I’ve been silently working on this for two years but I’m tired of pretending like this is something that I’ll get used to. You all know that Square Enix can do better than this. I made this video with the hopes that this will enter the bigger content creator dialogue sphere and hopefully make its way back to the developers. I love this game and want nothing more than for it to be the very best version that it can be. That starts with ensuring the server infrastructure is good enough to handle a decent tick rate. Feel free to utilize any of the clips of mine for reactions, criticism, or otherwise, no explicit permissions necessary.
Music Used:
“Good Boy Hours” by FΛDE
“The Last Puff (Before Your Teeth Disintegrate)” by FΛDE
“The Decisive Battle” by Nobuo Uematsu
“Petits-Morts dans le Piaule” by FΛDE
“Just Jammin’” by FΛDE
“Biedronka” by FΛDE
“Theme of Prontera” by SoundTeMP
“Medieval” from Old Runescape
Videos Referenced:
“batching = massively increased skillcap” – perplexity
“Spell Batching at it’s Finest | Classic WoW” – Sticky Plays
“[FFXIV] When You Try Fall Guys Collaboration Event in FFXIV” – EorzeaReaper
vid's finally out!! you killed it gamer good job
Well i have the king bean title(100wins on fallguys event) and you are 100% true about all. Yep is trash. Most players just "solve" this using the UI settings, making the Enemy Cast bar HUGE on screen that give you seconds on advantage. Meanwhile LOTS of players quit when they keep dying on attacks that they already evade. But hey we are on xbox now and having a graphic update!… Anyway you video is great keep it Up.💯👍
Just as a heads up: You cannot "patch" engine problems on a fundamental level, nor can you "patch" the base spaghetti code of the game without potentially breaking a lot more than you fix. That's why there are a ton of restrictions and wonky parts left over from the rush ARR was created in