This Video was not intended to bash FF14 in anyway. In Fact… The game is truly beautiful and I will be making many many more videos highlighting some of my greatest experiences in this game. Thank you to the ff14 community for being so open and welcome to its new players.
Final Fantasy XIV TUESDAY 830PM EST
Ultima Online Outlands WEDNESDAY / SATURDAY 830PM EST
Final Fantasy XIV THURSDAY 830PM EST
Final Fantasy 14
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This Video was not intended to bash FF14 in anyway. In Fact… The game is truly beautiful and I will be making many many more videos highlighting some of my greatest experiences in this game. Thank you to the ff14 community for being so open and welcome to its new players.
If you enjoyed this video and would like to see more please consider subscribing by clicking here : https://bit.ly/333bwSr
The reason there is so little voice acting in the early game is because ARR had such a tiny budget to work with, now i am not saying they could never go back an record, but that would be difficult because almost all the voice actors where changed between Arr and HW (for the better)
Totally agree with you on armoury chest space and the glamour system. There is a lot of technical issues in increasing armoury space though. In Endwalker they are getting rid of belts just so they can increase main hand and ring space.
Addons will never be officially supported because xiv is also on consoles and they want it to be fair on all platforms. There are some addons like ACT ( a damage meter) that are technically against the TOS but square won’t do anything as long as you don’t bring it up in game and use it solely for self improvement.
As someone who almost exclusively played dwarves back in my WoW days i would also love some good beards.
a boxer, especially a professional one.
so it's pew ju list
Don't worry about the dislikes man, sometimes ffxiv fans get very defensive
One thing to note is that ALL melee DPS use positionals to some extent; Pugilist/Monk is just "Oops All Positionals" for their ST attacks, but it still matters for all melee DPS (as a part of the challenge and the risk-reward balance – they do higher DPS than other jobs but have a higher skill ceiling as a cost). That said, a dual wielder who isn't a ninja would be cool (though I do love ninja a TON). Hopefully in another expac it'll happen.
The armory thing is DEFINITELY a pain. they are making the weapon and ring chests bigger by sacking belts next expac, but that's almost a necessity given the new jobs they're adding. I for one don't hold a lot of extra weapons on me for sentiment or glam, but I DO hold a bunch of relics (either because I need to for the relic quest or so that I can switch to it if the chance comes up to do do something with it), and that involves a constant dance of switching in and out of my inventory and armory chest. That said, that's a coding thing sadly – the game had to undergo a lot of quick fixes that piled up over the years and made it so that some choices complicate later changes.
I think them solving the problem with early part of the game being less fun is mainly just not something they can fix due to the financial investment. I think most players would rather they focus more on other content due to the amount of work that would take. They already changed ARR quests to be a bit more streamlined which took them a pretty long time to develop and I wouldn't expect more then that. I think also based on how people have been playing the game lately that ARR is not THAT bad. It is just worse then the other parts of the game is all. I wish the armory chest was a litle larger too but I want transmog improvements more big time. For now, storing stuff in retainers is ghetto but it works. Also the mog station is the WORST, but I don't want the shop in game I like it being out of sight out of mind. They do have arena modes btw, check the pvp duty tab (not the daily roulette) they are 4v4 and there are also 2v2s i think
Big NOPE from me on the addons though. It absolutely leads to toxicity. There are damage meters you just can't talk about them in game. This will never happen as long as Yoshi P is in charge. Anyways, great video as always loved seeing this!
The reason this game doesn't have official add-ons is because it's cross-platform. There's no real way to get add-ons to people on PS4/PS5 without shenanigans with the Playstation Store, so it just basically won't happen. There are unofficial, community made add-ons for DPS meters, callouts, etc, and also visual mods.
well i may not agree with everything in this video i do agree on a lot of points, the idea of the armory is nice, some of my ff buddies play wow and when they show it to me the armoury system just makes sense (still kinda want the star wars mmo to do it but they wont) I am however on the fence when it comes to the beards, i feel that more facial hair, would allow more unique characters, but would it just be tied to one race? but i like some of the ideas and hope you enjoy the rest of the game.
I'm always low on inv room so i would still hoard to cap hahahaha. I support an offhand something. Unfortunately, the warrior wields a 2H weapon but if there was another class (like beastmaster FF11) it would be fun to see dual wield, just like PLD has the shield.
Glamour feels like a work in progress, the system is relatively new and I'm sure they will improve it now that it exists.
I prefer the game to be slow in story mode than having PVP or extreme grinds. This game is a great FF first and foremost. It would be nice to have more voice acting but if we are asking for things, additional text languages would be even better.
If you want to measure yourself, you have Sun Moon Sky?(forgot the name), if you want to measure yourself against others, that is not welcome.
It would be cool if wow players tried another game which was also from old wow times and compared: FF11 was a really tough game to play (back then even leveling was really difficult, even if all jobs were in the same char, it was unlikely to cap them all) because I think it would give you a better point of comparison.
A lot of what you've stated is true, specially about the part of Glamour/Transmog. FFXIV can really take a lot from WoW regarding that system.
About the other stuff.
Voice acting – they can probably implement that now, now that they probably will have a budget boost due to the explosion of popularity. They can either re-hire the original VA's to do the lines that were not voiced or re-do all the lines with the new VA's. It's gonna be a massive undertaking, but it can go a long way to make sure new players don't get bored in the early games.
Too much walking – I'm a bit iffy on this. You will only really be walking your first 15 hours of MSQ max. Once you get your mount at around level 25(?), traveling gets lots faster. It kinda reinforces the fact that even if you are the WoL, you are just an adventurer starting out, so it'll seem like you're paying your dues. Although if you have the gil, you can hire a rental chocobo(one time use) for 80gil. Chocobo porters are also available to ferry you on certain routes between sanctuaries.
No Addons – Like someone else said, not officially supported, but not actively enforced to be fair to both console players who can't use them, and PC players who can. As long as you don't advertise them or use them for toxicity, you're mostly fine using them.
Cash shop – I like that the online store is not in the game. It reinforces the fact that buying optional items isn't the focus of the dev/publisher. It may become a slippery slope when they put that in game. Next thing we know, we get ads as soon as we log in, or it may shift the mentality of the dev/publisher to focus more on the shop.
Beards – I agree with you there. But just to give you hope, if you want a braided long beard, an armor set might have something for you at around level 76 or 78… I forget.
dps addons , no thanks. that is the begining of toxicity. Also the gearscore is very bad.
Imma try to reply to every single point as best as I can.
1) I personally think they do need a little more skills early level, my suggestions would be a "weaker" version of the full combo with a little potency increases at the start then as you level up you get the upgrades to those skills.
2) You'd have to know that for 2.0 they were running on a really tight budget AND time. The voice acting that they had were pretty rushed with a minimum amount of direction. They probably didn't have the money or even time to consider which scene to be voiced other than the ones that they considered the really important ones. For them to add in new voices, they'd probably have to rewrite them again to go in line with the current writing styles. (2.0 was full-on RP ye' olde English pray tell LUL) Those take time and money that requires a team that's not too busy with working on Endwalker and the patches.
3) Yeah the story does need a little more adjustments but I think for them to dedicate time and money into revamping an intro is too high of a cost or time-consuming. Because they have shaved down a lot of quests recently.
4) Dual wielding class: Ninja, Monk(i guess). Though whether adding more would be an improvement to the game would be very subjective. Adds diversity in class types yes, but as an improvement? Subjective.
5) The armoury chest will be added later on with the removal of belts. A lot of the limitations within the games that is silly is mainly because of hardware limitations (previously the PS3 and now the PS4)
6) Transmog; again, Yoshi-P has talked about this before, there are memory limitations that they have to cater to due to console hardware but he said that the team is still trying to figure it out. But I do agree with you, it's a pain in the ass to go through so many menus.
7) If you want your raiding add-ons there are DBM(cactbot) and TinyDPS (ACT) and you can check your ranking through FFlogs and improvements through XIVanalysis. though they're on the grey since you can use them but if you try to be toxic and flame people based on those you will get banned. Other than those, the obsession with add-ons is just weird, the UIs are pretty customisable, for you to check your gathering nodes there are skills that can help you. There are timers that you can set in your clock for you to grab certain timed nodes. Though I do want an encyclopedia of equipmen/mounts/minions/etc in-game so we can search for them without going on the internet.
8) YES I want good beards in this game! lol
9) Access to the mogstation would be cool but (this is merely speculation) it's probably because of the PlayStation store. If they add an in-game store in the game, for the console users they'd have to abide by the PlayStation network's rules.
10) PVP, they're trying to have a new mode in Endwalker but we'll see. I think if there are more players coming in and pushing for PvP, they might try to push for it.
Overall, what you say is fair but do be informed that some of the criticism is either due to console limitations (memories, technical debt, etc), or time/money. FFXIV runs on a tight schedule where they usually start developing things 1.5-2 patch in advance and tweak them as they reach their patch releases. (each patch comes around 3.5 month cycle) It would probably require them to hire more people to focus on those issues.
Personally I like the loadstone cash shop not easily accessible in game. Feels like playing a game instead of a interactive billboard.
Welcome to Eorzea :)). Ignore the dislikes, those people don't represent the majority of FF14 community.
I actually agree that Glamor really needs more improvement, but even Yoshi P admits that it is due to the limit of the game's engine. They are working towards improvement thou.
Don't get too disappointed thou, since you can have a LOT of fun with Glamor due to way more variety of clothes and armor and being able to dye them 🙂
i mean you are a wow veteran … and u discuss 10 thing for improvements like what? Go back to Wow plz just go back to fucking Wow
If you like dual wield, rogue/ninja is an option too. Not sure if you tried that out, some if the ninja daggers later on are basically just swords held backwards so they can look like massive cleavers. Also there is no positionals on jobs like samurai or ninja which is nice.
I look forward to how you see the game looking back. There are points you made that a lot of us do agree with. What some of us vets look back on now to the fair criticism being given is, "How do we trim the fat without the risk of taking a chunk of meat with it." You'll see what I mean once you reach current content.