Black Mage job action trailer breakdown | FFXIV Endwalker

Keep in mind please this is all speculation based on animations only lmao, good chance lots of this is proven wrong at a later date.

Didn’t go over the acquisition of the new hot/cold buff. Assume it’s gained from going UI3 to AF3 and vice versa.

AoE will also involve thunder stuff.

Broadcasted live on Twitch — Watch live at


14 thoughts on “Black Mage job action trailer breakdown | FFXIV Endwalker”

  1. Agree with everything said. It's so nice to hear somebody who clearly knows what's happening. It's hilarious listening to reaction videos, since people lose their minds like "OH DAMN NEW SPELL" and it's Flare or something.

    Somewhat disappointed with these changes because of how my (controller) hotbars are set up. AoE changes are okay, but I hate the idea of putting Bliz 1 and 2 back on my bars. It would probably be fine if they combined them into one button, but I doubt that'll happen.

  2. You have an interesting approach, tbh it never crossed my mind that the new frost-fire skill could be an upgraded Fire I/Blizzard I, and didn't noticed the buff the BLM gets when casted Fire V so I was thinking that could manafont now give a swiftcast or foul will be now an instant xD

    The only thing that bothers me is that Freeze after the Blizzard V, it looked like a Freeze but the effect was more like Blizzard IV, grants 3 Umbral Hearths and do not refresh Umbral Ice. So unless they reworked Blizzard II, I don't know how the hell will be the AoE rotation before 90 if Freeze is now an AoW Blizzard IV

    Btw, speaking of the supposed insta Flare buff, could this buff may be and upgrade/new interaction of Firestarter?

  3. While I agree with everything you said I’m sure we have to be missing something. Would be weird for you to get multiple stacks of this Instant cast flare buff when the only time you could use it is when manafont is up. Would be a weird design choice to have a mechanic that only or at least only to a part interacts with a skill that is on a 180(?)s cooldown. Overall it feels weird to me that they would focus so much on BLM AOE rotation and not really do much for it’s Standard ST rotation. That’s why I think there as to be more to it or at least some other interactions as well.


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