Zepla is Impressed by Bellulars FFXIV Endgame Analysis

Here’s a link to Bellular video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=biHa-_NHhw0&t=477s&ab_channel=BellularGaming

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43 thoughts on “Zepla is Impressed by Bellulars FFXIV Endgame Analysis”

  1. A lot of suggestions about weekly tomes tend to lean towards higher caps. Rather than increasing the cap and forcing people to play more to cap each week, which I feel simply goes against FFXIV's design philosophy (I think 5 days of expert minimum is a great bottom line), make the tome gear cheaper so we can get two things a week, like one accessory and one helm/gloves/boots, or save up with like 1.5 weeks' worth for chest/legs instead of basically all of it.

  2. fun video, but was anyone else just getting more and more annoyed at the sub notification blocking the audio every 30 seconds? either she or bell would be talking and suddenly you cant hear anything besides some weird flute thing and it just kept happening over and over the entire video, had to alt tab out of 14 and rewind the video like 6 times to find out what was even being said?

  3. You asked about Delibrum (sp?). I tried once. Just to find out it is possible to be put into 8 man content with just 2 people. I was like…. What? Just us? No queue? Just throw 2 people in? My goals for 6.1 is jumping into PVP and seeing how it goes

  4. The tomestone materials were the main choke point for me. I had saved up all the folklore and legendary mats for two weeks, saving up scrips for the MR books, farming and hoarding materia and completely neglecting battle. Only to find out I didn’t have the tomestones for those mats…. That put my money making scheme back by a few days and probably cost me 20 million in profits. I can’t believe this game expects me to do roulettes when I just want to make gil.

  5. dude, you need to get out of ukraine now. US embassy is ordering some staff and family to leave. If Russia decides to invade, it will most likely be harder for you to get out. Take a trip for a few weeks until things calm down or Russia invades.

  6. Never heard of Faloop before, to be honest. I used Centurio Hunts to get my Chi mount. Just reacted to some bot with my datacenter and the boss I wanted and got the notifications when the boss was up. It worked like a charm. I guess Faloop is more or less the same?

    Belular made a big mistake when calculating how many materias you need to fully equip all crafters with penta-melded equipment: He calculated a full set for each class. But actually you only need one full set for all classes and only two tools per class.

  7. Zepla, at the end talking about how WoW players are happier playing FFXIV, suddenly reminds me how she was (affectionately) troll laughing at watching a clip of Asmon going HARD at Choco racing 🤣😂🤣

  8. @ZepLIVE Minimalistik dark window thing i think Materia UI it's a mod pack.
    Your sub alert very distracting and somewhat annoying for people who has Misophonia if the sound effect cna be changed would have been really appriciated.

  9. It's great to see these prior WoW content creators excited about FFXIV content.

    Not to be harsh, but you seem to be nitpicking Bellular a bit much. He certainly hasn't been playing FFXIV as long as you have. Instead of correcting him every few seconds, celebrating him being excited about FFXIV seems to be a much better message. 👍


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