FFXIV Endwalker initial endgame gearing rundown. December 1, 2021 by Sfia Pirion The weapon token comes from the second fight of savage not the third, the weapon UPGRADE material comes …
Black Mage job action trailer breakdown | FFXIV Endwalker September 23, 2021 by Sfia Pirion Keep in mind please this is all speculation based on animations only lmao, good chance lots of this …
FFXIV Zadnor Lyon Duel (Watcher BLM) May 28, 2021 by Sfia Pirion Wanted to try out Lyon without cheesing. Haven’t played this build much so had no idea of mp …
FFXIV: Easy Zadnor Duels May 28, 2021 by Sfia Pirion dont judge how poorly I played in these they were my first kills and I had no idea …