New Situation When WoW player tries FFXIV #ffxiv, #short

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22 thoughts on “New Situation When WoW player tries FFXIV #ffxiv, #short”

  1. Shadowbringers is really hyped up to 100 isn't it? it's not that great. I haven't finished the story, but what I have done so far is nothing special. Heavensward on the other hand was a master piece. Now, if this ending part of it makes it super good, then I'll take it back, but I doubt it will. Shadowbringers story is basticly a Star Wars rip off. it doesn't just borrow from return of the Jedi, it rips off the entire script. Or at least Jabba's palace part of the script is ripped off.
    don't get me wrong, it's not bad, nothing is bad, but only Heavensward deserves the praise it gets.

  2. I'm stuck trying so hard to like FF14. Since summer I been seeing memes like this trying the game for 2 days getting bored and going back to wow seeing another meme thinking I should give ff14 another tried being bored again after a few days and going to wow for a few weeks. I's been like this back to back for months now. I hear everybody keep saying it's so great but I'm not having fun in FF14 And I keep feeling like something is wrong with me.

  3. This game could have been MUCH better if it wasnt cross platform…PS3 spaghetti code hurts this game a lot. It just feels clunky. WoW is very smooth and reactive, FF14 feels older than wow lol. Zones are bland and boring too 🙁
    I enjoy it for now tho

  4. Its a great game don't get me wrong. But do not forget that it's only so great because wow is so bad. If wow ever got gud again then ffxiv would fall crash and burn.

    With that said im gonna do dance in limsa on my cat girl alt and let ppl pet me for Gil

  5. Its a great game don't get me wrong. But do not forget that it's only so great because wow is so bad. If wow ever got gud again then ffxiv would fall crash and burn.

    With that said im gonna do dance in limsa on my cat girl alt and let ppl pet me for Gil


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