ACTUAL Proof FFXIV Endwalker Doomsayers Were WRONG

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Quazii looks back on the annual revenues of FF14 over the years.

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37 thoughts on “ACTUAL Proof FFXIV Endwalker Doomsayers Were WRONG”

  1. I'm so glad you made this. While it may be true there's nothing to super duper grind on, I was SO thankful for the break. My character got deleted at the start of endwalker and I had to redo everything. The fact that I didn't have to do another exploration zone, or farm a million old 24 man raids to get weapons helped me catch back up and I've been enjoying island sanctuary, criterion, and deep dungeon for the first time because I'm not afraid of trying other things in game and missing out while I do

  2. I'm Casual player I'm here for MSQ , Glams and general gearing.

    I may do a relic. I don't raid I barely do Extremes.

    I hated the ending story for Endwalker the nihilism the story revolves around is lame and feels like a bad Teen drama novel about a sad teenage bird.

    Shit happens with no effort into how or why. It just does.

    The New Found adventure mini arc with Zero was a bit better but very coincidental in how plot points came together.

    Endwalker was the first time I was ready to do big game long form content that all the other expansions had to find out nothing was coming.

    Island sanctuary is full and uninteresting solo , variant in criterion instances are only 4 man and requires only the most Brain dead of repetitive illusion of choice to unlock mounts. Criterion was basically a Savage with no Rewards. Personally I don't even do extremes like I said before start getting me to do something as hard as criterion is laughable at best.

    Good luck finding a house.

    I was simply out fo content.

    In my Desperation decided to max out all of the Fate content in the endwalker zones get the grape Laurel headpiece and then proceeded to max out a culinarian class even go as far as getting it Pentamelded. Just to find it's not that cost effective to only have one crafter with out also getting a way to get your materials cheaper over free via a gather or something.

    I came to a lot of realizations about the state of the game and what It did and didn't want from me or have for me in this last Expansion.

    So I left. I hear alot of promises and big interesting things about Dawntrail so I'm bad to see how that pans out. And just hope I enjoy it.

    I have 2700+ hours in it. It's the only game I want to play really inefficient with my time but I make do.

    I look forward to DT and the feature of the mid core and MMO content they intent to deliver on.

  3. I'll be honest I was never a hug fan of Zero but versus previous MSQ questlines all of these were connected to the same story and just a random new story so even not liking a character as much I still wanted to comeback and play to see how the story played out. I hope this continues this in the future.

  4. I'm not to sure this disapproves what content creators or people in the community are saying. when you consider the mass backlog of content new people have when joining the game, it makes sense that they would stay subbed longer generally speaking over those who are at endgame. There is simply more for them to do and endgame issues aren't something they are concerned with.

    Also I would be curious about taking the percentage decline between expansions relative to the total number of subs. The graph while nominally holds true there are more subs than ever that is a pretty steep decline. It may be that because there are more people subbed declines are going to be larger because the player base is larger. Also Yoshi-p himself has already come out in interviews basically agreeing with the conversations bout post content in endwalker.

    I tend to agree with the content creators since I got into savage raiding because I didn't have anything else to do in the game. I don't play 10 hours per day but do play more than your average person. In Shadowbringers or Stormblood, I would spend time in the large scale content which consumed most of my time but in general I didn't have much of anything to do outside of raiding. I also just took a lot of breaks from the game too because well very little to do.

  5. It will be interesting to see how adding Xbox players affects revenue, too. I know I’m seeing more sprouts for sure. I started playing just before Endwalker and finally finished the story early this year. I played quite casually the first year for various reasons and ramped up activity as I hit Heavensward and got thoroughly engrossed in the story. I get what some of the content creators are saying about there being less to do after EW than other expacs. However, I’m not someone who can spend 8 hours a day playing, either, so I haven’t run out of stuff to do yet. I still feel like there is so much content that I haven’t even touched yet. I have a career and family, and I’m thrilled to have more casual options that I can just sit down and enjoy without having to put a ton of brain power into. I enjoy end game raiding, but after a long day of work, I’m totally fine jumping in game to do some roulettes, do a few fates here and there, work on some relic weapons, or do some ocean fishing. I finally jumped into Eureka a few months ago. There’s a ton of stuff a casual player like me can still do that will keep me very busy if I want that. No complaints from me on the amount of content. There might be a lack of high difficulty content, but there’s definitely not a lack of more casual content.

  6. Fact that is has a bigger dip than shadowbringers really says it all. Post Content after endwalker did not hold up. When your content is mostly solo that can be spreadsheet or daily tome for relic weapons people lose their drive to play. Outside of the two ultimates we had one of the worse final tiers of savage for glam. Couldn’t bring myself to finish it. Decided to clear top instead.

  7. I payed the sub most of endwalker, but I didn't raid like in shadowbringers and the most recent playing I've been doing is dawntrail hype, most time spent in eureka. Endwalker post expansion packs didn't encourage me in any way. Is this graph revenue generated by end walker content or just general interest in the game and all it's content?

  8. Those content creators are just fair weather fans and always have been. They have literal armies to carry them through content everyone else has to grind for months. Once they finish said content at break neck speed, they complain there's nothing left to do. Imagine DR bring completed while relevant and having all your desired drops, in the same month. I know I won't get an Ozma mount, or an ultimate weapon, but one day I'll get that two seater mount from Bozja, even if someone else already had it week one.

  9. I was actually very glad about this so-called lack of content. It made it possible for me to either play something else or continue things ig that I started, but (due to my full-time job) couldn't finish. I'm very grateful for that.

  10. I'm not a content creator and I don't play the game for 100 hours a week and I still thought there was a lack of things to do in EW… and the things there were were difficult to find anyone to do them with – there was criterion, blu 80, and EO DD were all difficult to get anyone to participate in compared to side content in other patch cycles. The game can have content issues, which I think were legitimate, without being on fire/dying.

  11. I don't feel bad AT ALL for sweaty players feeling unwelcome in this casual game made for casual players that's full of casual content. Parsers can cry me a river. Maybe they can wall-to-wall or speedrun some psychological therapy sessions, idk. Not my problem πŸ˜‚

  12. I can’t relate to a lot of the content creators, and especially not to everyone on r/ffxivdiscussion. I’ve been playing this game since 2.0. I have over 15k playtime hours. I can still find ways to keep myself busy, especially since I just started doing ultimates a few months ago. Even if I wasn’t raiding though I still feel like I could find things to do. A lot of the players that have less time than me to play should definitely have content to do in the game. Just cause something isn’t brand new doesn’t mean it’s not content. There’s also nothing wrong with playing other games and coming back when you feel like you don’t have anything to do.

  13. Not at all surprised.
    And anyway, it was never about any genuine concern that XIV was in a down-trend.
    It was for drama. Drama attracts clicks and eyeballs and engagement, and those creators were milking it.

    I said during while it was going on that, as soon as DT launch is getting close, all these people will suddenly be back on board and excited for it. Because that's where the algorithm will be.
    And what do ya know? Right on cue…

  14. I will continue saying the same thing always: The Loudest sounds are made by the part that's broken. Squeaky Wheels, you after you hit that nail that's sticking out, the belt in my car engine that keeps whining. If Content Creators are crying out in droves that there's no content, but you and your friends are having fun? Maybe they're the ones who need to be "Fixed." Play another game. "Oh but Streamers will lose audience and money and…" And if they cared about working hard for their brand, they would diversify and build up a loyal fanbase. If their audience leaves because they aren't playing the game, THEY are doing something wrong. Look at the Grinding Gear guys, They have good numbers playing other games. Comically, they do more than just Grind. Take a Look at Jesse Cox, He does a good deal of FFXIV, but way back he did nothing but WoW. Then he diversified and has a strong loyal fanbase that'll follow him around. There are plenty more examples, but you get the picture. If they're spending time complaining, they could be spending that time trying to branch out. They could be spending that time trying to build a loyal fanbase that will follow them into other games while they take a break from XIV. But no. They're working for the lowest bar of effort needed, especially if they resort to Games Journo level of Click bait that is taking a massive dump on anything.

    And hell, if you want "Lack of Content" look at how WoW creators handle it. Sure they have stupidly long Grinds they can do, but some of them make their own damn content, Like Asmongold making Glamour Contests. You can take an idea like that with your community, Make a challenge contest, like 'best OC do not steal' glamours making other game characters the best you can with XIV Gear. Challenge run dungeons or Raids (All Healer, All Melee, You Die you Die MINE). "But that's a lot of work." No Duh, If Content Creation is your dream job, the career you want to pursue to the limit, then you gotta be willing to put in the work. Wanting other people to do all of it for you is just showing how lazy you are. There's no way a Game Dev can make you good rewards in an infinitely replayable content. Take a look at twitch's statistics, the top 10 are PVP games. The first arguably PVE game is Minecraft at #13, then WoW (which still has a good PVP Community inspite of the devs giving nothing to that community in years) at #17.

    There's a reason I don't Stream. It's not because I'm camera shy, VTubing is a thing. It's not because I lack equipment, as I have recently upgarded my computer and still have my old one which is plenty good for rendering and streaming. The reason I don't try, is because I know how hard good Streamers work, and I know I'd crack under the amount of work it'd take to be a half-decent one, let alone a good one. You have to first and foremost be likable. You have to have something no one else does. You have to interact with your community. You have to spend time off Camera planning and working.

  15. Theres also loyalty. I havent been playing FF14 post patches but i stay subbed cause i want the game to do well. And the devs have my support.
    Ill be back to play again when im ready. 😊

  16. Perfecly said, i've been playing this game casually for 3.5 years and there's so much i don't even know about, and even what i know there's some i haven't done yet, i've only tried my hand at ultimates a month ago and they were ARR ones! Being solely FFXIV streamer should not be the standart POV for the average experience, and the average experience should be the main one since it covers most players. Streamers are a percentage even lower then ultimate players.

  17. That is still the biggest drop in the games history and does it include all the money made from countless cash shop only items which they have started to add more often?

  18. In addition to the content creators, I also feel like there is a considerable amount of 'loud majority' that need to understand that just because there is nothing to do for them they enjoy, it doesn't meant there is nothing to do in the game. Because I think everyonehas a piece of content they just don't like or don't feel like doing or only feel like doing at a later point. And on top of that the FF community offers so much in terms of 'Make your own fun' with venues, conventions, RPs, Treasure Map events, etc. Some ppl spend all their time in game gposing or decorating their house! And I get if that's not your thing but saying there is nothing to do in game is in my opinion a very narrow way to view FFXIV or MMOS in general.

  19. The criticism is valid it wasn't soley about playing every day it was about not having any incentive to play hardly at all. It's tough to gauge by numbers alone because there's always new players as well but it also wasn't AS bad as the content creator section made it out to be, not all doom and gloom.

  20. There was lots of post patch content!
    A lot of it was just not new.
    I think where they really fell down was the relic grind not having specific goals. Leaving it super broad made it β€œboring”

  21. I think lots of people dont realize still that, EW Patches are unique In that they all setup the next 'expansion' or just the next story going forward as we found out when DT was revealed. So many folks weren't continuing the story of EW into patches X.3 and so more folks dropped out early on.

    But they're only hurting themselves If they arent caught up on the patches by now with DT releasing within 2 weeks. It's like an ARR style story setup for the future, It's good to know these story beats going forward. Now I cant talk for 'expansion' luls myself, I'm also a Roleplayer and that's what keeps me playing FFXIV most of my time, besides the housing & gposing which enchances that RPing, but I never felt bored during the patches. I PvP on the side in Crystaline Conflict and always keep busy.

    And I'm a WoW vanilla player, ok… this stuff keeps me going and entertained more than any WoW major patches from ye olden days. I cant even stick around current major wow patches for more then a few hours before I'm bored.

  22. I've been logging on everyday since the pre-order's went live to try and finish leveling all my jobs to 90 before DT.

    Apparently, that exp earring was all the excuse I needed to start playing to game, again. Lol.

  23. Sub numbers don't directly mean somthing is good
    entirely People can come back each patch without viewing much online about it's content/review of it. Aka coming in blind because you just know new stuff got released

  24. I found that, aside from doing the dungeons a few times here and there, I don't enjoy the "MMO" aspects of FFXIV. I do enjoy the story. The dungeons I think are just as good as WOW's, if not better. However, I still think WOW has raiding locked down…FFXIV's raiding is just not compelling to me. WOW also had a BIG recovery with Dragonflight, the game is better than it's been in many years now.

  25. Anecdotal experience is that I know a handful of people who say there is "nothing to do" in the game, but they have 1 job leveled, only do raids, and then log off. I take the complaints with a bag of salt because I understand that not everyone is going to be pleased with every new piece of content. I've been playing the game regularly since 2.0 launch and I have so much to do that it's overwhelming at times. Sure, catching every fish in the game may sound boring, but it's taking me more planning and research than a savage fight. I'm not even joking.

  26. Yea lost a lot of respect for certain youtubers for all this fake drama about the game dying or some crap. I never got that impression from EW despite some of my own minor quibbles with the game.

  27. What is the percentage drop compared to past percentage drops? πŸ€”Though it's above ShB, EW had a massive boost from covid, asmon, Holo Live, et al, so it started with a massively larger number. The end result is therefore a larger number but the losses certainly look significant.


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