Asmongold MIND BLOWN by FFXIV New Ultimate Raid TIME LOOP

Asmongold Clips / Asmongold Reacts To: Asmongold MIND BLOWN by FFXIV New Ultimate Raid being a TIME LOOP


On this Asmongold Youtube Channel You will never quit finding all the funny Asmongold Moments with Mcconnell and best Asmongold Highlights from gameplay of the most popular MMORPGs: like Blizzard’s World of Warcraft (WoW Dragonflight & Classic WoW), the Korean MMO Lost Ark (로스트아크), the record breaking Final Fantasy 14 (FFXIV) and many other popular games like Elden Ring (the first open world Dark Souls game). Also Asmongold Reacts to a lot of content, especially Asmongold Reaction to Speedrun of games, but some of the most interesting creators he really likes to watch include Madseasonshow, Bellular, Internet Historian, Josh Strife Hayes, Zepla, Barny64 and many many more. Some of the most popular content from Asmon also includes his “The True Story of Asmongold” videos, Zackrawrr tree house videos, the legendary WoW Transmog Competition and Mount Off competition, Ban Appeals, Media Share streams, Reddit Recap Reactions and much more.

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40 thoughts on “Asmongold MIND BLOWN by FFXIV New Ultimate Raid TIME LOOP”

  1. WoW andies on copium commenting, if wow is suddenly going to be so much better (???) than ff ''soon''
    Why can't they make wow…at least as good as it was before? They can't do anything close to Argus raid, but they are going to trash ultimate, trust!!

  2. It's pretty funny that Asmon merely reacting to a 50 second trip was more than enough to trigger all the copium-huffing WoW andies again.

    "Next expansion is the good one guys, promise, our developers finally stopped stealing breast milk long enough to work on the game"

  3. Comment section doing great again . If you somehow didn't like the story you're wrong, if you're still playing WoW you're wrong , you like raids in FFXIV you're wrong like wtf ? xD

  4. You do realize that the existence of good content in FF doens't cause good content in wow to just disappear. With the way the wow andies respond by trying to tear down FF, you'd think the two were life-linked and if FF does well, wow suffers. When Legion was going on, it didn't diminish anything in FF, and neither does FF success diminish wow's success. If you're feeling so scared about seeing another game do well, maybe that says something about your own game?

  5. Oh my god, the comments are so cancer here. You have WoW Andies commenting on how "WoW is better, I love WoW, WoW has fucked my wife in the ass 17 times already and I had thanked him every single time and I am waiting patiently for my turn to get fucked in the ass". And FFXIV Andies are dissing WoW because they are angry at WoW Andies dissing FFXIV like "FFXIV is the best game to ever exist. We have the best community ever and WoW is never gonna be a fraction of what FFXIV is. I make sure to suck the dick of my Yoshi-P (the literal reincarnation of Jesus Christ himself) bodypillow every week, so the game stays as perfect as it always has been"

    Guys it's a cool new raid with a cool new mechanic. Can we enjoy that instead of going batshit crazy over pixels on a fucking screen, for fuck's sake?

  6. Love how this utimate raid delivers it's story. A book narrarted by the Minstrel, he retells the story of Heavensward, then starts writing a fanfiction about an alternate timeline where Haurchefant survives. By saving him the WoL probably didn't have as much of a hatred/urgency to stop him as they did in the original story, so Thordan ends up succeeding with his plans in Azys lla and become's the God King.

  7. He could be doing this right now. But I assume pretending that WoW will not do the same thing they've done for the last 10 years is easier and better for content.

  8. Damn I'm starting to regret sharing this video with Asmon the people in the chat flames the raiders so hard because they talk and act a certain way its sad to see. Now everyone in the comment section is flaming FF14 because of a 54sec clip why tf do you hate FF so much lmao

  9. Expecting Thordan to turn into Mega Shinryu with all the eyes hes gonna collect from the alternate timeline. The Dragonsong war never playing out the way it did.

  10. The reason people are so hyped when playing this is because they are invested in the story and characters. If you don't have an investment into the characters, of course you're not going to find as much interest in it.

  11. Wow it's sad to see all the chat shitting on a clip of a game that isn't wow,I guess asmons channel has become the last bastion of hope for all of them.With him being more diverse in his content lately you would have thought they would be more understanding

  12. Love it. every "WoW Andy" comment gets x2 "FF14 Andy" follow up comments. WoW base is obviously aggressive and toxic and FF14 base is also known to be incredible fragile and sensitive weeb snowflakes. Did someone link this to the FF14 sub or something? Because going by the tone of the comments Asmon either has a ton of hate watchers or someone went and triggered the FF fans. WoW and FF players deserve each other. So, so pathetic.

  13. At a certain point Twitch chat seems pretty fucking racist. Calling Japanese people "cringe weebs", "disgusting weebs" and telling them to stfu simply because they're a certain race and are speaking a certain language. The whole weeb thing was light hearted at first but seriously, fuck those assholes.


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