh shit" button. By this point, you've probably realized pressing Cure for Free Cure is just a waste of time. Bin the skill. Start pressing Cure 2.

    Level 60-ish, You have Lillies, assize, and asylum stop pressing Cure 2. You have almost no reason to press it at this point. Assize is fucking GOATED, Asylum is big a free AOE HOT, and Lillies are a free single-target heal equal to a Cure 2. Asylum and Assize are OGCD too, and Asylum even does damage and gives you mana. This is where your cooldown rotation becomes a little more important, and imo it's also when the class actually becomes fun. It might feel fun before this, but I promise these buttons just take it up like 6 levels. Of course, with all this extra mana you've got from your fucking huge massive free heals. *You should have plenty of time to press your fucking DPS buttons*.

    Level 60 you get Tetra. Absolute fucking holy free-ass OGCD cure 2. Did I mention it was free? Guess what. Stop pressing Cure 2 *more*.

    Level 66-ish you get a *fucking shield*. Screw overhealing, see a tankbuster coming? Drop this puppy on the tank and go back to AFKing DPS. And guess what else? Oh you can spent Lillies for a *free Medica*.

    Level 70 you get Plenary whatsamcfuckit, this is a "wow big healer check" button. Press this, press Assize, press Medica 2 (or AOE Lily depending on people's HP). Wow, you spent maybe 1000 mana and 1 OGCD cast to full heal *everybody. You didn't even need help!*.

    Level 80 you get Temperance. This is similar to Plenary whatsmcfuck it. You have another "oh shit heal check" button… But since you have 2, you can be more daring with them to alleviate the burden of stressful healing situations.

    Healer DPS matters. You may only make up around 10% of the 8-man raid DPS, but that 10% is the difference between clearing at 10 minutes, and wiping at 11. Even the DPS is basically AFK, you'll be okay. I played most of the game staring at the party roster and zoning out. You can do it too. The game is visually neat, but it's real easy to be an at least average healer by just *not looking at it*. Basically everything is heavily telegraphed. If you keep the enemy charge-bar in sight and watch for big orange things on the corner of your eye, you can dodge basically everything. Everyone full HP and an attack hasn't happened or your tank has a HOT and wont die in 1 attack? Watch the pretty lights.

    Also, use your Lillies. They go with the above point. Blood Lily is a 900 potency attack. Each of the Lillies you use is *almost the same DPS as pressing Glare*. It's your 2nd most DPS efficient move (that also heals!). The most efficient DPS move? Of course it's the fucking GOAT, Asylum. Press that shit *all the time*.

  13. "there are no tanks with god complexes"
    Me, who mains Healer and Offhand does tanks, and Stories DPS: "Um, that sir, is incorrect. I have met these players. He's more specifically talking about Toxic Players who are running the 13th dungeon that day, and getting the one they don't want, and is the MOST likely to drop out of a dungeon because DPS players can't handle another 55 minute wait, while the tanks, might take 55 seconds." Seriously, I think the longest I've waited on a healer was 15 minutes because no one wanted to tank or was on who tanked, either way, it was a short wait, meanwhile on DPS, it's literally taken over an hour to get into a dungeon before. Oh and Tanks/Healers are the most likely to blame a DPS, or their Cohort, the Healer or Tank depending on their role before dropping out, or getting voted out unanimously.


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