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How would that work? I don't remember the FFXIV leveling to be particularly dangerous. In wow, you can die from pulling 2 murlocs
Zepla would love bad ideas as usual
It’s called Eureka
Terrible idea. Unlike WoW you have multiple jobs on one character, meaning you have way more risk when dying and losing a character. 20 times more xp grinding and probably 10 times the amount of time on one character, now repeat that every time you die. Sounds boring.
Imagine an "adventurer" mode where your not the warrior of light, but you can travel anywhere from level 1. Start at your chosen city and immediately explore
Ganking in WoW is what keeps me loving WoW , I hate that in FF you can’t pvp open world and gank noobs
This is how it felt like in FF11 online back in 2004. You had a lot to loose when you die.
Hey, if enough people would enjoy it I think it should be a thing. 🙂👍
I am in for this mode!
The problem with perma-death in an online game is that it is ONLINE. You can have a hiccup in your internet service, and then your character is dead and gone and you just lost all of your progress through no fault of your own.
HOLY CRAP. I'll come back for the hardcore.
It's already very very very easy to hit max level in FF14 without ever dying once.
For a hardcore FF MMO it should be and has to be a FF11 Remake with Elden ring / FF16 / Amazon's New World combat style. Just make it good as how hard the environment is in FF11.
I would love if FFXIV Hardcore Mode:
1) Is like in Eureka. Each death makes you lose a level.
2) Make mobs sinc up to you, or at least not letting them be more than 5 levels below you.
3) No more HP/MP auto regenerate in the wild. Make Potions matter.
I like the idea of an operations zone that resets your progress when you die. Eureka and Bozja did have penalties for dying, but it'd be cool to see that cranked up to 11 but still contained in one area.
Hardcore mode in FF14 would be the game waiting until you're halfway through a story cutscene and then skipping it automatically.
HELL NAH. 14 has real death mechanics unlike WoW that could never ever work
u have made me consider doing a wallsized drawing of my wol ty zurpl
That would be pretty cool.
13:00 the reason why people get mad at that is because duty roulette is a chore, and people bad at the game make the chore less bearable
For people who actually play FF14, this would be a non challenge. In my first character I probably only died when alliance raids started being a thing or on side content; if those weren't mandatory (only crystal tower is, and its the easiest) its practically impossible to die following the MSQ.
I played a hardcore mmo called Wizardry Online. At death you had a RNG chance (with some items and buffs that raise your chances) to #1 lose your exp, #2 lose your equipment #3 lose your soul and your are deleted. This rolls anything you die, from a mob to a PKer. Not a lot of people played the game and its gone now.
Speaking of this, something I'd love to see would be something like Eureka/Bozja where your goal is to make it to the end of a big map or maybe even multiple big maps and hitting max level, then at the end there's a portal that leads to a solo boss fight or something and if you die you go back to lvl 1 and back to the beginning of the area. Think that could be super fun.
You would not lose your main in a hardcore server. You would make a new character on a hardcore world with the knowledge that you may lose it. Silly first point to be honest.
It'd be cool to have a long parkour-like map to get through, and if you get to the end you can throw water balloons or something at other players trying to get through >:)
People die in levelling dungeons all the time in FFXIV. We just tend not to notice because there's almost no penalty to dying.
They did a great job making it easy to see the mechanics in new alliance raids but I kind of missed dying from some convoluted mechanic you only truly understand after a couple dozen runs.
Everyone in the comments thinking it'd be super fun to make a Eureka zone like this forgot how much criticism FF11, FFXIV 1.0, and Eureka got for this shit.
dungeons in FFXIV would be so dangerous. In my experience, it's especially the levelling dungeons where you see the most baffling fuckups. Also ARR Hard dungeons, they always seem like nobody in the group remembers any mechanics cause they only ever unsync them.
Gotta say this whole segment is telling me a bunch of things and idk how I feel about it. That said, if she wants to suffer she should actually try out League of Legends, lmao. Plenty of toxicity and noob suffering in there.
As a healer main… hardcore would not help with my god-complex.
If its more like eureka then i would understand, but if its just the open world i could see that being pretty boring, and not working so well with our segmented game.