FFXIV – Variant Dungeons: Sil'dihn Subterrane -All Endings Guide- Silkie Mount Achievement

Sil’dihn Subterrane dungeon guide, to get all the endings and unlock the Silkie mount. I thought the mount was super cute and needed to have it as soon as I could xD. So here is a quick guide to help anyone going for the Silkie mount too. I’ll put some more info about all the paths down below, thanks for watching and hope you all enjoy your mounts ^^

Intro 00:00

Left Path 00:14
1: Room with green and gold bags, take the geen bag in the NE corner and the gold bag in the SE corner. After TP, there is a door to the west behind the rubble that you can open before moving ahead.
2: Same as #1, but do not open the door
3: Use two of the wrong bags and trigger (all) the puff circles after the door opens
4: Same as 3 but don’t trigger the puff circles after the door opens

Middle Path 03:04
8 Fight the final boss after messing up the scale (e.g. nothing) and use the Right lever
9 Same as 8 but use the left lever
10 Before the final boss, Put Helm left and Fruit right then click the Nald Statue
11 Same as 10 but click Thal Statue

Right Path 06:03
5: Left lift Before final boss, answer the first option
6 Same as 5 but answer the second option
7 After first boss, take the lift to the right and kill the drakes from LARGEST to SMALLEST, grab the incense and kill the boss normally.
12 After the first boss, take the lift to the rightand kill the drakes from LARGEST to SMALLEST, then kill adds and pick up the incense quickly, once you reach the Coffin, use /bow, /respect, /vpose, /kneel and kill the secret boss.

Mount showcase 10:48


18 thoughts on “FFXIV – Variant Dungeons: Sil'dihn Subterrane -All Endings Guide- Silkie Mount Achievement”

  1. Do you know if you also get the Relics for exchange from the Criterion Dungeon? Because its literally super grindy. 2 Relics per Run and you need 83 in Total for all the Glam and the Emote. I'm already burned out from doing all the Paths to get my mount.

  2. Please, please, please speak up or put out custom subtitles. I appreciate your content so much, but it is excruciatingly difficult to understand what you're saying, and this becomes really, really hard when some of these branching endings require specific, clear instructions to complete.

  3. this was such a great help without spoilering any boss mechanics. just what i've been searching for! thanks 🙂

    don't let this rubbish community bring you down, i am german and i can understand your english very well!!
    you explain every possible way and everyone who was in there at least once can make out, where the shown waypoints are.

    Congrats on this mount, i'll try to bring it on next 😀


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