I can't do it if I'm dead. But as a Red Mage I can assure you that if I'm one one the first ones that get's rezzed. I will bust my butt trying to help get the party back up. It's mah Red Mage policy.
I went to a post EW dungeon and later on a trial, on reaper and wished so badly that I would have gone RDM because the amount of deaths was painful. And I couldnt help res 😢
I was doing metal fox chaos in bozja and everyone was fucking plummeting and I ran outta mana to do anything from the near constant rezzing. One guy starts /yelling about how I have the ultimate legend title and a mentor and I should be rezzing. I'm like "BRO I AM BUT I DONT HAVE THE MANA TO KEEP GOING."
As a summoner I always help rez people ever since when I first started playing I got called out by the healer in a dungeon for not rezzing him when he died … I didn’t know I was suppose to lol
As a healer whenever i get rdm or smn im hoping they do more then dps when the time arises. My turn off is when in a raid and all healers are dead all dps dead except the remaining rez who seems to think they can make up the dps of 3 others instead of rezzing. And only decides to rez when the last tank dies and the boss is at 20 %
I hope they take away caster raise in 8.0, them having to account for rdm raise cheesing mechanics would help a lot with encounter design. Excessive body checks being cheesed by rdm is annoying for anyone not running one… Anabesios was body check after body check fr fr.
Let's be honest raising is the most engaging part of the healer gameplay, and no one else needs healing anyways
Ironically red mage can rez a whole party faster than actual healer classes
As a rez mage, you're a shame to the job if you dont rez when more than two players are down
I can't do it if I'm dead. But as a Red Mage I can assure you that if I'm one one the first ones that get's rezzed. I will bust my butt trying to help get the party back up. It's mah Red Mage policy.
This is why I dropped the two classes
On my rdm I got booted from the dungeon for trying to help the healer with rezzing of some of the party members so I only help when asked
Let’s appreciate Red Mage for having
– Vercure
– Verraise
and most of all, Dual Cast
Sage icon… maybe if you were a real healer they'd be alive! 😛 lol
I went to a post EW dungeon and later on a trial, on reaper and wished so badly that I would have gone RDM because the amount of deaths was painful. And I couldnt help res 😢
I was doing metal fox chaos in bozja and everyone was fucking plummeting and I ran outta mana to do anything from the near constant rezzing. One guy starts /yelling about how I have the ultimate legend title and a mentor and I should be rezzing. I'm like "BRO I AM BUT I DONT HAVE THE MANA TO KEEP GOING."
Oh yeah… I DID forget you're dead. In 5 seconds.😅
So healers WANT help now? I thought they were bored and unchallenged.
I honestly never assume or ask if theyll help, i just do it in between keeping the tank alive 😊
dont ever expect a dps to res, expect them dodge and expect your party wont have a smn and rdm
I main RDM I only res if the healers are dead
If I can Rez, imma Rez! Macro and all…
Arcanist here. I do my part.
I would wish some red Mages wouldnt see rezzing that as their only job…
As a summoner I always help rez people ever since when I first started playing I got called out by the healer in a dungeon for not rezzing him when he died … I didn’t know I was suppose to lol
I don't even give the healer the chance i just instantly quickcast rezz as a smn. I use my macro to toss a senzu bean at em.
Ill be honest as SMN i always forget i have it in the heat of battle. But RDM diff story.
As a healer whenever i get rdm or smn im hoping they do more then dps when the time arises. My turn off is when in a raid and all healers are dead all dps dead except the remaining rez who seems to think they can make up the dps of 3 others instead of rezzing. And only decides to rez when the last tank dies and the boss is at 20 %
They had to use sage cause…. sch and wtm don't let people die so they never have to stop doing damage to help rez. 😂
Tbf they are dps first
That being said if a party mech is ciming up or it saves runs its definitely a good idea.
Downtime and during burst? Nah bro
As not a RDM main who worked RDM to 90 so I’d have one caster there, it’s easy to forget how late they get Verraise.
As a Smn, I felt it was part of the job. I summoned you back from the brink of death… part of job in my head lore.
As a rez mage, if i'm forced to res, i WILL cast verblind
I hope they take away caster raise in 8.0, them having to account for rdm raise cheesing mechanics would help a lot with encounter design. Excessive body checks being cheesed by rdm is annoying for anyone not running one… Anabesios was body check after body check fr fr.
As a RDM/SMN player i usually just raise when someone dies since as RDM my raises are instant and have no cooldowns like swiftcast.
If this makes your fragile healer ego hurt.. maybe switch classes 90% of healers appreciate the assistance.
As a summoner main I only res a dead healer. If it’s a tank or DPS – do it yourself mates 😤
I only got one instant spell shot unlike mr I insta cast every other spell RES Red mage