10 Most Epic Moments in Final Fantasy 14

We’re doing a list of the 10 most epic moments in Final Fantasy XIV. Enjoy.

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10 thoughts on “10 Most Epic Moments in Final Fantasy 14”

  1. Hahaha, I was thinking, "He's going to ask what we think is the most epic… What would I say?" And you're right, I can't think of anything that tops that moment for me. When the guitar kicks in… it's perfection.

    Another moment that I felt was epic was the end of the Endsinger fight when the Scions save you with the power of friendship. It's cheesy, but I love the individual quotes from the Scions and the buffs they give you that let you just go off to finish the fight. It felt really good the first time, after everything.

  2. I thought of when estinien took back control of his arm from nidhogg and said "THIS IS NOT YOUR HAND WYRM!". Probably more badass than epic but still😂

  3. I cannot find the right words to fully express what I felt during the "We Fight As One" moment. Emet will always be my favorite so you can imagine how much I loved ShB and even more so Endwalker in Elpis and after defeating Meteion when he tells you there is so much more for us to discover.

    However, one of my top favorite moments is when you are about to fight Emet and he says: "But come! Let us cast aside titles and pretenses, and reveal our true faces to one another!" You then see his real self: Hades. And just that fight alone was so epic. But when you defeat him.. the one line he decides to tell you afterwards.. it broke me. "Remember us." Now post Endwalker you find out so much more about him that re-living those ShB scenes hit so much harder. Even just typing all of this gives me chills.. I agree with you wholeheartedly, the Hades fight was and is the most epic moment of this game. In conclusion, never forget Emet & Friends!

  4. While I agree with number one being an amazing moment, I have to ask how could Seat of Sacrifice be omitted? Hell the lead up and trial can fill multiple spots in the video and still be regarded entirely correct.


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