ALLIANCE ROULETTE SAVED! – FFXIV Live Letter 78 Overview & Thoughts

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50 thoughts on “ALLIANCE ROULETTE SAVED! – FFXIV Live Letter 78 Overview & Thoughts”

  1. NGL it's weird seeing the Crystarium, and weirder seeing Zero there.
    I am VERY curious what in the heck they do with this when it comes to the Role/Void Quests.

  2. Yeah. Because doing 40+ mins with countless wipes instead of quick 15 mins for the very same rewards is so much better. I absolutely hate the tanky bosses in the Nier raids and people with lvl 90 chars still running away from / with stack markers.

  3. What they should have done with the alliance roulette was rebalance the raids so that they take roughly equally as long. The later ones, Nier especially, feel like such slogs. This is the primary reason why people "cheese" it to begin with.

    All this change is going to do is make me not run the roulette, and result in more people bailing upon getting something undesirable.

  4. So a new map for CC which hardly anyone plays. Yet Frontlines which is consistently busy every, single. Day. Doesn’t get Borderlands Secure back. Unbelievable.

    So we won’t get this back until 7.0 now which means we have to suffer the terrible new shatter every 3 days until 7.0.

    Why do they care so little about Frontlines when it’s one of the busiest modes in the entire game every day.

  5. they took the literal worst path for for the alliance raid imo.

    the main reason why this is an issue is because of time investment, i don't care what anyone else says, why spend 30-45 minutes doing an alliance raid when you can get the EXACT same reward for 15 minutes of work, now you'll be forced into just accepting that you'll be throwing away 15-30 minutes.

    if you would get compensated depending on howlong the duty takes, people would likely prefer the other alliance raids since that was what happened before MSQ got changed, people wanted praetorium since it gave a lot more EXP than the other 1.

    maybe also up the tome reward depending on which you get through alliance roulette, but instead they took the lazy way out and were like "here ya go, suffer :D"

    overal lackluster LL, i'm happy I already maxed my jobs, don't have to bother with alliance roulette at all, hell i will probably avoid it in 7.0 aswell, since i rather not get rabanstre or ridorana lighthouse, hate howlong they take and how boring both of them are, orbonne i would be down for since it was actually fun.
    i don't care about island sanctuary, honestly wasted dev time and it's clear the devs don't respect player time since they were like "hur hur, you think you can cheese this? so do the work yourself"
    i didn't do island sanctuary since it was just outright time gated and i don't like that, i can accept it for raids since you would get too strong too quickly, but i got my own gripes with that, for example that the tier will be locked till a few weeks before 7.0 likely.
    but also that it's a spreadsheet simulator, just doesn't seem fun to me and everyone that i know that is max lvl only does it maybe once a week if they don't end up forgetting.

    i'm dissapointed we didn't get to see some of the balance changes, since it just felt like "PvE balance changes" straight into the slide for PvP, sorry but PvE is your main focus in this game, i'm not saying neglect the PvP side (Although yay for the 5 pvp players out there) but atleast show us PvE players what we can expect out our jobs, i need more WAR buffs damn it!

    but it's a standard live letter, nothing major, everything predictable and overal just meh, not worth the time they spend in it, could've just released the slides online with some text and accomplish the same.

    also, no new QoL mods being added, but i guess that's normal when nobody has been banned lately for QoL mods.
    maybe add something like a place where we can find PF marker layouts, so then people don't need to import it from an outside source and use an 3rd party tool to place them instantly, it's not difficult to place them, but when you got a mechanic like dark and light and you gotta be close, it's nice knowing where to stand.

  6. During my tome farming phase I got LotA, WoD and Aglaia in equal measure, no other raids. And I'm glad for Aglaia actually as that one runs pretty smoothly these days and gives extra tomes. Not looking forward to getting the NieR ones though.
    Have to see how this plays out, if I deem it too tedious I'll just stop doing ally roulettes on high level jobs.

  7. I'm so glad it's based on level now. I absolutely hate only ever getting Crystal Tower because people take off their gear. You will already get it more than other Ally Raids just because everyone has to unlock it and it has the lowest level, doesn't need the people forcing you into it because it saves a couple minutes.

    Orbonne and the Nier raids are lovely, and I want more of them!

  8. I prefer mid jan. December releases always put so much pressure on raiders and stressed them during a holiday period. Like sure, you gwt leave days but sometimes its nice to soend that with RL so you dont burn out in game

  9. the ilvl change to alliance roulette was a long time coming, as a new player it was weird to see that roulette didn't have it when i had to progress the story to even do expert roulette due to ilvl and duty unlock restrictions. As you also mentioned it's still quite weird that most story dungeons have ilvl sync but important story trials don't. I'm fine with something like NieR or Ivalice raids being able to skip a bit of the bosses if your dps is high enough, but a story trial should still be mainly for the MSQ experience just like a ilvl capped dungeon…

  10. I queue with a friend into nier/ivalice for fun, and to upset the duty finder players that forget to exploit the system. It gets a lot more positive reaction in alliance chat because I think 90% of players are bored of the CT raids. This is the best change for the game, no more syrcus tower spam!

    Now we just gotta get them to implement min ilvl, or adjust the boss hp to actually need to do mechanics again. 😊

  11. Solving the Island Sanctuary workshop is very easy.

    Sort for- Insufficient Supply and Skyrocketing Demand.
    The next day is almost always Nonexistent Supply which is highest value.

    I average about 34k a week with basically zero thought or effort.

    Insufficient supply and Increasing demand usually plummets to Sufficient or Overflowing the next day which lowers value.

  12. I didn't even realize people were IL scumming to force Crystal Tower alliance raids. I just figured I kept hitting it because fewer people bothered to do the Heavensward or Stormblood raids. FINALLY I CAN SEE IVALICE RAIDS MORE OFTEN. Yes I'm one of the sickos that adores the Ivalice raids because I'm a complete Matsuno elitist dork.

  13. Wish yoshi would put the old armor’s from the old pvp series like the archfiend armor somewhere in the game to make it obtainable for those who miss out on that season.

  14. This is going to kill alliance roulette, not save it. Its already barely worth it for any purpose if you get the faster crystal tower instances. There are better ways to repeatably acquire all of these things. Once people figure this out, they will simply stop running alliance roulette.

    This change needs to be paired with SIGNIFICANT boosts to alliance roulette rewards, otherwise it won't matter that you get ct less, as you won't get into a queued instance at all.

    (of course you do not have to do the most time optimal method of gaining resources in all cases, but if a piece of content is inferior to in all aspects to many other forms of repeatable content, then it will be ran less)

  15. I never expect myself playing this game, only did because of unfortunate circumstances. But I have noticed you throughout the years. You look a lot healthier than when I previously saw you, keep it up!

  16. Alliance roulette wasn't saved it's ruined. People don't like having their time wasted in alliance raids that can take 30 minutes to an hour when you get the exact same rewards from a 12mim run of syrcus tower

  17. The fact they think Alliance ILevel cheese was what they needed to fix and not the story dungeons, is just terrible. So people playing the main game continue to get a terrible experience, but people farming tomes can't cheese it anymore. Great thing to focus on. Also, instead of fixing the item level problem CT has to make it as difficult as it should be, they just stopped people from cheesing which raid they get. Again, their focus is in the wrong place.

    Not inspiring confidence in where the game is going.

  18. Finally, i'm excited to actually get to do something other than crystal tower, ive unlocked all the alliance raids up to shadowbringers and ive literally never gotten anything but crystal tower in the roulette, i genuinely hate them at this point, literally the thing i hate most about this game at this point

  19. "Saved". Not everyone likes Nier. I guess I'll just skip alliance roulette now. 15 minutes versus 45 is not ideal. At the very least get rid of the trash pulls in Nier, and it wouldn't feel so painful.
    I never get the one I want anyways, which is Ivalice. A revamp of CT to be like it used to be would have been preferred.

  20. I've been away from the game for a bit and haven't watched any of your vids in a while – I gotta say the weight loss looks GREAT on you man! Not sure if you are specifically working on it but you look better than ever dude.


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