FFXIV OST – Pandæmonium: Anabaseios Final Boss

Final boss theme for the Pandæmonium raid (until savage comes with an extra phase). Hope you liked Scream, because we got an even better version now. Reuploading because I missed removing a ready check sfx :c


20 thoughts on “FFXIV OST – Pandæmonium: Anabaseios Final Boss”

  1. the lyrics def sound like a slightly altered version of the original boss tracks from pandaemonium

    i swear its sounds like its saying in the scream remix chorus scream all u like cuz i cant hear you and scream all you like cuz we can’t hear you referring to the fact the boss considers itself some god tier being

    your journeys end as i ascend

    damn they really went hard on the lyrical remix to make this fit the story/boss

    so far the entire last circles have had great music fights have been good too

  2. Amazing….they were able to mix all the previous boss themes together, including White Stone Black, make it sound techno and elegant to represent Athena's newfound divinity, and the lyrics are still as menacing as the others. Really shows just how nasty and hypocritical she really is, all told through song.

  3. i cant wait to see her 2nd form in savage.
    this sounds like some DDRMAX beat.
    also the fact that the heart of sabik is finally confirmed to come from ultima and most likely containing the ultima spell itself was really badass. this fight made me smile with glee as a lorechad!


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