Yoshi-P Statement Regarding CHEATED Omega Ultimate World First Clear | Xeno's Reaction

In this video Xeno reacts to Yoshi-P’s ( director and producer of Final Fantasy XIV ) statement regarding the JP team that cleared Omega Ultimate with the help of third party tools. Yoshi-P does not recognize UNNAMED_ as the World First Race Winners and deems them as cheaters. Yoshi also talks about the leaked cutscenes from the Ultimate Raid.

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Channel Editor: Leo Coman (Discord: Leo#9926)

Outro song: Sirius Beat – The Chosen
Link: http://youtu.be/JuaM1romA3c

Background music by Sirius Beat
Link: https://www.youtube.com/c/siriusbeat

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36 thoughts on “Yoshi-P Statement Regarding CHEATED Omega Ultimate World First Clear | Xeno's Reaction”

  1. I think this is not only just the problem about cheat or 3rd party tools, or the community's fault to be blamed. YoshiP been talking about 3rd party tools from the very beginning, but nothing has changed these years. You can't just say stuff like all 3rd party tools will be banned or excel is also 3rd party. SE should set a clear line about 3rd party plugins and implement regulations, instead of making speeches every time there is a problem. If SE made some progress like anti-cheat or white-list about it, things won't get so ugly. Anyway, we can't lynch players, but SE shouldn't be so ambiguous about this issue before.

  2. If someone actually manages to clear Omega without any plugins and so proof they have my mad respect anybody who uses plugins it's a crutch I know you got timers and everything like that but if you can gauge yourself and you need a plug-in that's a cop-out if you can do it without a plugin that's mad respect right there

  3. First of all console cant use addons Playstation is againts it unless they're paid DLC (think bethesta creation shop in their games) Add-ons have a snowball effect, in WoW you need add-ons to even play healer like healbot, let alone raiding you need 1 or 2 add-ons to tell you what to do (deadly boss mobs) or where to stand there's add-ons that do your rotation for you. The conclusion of not staning againts it will be the same as blizzard which is "we balance our encounters purely out of addons" this isn't good the only way add-ons would be allowed is if square curated them but that would take time, money and dev resources to do so and it wouldn't be worth it in the end.

  4. Yeah after 1.x but before 2.0 they had said they were looking into supporting mods / API etc , I always joked through ARR and HW that there is probably one guy locked in a room working on the API. It was deffo a thing a long time ago 100000000%

  5. FF14 players are so full of themselves it hurts. They're all so bent out of shape chasing fake accolades nobody else cares about that they act like a genuine moral dilemma has popped up when they become aware of the slightest modification. In any other game cheating is something seriously gamebreaking that has no counter, but here it's seeing a number that would otherwise take an extra button press, or seeing more of the arena, or being able to study your own performance after the fact. All the noise over this is so pointless and I can't even begin to describe how pathetic all the comments are. Please, for the love of God, get over it.

  6. I hate how we got the server ticks because everything is handled server side to prevent ppl from cheating and it doesn't even work, so we just have pointless server ticks from the 90's

  7. When you allow people to fail a msq and then choose to do it again in "very easy" mode the last thing you get to complain about is addons. FFXIV the most accessible/casual game I've ever played. To complain about people making it more accessible/casual for themself is absolute hypocrisy. But the real problem is that you the player get to choose and they the developer don't get to monotonize and control the addon. 😒

  8. If the devs can clear it on their player accounts then you can too, sounds like a skill issue if you need them.
    If some console players can clear ultimate then you can too. Gitgud

  9. Paraphrasing but; "They might as well deal with it beacuse more and more people are gonna use it"

    Yeah, or, you know, they can just bann all 3rd party programs, including the innocent ones.
    Sure, there are ways around too, but I can guarentee you, the amount of people who will be ready to use those mods when they know they WOULD get banned for it, if caught, possibly by AI, is nowhere near the current amount of users.

    Heck, those teleporting meso farmers have almost completely vanished from them polishing up their defenses, theres literally only tolerance stoping them from throwing in literally all types of 3rd party programs into that system.

    It might be hard to block exactly these types of 3rd party programs in question, but it's a LOT easier to just make the game look for any 3rd party program useing the program as refrence, and then block the account based on that.

  10. I don't think Yoshi-P made a threat about not developing more Ultimate content. No, I think he just gave a preview of what is on his mind. Why spend the money to make very challenging content that a small percentage of the community has asked for, when many in that same community are just goint to use 3rd party tools to make the content easier? Might as well just stop at Savage difficulty and put the money elsewhere.

    The reality is, most of the people asking for this genuinely want to beat them without 3rd party tools (minus of course the damage meters that people just can't live without for some insane reason). But the few that do use these tools get noticed, and then hundreds, if not thousands of people then latch onto that to create drama that the dev team doesn't want to have to deal with. Oh, and most of the people complaining are people who would never set foot in an Ultimate…

    Let's hope they didn't ruin future Ultimate creation, but I do feel that if they don't run an official world first race and the same crap happens, then SE will either, run an official one after that, or stop creating Ultimates.

  11. @Xenosys Vex, I think they test it by playing it. The only difference to me is every phase transition has a checkpoint for developers. They never wipe and go back to beginning. Only they phase they're currently on. That's my assumption.

  12. Sorry the excuse, that they can not implement "Mods" because they do not want to exclude console players is just sad.
    Just look at steam, Steamworkshop and Steam big picture. Its technically possible, they make alot of money from the game, if the investors wanted to, they could do it.

    And then you can still have some judge from SE saying no no we dont allow this or that mod in OUR workshop.
    Could still keep FFXIV launcher, Dalamud and Cheats forbidden, while having their own platform to upload mods and have SE control them before releasing them to the player base.

    Would take alot of effort, time and money, which they propably wont be investing xD

  13. As entertaining as Xeems & Arthars are, they do blow a lot of hot air just to use plugins to complete said content as fast as possible then complain there's nothing to do.. 😅 The COPIUM is real.

  14. i would be quite happy with an Anti cheat software running on my pc that is implemented by the FFXiV launcher. Please don't turn FF in to WoW where they design the bosses around having 12-15 3rd party addons.

  15. Are we still pretending that the DSR mid-pull dude got banned for a ui mod when ACT was the largest element on his stream when the ban happened? The ACT window was bigger than the hotbar stack ffs. Stevie Wonder could tell you why this dude was banned.

  16. I thought that you were a nice dude but after watching this i realized that you are just a full hd wow player. Go to that game, there is no penalty of using 3rd party tools and you can be with other ppl who acts like they own the whole game and whine when someone accidentally screws up. FFXIV used to have the best and nicest community but because ppl like u it is turning to be as toxic sooner or later what wow community is today.

  17. I’m not gonna lie, on my samurai I liked using the combo add on, cause it just made the different combos easy to do. But this whole thing has kinda opened my eyes and I think I’m gonna uninstall it today


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