Going over the past 3 months of FFXIV Endwalker content creation and my future plans for the channel! Don’t worry its nothing scary!
0:00 Intro
0:42 3 Months doing Content Creation with FFXIV
1:15 Future Plans for the Channel
7:30 Outro
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#ffxiv #endwalker #finalfantasyxiv
Looking forward to what you have in store!
Your how to videos have helped my game so much. Thank you🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
Looks great, thank you for sharing your goals and planning!
I just started playing FFXIV again after being abroad for 7 month and your Videos have been really helpful to get back into FF.
Keep up the good work ! Cheers
hi congratulations on achieving your goal this fast
i think if you give every type of videos an icon like FFxiv jobs icons, It might be a cool idea
The future is looking bright. I'm a friend of structure and I like what you do with the colour themes there.
Looking forward to what you have coming 😃
really looking forward to all of this. Like your color code ideas and will tune in for your news coverage for sure. your "how to" series has helped a bunch and I'm pretty sure will help me out further once I start leveling up my personal nemesis job (monk xD) and the other ones I'm not too familiar with. keep it up and congrats on your channels growth!
"If you regrettably have an account on there" that made me chuckle. Excited to see what’s coming next! Would love to discuss topics like future jobs and such.
The reason the channel is successful is because you are at natural at teaching. Your kind, informative, accurate, and humble approach is a winner.
I was here POG
Looking forward to the new content, Azurite! I appreciate your knowledge and style.
Opinionated or more entertainment-style content is definitely a good step, even though it's probably a slow start that'll mostly interest the core audience of your channel. As for the thumbnails, I think that it's definitely a style that can work but I would recommend staying flexible and making thumbnails based on the content rather than staying true to a specific style. While it makes videos easier to be recognized as yours, it can also lead to viewers believing they've already seen a specific video if its familiar in some way. A rule in film-making that I try to stick to is "show, don't tell". According to that, the ideal thumbnail would just be a picture of something the viewer is interested in without any text explaining it. If there is text, the message it conveys should be different from the title. For your examples, here's what I would do:
7.0 Patch Notes -> "New Tataru Ultimate Releasing Next Patch" or maybe "Machinist Buffs 2 Years Later!" or "Squenix Finally Adds Fishing-Tackle Bag!"
And the images in the background would just be something related to the text! I hope you see what I mean.
Anyways, good luck with your channel!
Do whatever it is you like. If thats more youtube quality content, I wont complain 😀
Keep up the good work man, looking forward to seeing more! 👍
Congratulations my dude! 🥳🥂
I’ve really enjoyed watching your guide videos. I’ll most definitely support you on youtube and twitch and I can’t wait to see your future content!
I don't usually leave comments on youtube, but I have to let you know that you have done a great job on the how to series. Everything is so clear and well-explained, keep up the great work!
I love the game and am always looking for content to consume. A "hole" that I would love to be filled really is talking about dungeon content and maybe also the new PvP stuff.
Everytime I see podcasts like Mr Happy talking about a role (e.g. healers) I get really happy but then they only really talk about the jobs as it pertains to current savage/extreme content which I'm too casual to deal with.
I love the guides though. I only have SAM and MNK left to level to 90 and your guides helped me remember how the hell they play!
I've been really enjoying your guide videos, it's very approachable and super clear to follow. I've been happily recommending your content to the 'younger players' in my FC as well as picking up a few hints a tips myself – we appreciate you 🙏
I would definitely be interested in hearing some opinion orientated videos and seeing some conversations generate from that, hopefully they will turn out as balanced and accessible as your previous FFXIV content! Congrats on your channel growth too, that's some phenomenal work over the past few months!
Love the content, it's been super useful. I'm enjoying the guides & would like to see the opinion content
content I'd find useful right now: class guide for xpac jobs (e.g. GNB) when you first unlock them & get a dozen buttons all at once.
I really love discussion or discord videos, especially controversial ones (e.g. why should each profession be unique? Or we need Architect as a profession to build/decorate a house.)
That is great news and looking forward to your upcoming content creation. Just want to mention I really appreciate how your guides are concise and without fluff. Is there anyway you can share your keybind on skills. Currently I'm using just default hotbar 1 for gcd's and mouse clicks for non gcd's with WASD for movement but It felt clunky and I dont know how to make it better lol. Anyway much thanks to your guides, im learning a lot 😀