Is New World a new home for FFXIV Vets?

Is New World a new home for FFXIV Vets? | Work To Game
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New World the upcoming MMORPG has some surprising connections to Final Fantasy XIV 1.0

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31 thoughts on “Is New World a new home for FFXIV Vets?”

  1. I played the beta when it came out, and was unfortunately unimpressed by it. Still, I do hope the changes that have been said to be done to it are good and the game comes out as a blast!!! I could always use a new mmo to get into.

  2. Id say that our time is better spent pressuring the devs to fix the underlying problems with 14; content neglect, a lack of new content, a lack of innovative/experimentation with old content and most importantly no gear/item longevity.

  3. New World doesn't look appealing to me, but new MMO launches are always very fun because nobody knows anything, most people are unguilded, dungeons are not always speed runs, and the leveling zones are busting with active players. So I would pick it anyway, just for the launch experience.

    Unfortunately, New World is poised to release about when I think I'll return to XIV. (Patch 5.55) And I also want to save some time to play Guild Wars 2: End of Dragons which I expect to come out a few months before FFXIV 6.0. So I'll probably pass on New World, but otherwise I think I might indulge it for a month or two.

  4. Thoughts on ashes of creation? There is nothing like starting a new mmo with a new community, everyone starting from the ground up. I had great experiences with City of Heroes and ff xi.

  5. Let me check it out and I'll be right back to edit.

    Edit * Nah. That's not my style at all. I'm just returning to FFXIV, but I'm totally enjoying the grind back up to 60 then higher. The story really stops sucking at Heavensward.

  6. FFXIV upgrading their engine could be a nice thing for them to attempt to do after this next expansion, perhaps. Pause between major stories to upgrade and make their engine capable of doing all of the things they'd like it to do. Maybe fix mechanics that they aren't overly happy with while at it. Obviously a LOT of work, but a potential nice way to further extend the life of the game.

  7. How you describe the weapon system makes me think of ESO, since you can hot swap between two weapons mid combat and each weapon is set it it's own hot bar of skills. Esp with no membership, I'll be willing to give it a try.

  8. I burned myself out on a ton of combat content grinding to 80 tbh. It sucks. I love this game but I play at times and think "oh, what can I do?" And I just have this inherent aversion to any sort of dungeon or raid content. I dont do savage anymore because time constraints, so I havent been doing alot of combat oriented content. Ive been trying to get back into it but my most enjoyment currently has been pvp.

    I think a new mmo would be rather enjoyable. So im gunna go check out some stuff on this. Never heard of it personally.

  9. Uhh, based on what I played of Crucible before they crucified it, no. Like, extra no. I hope it's awesome, but they have yet to prove they can make something awesome.

    I do have my eye on other MMOs, such as they are these days, like Ashes of Creation, Pantheon, Crowfall and some smaller stuff that reminds me of old-school MMOs in a positive way, such as Saga of Lucimia. I don't expect much from MMOs anymore as they're rarely worth playing for more than a month in my experience, as sad as that is. And it's especially hard for me to get into most Asian MMOs outside of FFXIV and the quasi-MMO that is PSO2. I just find their design philosophies to generally be… bad.

    Often some really cool combat and maybe visuals and then everything else is just pure unadulterated trash. Blade and Soul, Aion, Black Desert Online, TERA, plus a bunch I tried briefly but their names have slipped from my mind because of their awful UIs, boring/poorly translated stories, dull worlds, etc. The same is true of most MMOs everywhere I guess, but Asian-region MMOs tend to feel… cheap? A lot of the time. Even FFXIV, which has an excellent story and pretty solid (if not amazing) combat, the tick rate is abysmal, the way you interact with the world is awkward and clunky, things still take a long time to respond compared to other MMOs, and that kind of thing. Meanwhile the Western MMOs generally have more traditional (and often boring-but-solid) MMO-style combat, but can keep me interested for a bit longer, it all tends to result in me getting bored during the first month.

    I really wish something would come along and captivate me like FFXI did, and WoW after that. It happened twice, so I know it wasn't a one-off! FFXIV got its hooks in me, if not in quite the same magical way as the other two.

    I just miss really big, mysterious worlds in MMOs that were super hard to fully explore. Where you don't just get to go on a guided tour of the entire game as you level up, but have to fight your way through everything. FFXI was really good at that. I still don't know many zones in that game, because dying was punishing, so you didn't just go wandering willy-nilly, you had to prepare. I miss danger in MMOs so much. Everything's way more convenient and accessible now, which is one way to solve people having less free time I guess, but it really shrinks the world being able to easily teleport all over the place and fly over enemies and see every single zone as part of the story with no challenge.

    I'll end this novel soon, but I will say that the little game I mentioned above, Saga of Lucimia… I played an early alpha build like 2 years ago, and despite it basically being like two unfinished maps with no actual content (devs were essentially guiding the groups in voice chat) besides a few abilities and some random enemies around a lake at night, that simple little demo really got me excited like I was back in the day. The combat was basic, but it wasn't about the combat (although obviously if it's great, then that'd be even more amazing!) — it was about that sense of you and a few random people you're partied up with in the wilderness trying to accomplish something difficult. When it turned from day to night, it was nearly pitch black. Everyone pulled out their torches to see, because it was legit extremely dark. The moon reflecting off the big lake in the middle of the forest we were in served as a good point of reference, and it was so cool seeing teeny tiny little specks of light that were other parties' torches across the lake, knowing people were over there trying to accomplish their own goals. It sounds so simple, but it made the world feel huge and mysterious and like it didn't care if we wanted to navigate it. I loved it. Trying to navigate through the dense trees while only our torchlight could illuminate enemies, and pulling two or more enemies was a serious threat to our party, god it was so good!

  10. new world is not something I am interested in. It has too much of a elder scrolls online vibe and i played that one, put 800 hours into it and quit before the skyrim chapter. at the moment ffxiv is my kind of mmo. and besides amazon has not a very good track record when it comes to their games.

  11. I’m interested, but strictly a console gamer. I played wow for a very brief period while deployed to Iraq, but just couldn’t get into the pc side of things. I would love for more MMOs to come out on PS.

  12. I just want to finish the story, I'm in ShB and in the 78 level quests……the amount of content is great but I just wanna be able to play relevant content with others. My FC was constantly doing things I couldn't participate in because it's all locked behind story progress. Needless to say that now that I'm almost done, no one is doing anything anymore.


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