GW2 Player Plays Final Fantasy XIV – EXTREME SHIVA IS BRUTAL!

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To those new to the channel:
I’m an Entertainer, gamer & Twitch Streamer. Overwatch, League of Legends, Skyrim, Rust, CS:GO, Guild Wars 2, PUBG, Apex Legends, Dead by Daylight, Witcher 3, Uncharted 4, The Last Of Us are amongst my favourites. I tend to enjoy many types of games.
Favourite Games by Genre:
Favourite Shooter: Overwatch
Favourite Single player RPG: Witcher 3
Favourite MMORPG: Guild Wars 2
Favourite MOBA: League of Legends
Favourite survival game: Rust
Favourite Story telling game: The Last Of Us
Favourite Multiplayer Character: Ana Amari (Overwatch)
Favourite Single player Character: Geralt Of Rivia (Witcher 3)
Favourite Fighting game: Injustice
Favourite Stealth Game: Metal Gear Solid

Favourite Single Player Game Developers: CD Projekt Red (Witcher 3)
Favourite Multiplayer Game Developers: ArenaNet (Guild Wars 2)
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39 thoughts on “GW2 Player Plays Final Fantasy XIV – EXTREME SHIVA IS BRUTAL!”

  1. I've been told opening with Trick Attack for the buff isn't the best way. Cuz none of your fellow DPS are up to their BIG hits at that point. Roughly about 8-10 seconds in, then do it. 🤷‍♂️ Of course that is generic advice different fights might want you to do it differently.

  2. For almost all fights in the game Tanks and melee can get 100% uptime. Typically the MT will be North, OT will be on the W or E, and the 2 melee will take the other E or W, and 1 south(continue getting your flank and rear position, but when a mechanic goes out that targets everyone like hail storm move to your "side"). The range should fuck off, unless a mechanic REQUIRES them to be there. As a dps you almost want to be attacking the boss as much as possible, and keep your gcd rolling. You only get off the boss when it's completely obvious to get away. In some scenarios, you can just go stack on the tank to keep attacking the boss. You never want to run away and just be standing out there dong nothing.

  3. You seem abit confused at times as to how your taking damage when your outside the AoE effects in this game you take damage when the indicators go away not when the effect actually hits you. As a side note due to this you can also safely stand right inside an attack effect, say a laser, as long as you were not in the indicator when it disappeared.

  4. Hah hah — OMG, PLEASE for the sake of your raid's sanity research the fight and its mechanics before you go in. Extreme mode is no joke.

  5. just fyi, when you get raised you'd get 5 seconds of invulnerability but if you use any skills (including sprint, auto-attack, etc.) the invul will disappear so it's usually best to not move in those 5s until you receive some heals especially during unfamiliar raids

  6. As someone who hasn’t beaten a single raid boss in GW2 but does sync’d extremes (Odin you don’t have an extreme but I’m lookin’ at you) this makes me feel a bit better about myself haha

  7. Gg for ur kill lmao I rarely laugh same this one of my medley dps of my french roaster is on ur video and kill u all because he doesn t stack the lb im just so happy to see that and can share with the roster for laugh really more 🤣 nice for a beginner player there is errors but I think all pass by here think nobody or just a little bit of person can play really good since their starting and this is not bad if u started the game recently ^^

  8. And you guys still have max stats for your level sync, imagine back in the day when DPS was tight due to people being under geared! You could barely afford 2 deaths.

  9. min ilvl no echo, or MINE as some of us in the synced content community calls it, AND BLIND PROG for yourself, I hope you continue to enjoy it!


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