ALEXANDER! Asmongold First RAID of FFXIV: Heavensward

After beating Final Fantasy 14 Heavensward, Asmongold tries his luck against the first raid of the expansion, Alexander: Gordias! Featuring the first 4 wings, a mysterious Pepsi Man and boss theme music that slap!

INTRO 0:00
Alexander – The Fist of the Father 3:36
Alexander – The Cuff of the Father 10:19
Alexander – The Arm of the Father 21:17
Alexander – The Burden of the Father 32:30

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Channel Editors: CatDany & Daily Dose of Asmongold

â–ș Outro song: CatDany – Get Enough

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46 thoughts on “ALEXANDER! Asmongold First RAID of FFXIV: Heavensward”

  1. Dungeons-trials-alliance?-normal raids-ex trials-coils-savage raids-ultimates.

    From my understanding coils being a bit out of normal difficulty curve is why it doesn't show up in normal raid roulette. Also not sure if alliance should go before or after normal. Probably depends on specific fights.

  2. In case someone wonders about cutscenes and such: You only have to watch them one time, can be even skipped first time. You have option in char config that auto-skips cutscenes youve already seen. So no need to worry you are watching cutscenes every raid (still giving me frustrations to think about "WE NAMED HIM.." from ICC). And as seen on video, story is played outside raid

  3. People in chat saying savage is the real raid (difficulty wise) are forgetting that Alexander Gordias was actually difficult when it was released (At least the later floors)

  4. For those who don't know: In difference to Realm Reborn, this in the video is the "normal" Mode balanced for casual players.
    This got introduced because of much complains about the coils were gating an important part of lore.
    The real raid is to find in the savages here.
    For Alexander we have the biggest difference in savages of the entire game.
    The first Alexander "Gordias" savage was designed around heavy DPS checks. Today you wont be able to feel this anymore, even on miniLvl, because of the class changes they have done over the time. Back in time, "Pepsiman" was the one most raid groups struggled to overcome the DPS check of the add phase.
    Because of complains in the forum the second one "Midas" savage was designed around mechanics and on point healing instead of heavy DPS checks. As far I remember, the world wide clear rate was at 1,4% when the next raid tier got released. The final boss of Midas was the first final raid boss ever in this game, that got nerfs after the tier was over. The healing at the final boss was so tight, that the combo of AST+WHM was in these days "the real savage". At the end of this tier fflogs counted 11 groups worldwide (my one included), that finished Brutalus with that combo.
    After much complaining about the difficulty (in the forum the voices were loud about Alexander kills the raid community) the third one "Creator" savage was the first savage, that got heavily toned down in difficulty and its difficulty got the base for future savages.
    To fill that gap for HC players that this last change created, for Stormblood the Ultimate series got announced.

  5. I still remember doing the first tier of Alex the day it released. I was playing MCH at the time, which was in a really rough spot and a fellow FC mate I teamed up with was worried I wouldn't be able to hold my own. Ended up topping the DPS in the first fight, second in the second fight, then top foe the last two. It made him feel better about MCH being able to perform.

  6. goddamn , will admite i havent done the savages of these fights but seeing the game being played through is making me want to come back sooner than i was planning was doing the shadowbringers savages before i left but guild kind of all went ehhh lets take a break.


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