Asmongold shares his thoughts on the recent Final Fantasy 14 Endwalker release delay, after Yoshi-P personally explained why the upcoming expansion needed just a couple more weeks before it was ready. Asmongold also briefly talks about his future plans with FF14 and the state of WoW…
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i think anyone expecting perfection on an mmo release is living in a dream world, even the most genuine and player focused of companies taking every measure to ensure success will step on a rake or two
Hey man I hope you're doing okay. We're all here for you bud.
Good to be back in the grove at least by a little. Of course take your time Asmon, but glad you’re getting back into it.
good to see him doing what he loves, it seems like he is happier
Playing lots of different games instead of sticking to just one is the best!
Me im always playing multiple, currently i'm playing around 5 games :0
12:20 for Future Plans
It really is true that first impressions are very important. If Endwalker was super buggy at launch, it would always be remembered for that, regardless of how good it becomes later on. (Stormblood kinda suffered that fate, due to server issues causing players to be unable to proceed past a certain point at launch.)
However, even though that's the case, Yoshi-P apologized for the delay and said that it was his fault because after he played throughout Endwalker when it was finished, he wanted to give it some additional touches to make it even better at launch, and really live up to the hype, but it ended up taking longer than expected, resulting in a delay. (I believe he said it was because certification takes time, so I think the game is already done now, but the delay is to give the certification time to get passed.)
So by the sounds of it, the delay wasn't at all due to bugs, but was just to give the game some touch-up.
Overall though, even if the game wouldn't have been buggy, those touch-ups can make the experience even more memorable and worthwhile. We don't know what all was done then that caused the delay, but the things they changed/added could be what really makes or breaks the game. Their goal is to make it even better than Shadowbringers, of course, so the delay could very well be more important than any of us realize, because if it doesn't surpass the previous expansion, especially after so much hype was built up for it, it could be damaging to the game and it's future.
Anyways, it was only delayed 2 weeks. I'm really upset that I have to wait even longer for it, but at least it wasn't 2 MONTHS. Or more…
as you said. it suck they have to delay release, especially when you took off. but i'd rather be disapointed about a late release than in the game itself. the date dose not matter. the game quality dose. sure it is shit but 2 weeks will fly by so quick it you hardly will noticed it delayed.
I love how everyone is spamming laugh emotes the moment Zack mentions Blizzard.
Don't know if you are familiar with the history of FFXIV but the game is technically 11yrs old now. ARR was the fix for the problems that caused the original launch of FFXIV to flop. Yoshi P had to rebuild the game from the ground up. He had to have a company make him a custom game engine that could run the game. Yoshi P cares so much about the game because of the time he put in it. FFXIV put square enix into financial trouble because of the flop and Yoshi P saved it. I like how understanding you are about the delay. I think we all want a quality product in the end and the devs do too.
I hope he's OK. That's all I care about.
Diablo 2 disconnected. Please talk about how pissed off the community is for diablo 2 resurrected.
its nice he is breaking the ice that way he can stream more and feel more comfy cause we know he enjoys talking about gaming stuff specially now it will help to ease his mind <3
nice to see hearts and also people giving him the normal chat experience with jokes and emotes cause sometimes is nice to be treated normally and do stuff normally so it helps to take the pain and sadness away
nice to see a post again
Dude, so many solid points! Thank you for the commentary. Totally worth the watch!
I just finished ARR but I'm hesitant to buy the 2 expansions on steam as the next expansion in order isn't listed, and I'm not sure about dropping $90 on 3 expansions if the steam store has a possibility for a $60 bundle
Asmondgold i never comment but just want to say I love your content and you have help me through some tough times. you have heard this a lot but stay strong and get back to us when you can. your not alone. but i truly hope you realize that you mean so much to so many people. stay strong my friend
Come back when you want. But know that anytime you get lonely or are thinking too much about things or need to vent. Know that if you don't feel like or not possible going out with RL friends to unwind. You can always get on stream for company or talks with your viewers.
FF14 will still be there when you choose to stream back, so will we to watch you have fun and have laughs together again. Take it easy, and peace dude.
RATHER him say he did quit FF and play wow…his old classic and wow plays were more entertaining cuz he was so passionate about the game.
Glad to see you well.
I'm glad asmon is handling things seemingly well enough. <3
But wait, now classic has to delay aswell, to mess with their scedual…
Suck it up Buttercup. The fourth turning is coming
Great to see you back my man. I've missed these chats
Zack. We love you.
His room looks cleaner than normal
just feel bad for yoshi-p with how much covid has affected the dev team. from the 5.3 delay to the 5.5 ult cancellation theyve been through alot. Endwalkers definetely gonna be hype as fuck so im good with waiting
I paused this 20 seconds in and switched to the raw Twitch VOD. 100% worth it, there was some absolute gold in there.
Welcome back Zack! Walking a new path in FFXIV!
I want Japanese subtitles.
How you hangin in there man? You doin alright? Keep ya head up.
Long long time fan here, I hope you're doing better and am so thankful for you
we don't want anther end up like cyberpunk
I hope all is well, best wishes
Im glad to see you uploading asmongold. I cannot imagine what you are going through and I hope you are doing better. Hopefully next we hear from you we can see you up in that tree house.
Thanks for mentioning Cyber Punk. People tend to forget how rushed it was because of people demanding it to be out and thanks to that, there was so many problems with it, people complained even more.
COVID wasn’t as bad as the so-called cure.
New perspective
Other game devs: You know they're not in a finished state and they wanna try and mask it and you hate the devs more.
FFXIV: A single delay by a full 2 weeks and you wanna protect the cinnamon roll of a game dev.
The expectation of this games are so high because there is a lot of weed.
I don't comment much. I really appreciate you man.
Asmon you have begun a new chapter in your life. While the end of the previous one was tragic, you have something new ahead of you, now. Best of luck brother. Go forward lighter than you were before.
Good shit bro.
Glad to see this video asmon. <3
The sad thing about WoW is not only that it COULD be so much better. It's that it already WAS much better several times throughout the history, but because of their reductive game design that constantly replaces good features just for the sake of putting something new in the game instead – they have made it worse.
The problem with that approach is that it gets harder and harder to invent something NEW that is better than the old thing. And at one point you may have designed a near-perfect system, or near-perfect class mechanic, and when you feel you HAVE TO change it – there's really only one direction you can move in – down.
Blizzard should start actively keeping and expanding upon their best ideas, and should start with analyzing all the previous expansions and actually RETURNING things into the game. For example I don't think many people would complain if current class mechanics were completely rolled back to Legion state or MoP state. I don't think anyone would complain if class order halls or another spin on Garrisons was returned. I don't think anyone would complain if World Quests were GONE, and more story-driven MoP dailies returned, perhaps just limited in number a bit. No one would complain if you return 10-25 man raiding, with only 2 difficulty scales.
Agreed about Endwalker, however, I think the biggest spectre it has to fight is not wow, but Shadowbringers; following that up with what is the end of the main arc… I sincerely offer my good luck. 🙂 Also agreed about initial impressions… people still meme on ESO or GW2 somehow even tho they are great – now! If they're your cup of tea.
Also good to see you Zack!
Just imagine that once Yoshi P heard about Asmon's mom he said hold the presses. Unlikely but it would be kinda dope.