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  1. Hard disagree, zepla is putting her foot down on an issue and isn't apologizing. More streamers should grow a backbone even half the size of hers

  2. If you think this will ever stop from these type of harassing people, you can have a nice talk with Eric July, YoungRippa59.

    Edit: Then there is Silvervale who did exactly what Xemis said to do and more. Guess what? It didn't stop. This area of harassment is not an area Xenos has any experience in at all.

  3. Idk bout this. Theres a difference between a bait and actual harrassment. These people attacking streamers over a game is alot worse than a bait. A bait is harmless and usually ends with someone sayin "haha xffing" or some dumb shit. These people throwin out death threats. thats not okay.

  4. I’m sorry, but just because its the Harry Potter universe, the trans community is immediately going to dismiss all the work the dev team, graphic design team, writing team. And the hundreds of other ppl’s hard work into the game. All because its based on an universe written by an author that said some dumb shit once.

    Listen, I mean this sincerely, trans community. Don’t go down this path, be better, you are treading down the same path that feminism once did. They use to be a shining community about equality, now they are bunch of irrational idiots that forgot their original purpose.

    If you believe your issue can be solved or if you believe you are fighting for your views by not playing a VIDEO GAME… then maybe your issue is a non-issue… focus on whats important, help those that are stuck in a dark place instead. If you save one person from a transphobic, abusive circle, you have already done far more then going on twitter and hating on Hogwarts legacy.


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