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Editor : TakLunae [Discord : taksangre]
Soooo yeah the interview was shitty but: The WoW music in the background sounds amazing.
The story was made weak combined with with an ABSURED amount of justâŠwatching things happen via cutscenes. Itâs always been my biggest gripe about MSQ. Do we need to fade to black, watch a slow camera pan down to the characters as a 5 minute cutscene reveals how we need to learn to trade some items for a hammer? I get that they are showing how Wuk Lamat is âlearningâ about her people, but some more hands-on approaches wouldnât have killed us.
To anyone thinking they should "bring back" Ishikawa or whatever, she is actively involved in the writing process. Here she is describing her senior role during the fanfest in Vegas.
Ishikawa: And now, since we have reached the end of Endwalker, I would like to mention we are starting a new story. And it is actually my colleagues, the new generation of writers that will be writing this story in Tural.
Yoshi-P: Uhm yes, and of course as producer/director, I do look at the content and make sure and check, but I think Nacchan has a more direct role in kind of supervising how the writing is done, so Nacchan, can you give us your thoughts on the progress so far?
Ishikawa: It really does feel like a brand new adventure to me. There are certainly a lot of trials and tribulations but it is exciting. It's sort of like I've given them a map and been like "Go!" and then they're running around like "Oh hey, oh hey!". And of course, I will absolutely lend them a hand and reach out to give them help where I can. And through the process of doing that, with that exchange between us, we do eventually arrive at a point where everyone's like "Oh, I know what to do!" and they run straight for the endline. It's really great that we have this experience together, and I do think it bodes well for the next 10 years of FFXIV.
Timestamp: 6:34:22, Fan Festival 2023 in Las Vegas – Day 1
All i can say with all shite is " OHOKALIY!". Also the vacation promise was a lie!
That he didn't stop the writing and storytelling is the main issue. He misses the point. If you like the story or not is taste, but the storytelling and dialogue is absolute atrocious and should have never been greenlit. I still struggle SO MUCH to go through the MSQ. My whole reason for playing the game is gone.
I worry about the future because Dawntrail was greenlit. I don't want to pay and play through an expansion so they can learn from it. It's their job to do their job well. And they writing and storytelling didn't do it well if at all.
I do wholeheartily agree that the state of Dawntrail is inacceptable and they don't take responsibility for it.
First time watching this stream and I feel u complain just a tad too much…story wise perfect? No but u make it seem like everything about it was absolutely horrible….of course he can expect mixed receptions, your reaction to this being unacceptable is unreasonable. Writing the start of a new 10 year story aint easy and they wouldn't be the first to drop the ball, but they have a track record for at least listening to our player base. DT was a 5/10 for me and ngl it had long parts but also very enjoyable parts. For once WoL not being the savior, Godslayer etc but en mentor of sorts and I understand how it would have been difficult to give all the fan favorite characters a chance in the spotlight
I have no idea how this could be such a huge change in writing, and it was never about the stakes matching EW. No one was expecting anything major to happen except meeting some new people who may or may not turn into a future ally or antagonist. There were so many things which felt rushed or just out of place.
The raid story should have been the trials story, that seemed more fitting with the competition (if the setting was changed); only a couple of scions should have been there but fully fleshed out; and Wuk Lamat starting off way more mature and a side character like the other Promises.
Am I in a minority of people who actually enjoyed Dawntrail?? I donât think it was as good as Shadowbrigers or Endwalker but I genuinely enjoyed the expansion and Wuk Lamatâs character. I understand peopleâs fair and valid criticisms and why they donât like it. I just liked how it didnât feel as high stakes this go around as the last âchapterâ of the game did. Playing the game for over 7 years now Iâve enjoyed all of it honestly. I just liked what I was picturing as my nice beach vacation of an expansion. I didnât have super high expectations of this one, seeing as what we just finished in endwalker so maybe thatâs why I like it so much. Just felt more chill to me.
I am already very surprised it took 2 months and half from the launch of DT, when we should already see the live letters about the post DT patches that this article was the only bit of information on SE perception of how DT was received.
Somehow the feeling is that Yoshi-P was too busy with too many things, including FF16, and in the past he relied more on Koji Fox, Natsuko Ishikawa and some others that now are in other roles for their judgements. Even seeing the seasonal events and their rewards not just the expansion no one seems to put any real effort in bringing something new or interesting.
I even thought that some of the staff changes were kind of imposed externally to CS3 so he just decided to let this new people burn with a big failure and regain control over his group?
As a player since 2013 with over 1000 days of Play time (more than 24000 hours) for the first time I started to see that for this game they have no idea where it has to go and feels like they are not even really trying to renew it as they pretend to.
Ya need to get off that Ishikawa dick riding Train. She literally described her senior ACTIVE role in this shit fest during the Fanfest in Vegas. She had the power to be like " This doesn't work, toss this, etc " So ya golden goddess had just as much to play in this shitfest so come off that you losers.
Preach made a video on the writing I agreed on the sentiment of. A lot of different stories crammed into the MSQ that more or less seems like it was set up as a testing ground. Throw a bunch of different plot lines out there, see which ones people take to and then develop the story from there.
It means the 7.0 story was a bit of a mess but the pragmatic part of me kind of doesnât mind, particularly since itâs a new writer as well as a new story arc.
Iâd rather they see what people are into before committing to a narrative, rather than commit to a story arc that turns out to be the wrong one, but be too far in to have a way out.
Like itâs not great to be the test case, but Iâm really enjoying the non story aspects and some of the class gear is gorgeous, so if the narrative is cleaned up in future patches and leads towards a good place Iâll probably forget about 7.0
I refuse to believe people canât take anything good from the story. I found the Heritage Found section awesome. I just wish it made up more of the game.
To me, it's not surprising thay he's not suprised, lol.
I am 90% confident thay Sony pushed into him some sort of diversity & inclusivity objectives that he wasn't particularly happy about it. Hell, they probably forced the writer on him too.
He pretty much gave up on the story part for the expansion for that reason and dialed up the combat part to 150%.
It's why there's such a stak contrast between the story and combat content.
It also makes sense because Sony has been leaning more and more into the diversity & inclusion BS lately. ( just look at Concord)
Zepla has kinda become to FFXIV what Asmongold is to retail WoW
Next xpac FF14 A Realm Destroyed! This time by King Ghedora
Honestly i just don't get it. You have a very successful writer, and then you just drop her? What's the logic there. It's like if square moved Yoshi P away from FF14 after Heavensward to give someone "fresh" a chance. WHY oh whyyyy change the writer?! You had a recipe for success right there!
idk, I felt like nothing was gonna top Shadowbringers then Endwalker also happened so ya.. can't always be hits I get it. But as a player you can tell the devs are being divided in their talents with other projects. I've done everything I've wanted to do in the game and it's hit a 9-5 cycle for everyone involved I believe. That's not gonna change 10+ years in.. for good or bad. Lots of side stuff I can do now outside of the game at least.
Wuk Lamat is immediately the solution to every problem. She doesn't have to struggle. She's not a character, she's a Maguffin
Man, I guess I'm just crazy or something… I didn't have a bad time with Dawntrail. It had its flaws, but I wasn't crying bloody tears because it didn't wow me like ShB did? But ya know what else didn't…? Stormblood, Heavensward, and Realm Reborn. Dear god, realm reborn is what I saved those bloody tears for.
Wuk didn't irk me nearly as much as Lyse and her absolute pointless ass did, the lush world and fun little build up kept me from dwelling on major issues too much, and I paced myself on the story. The second half was a marked improvement as well. Yeah, wuk's character wasn't as well done as it could be and she bit the delivery on some important lines, oh well. The worse part was actually a lack of combat engagement for everything before cowboy town, imo, but again… not quite the sand milkshake that ARR was, and as the "fresh lowstakes start" to a new story arc we were told this was, I came to things with expectations tempered anyhow. I don't think this is the end times, and I feel everyone's kinda over-reacting.
Square enix woke western ethic departments hired woke writers and a dude dressing up as a female voice actor that sucks , they made wuk lomat into a marry sue, and we wanted krael story instead of woke lomat, and to make it worse woke lomat e glish va attacked people for disliking his character. Yoshi p needs to have full control again and give the story to krael and her hunt for her relative.
Estinien, Grahaâtia, Ysayle, Hien, Lyse, Minfillia, Uriange, Nero, CidâŠ..dont mind me Iâm just listing characters who were plot-focused without having to eat an ENTIRE expansionâs worth of dialogue just to develop fully. You could even throw Nanamo and Raubahn in there too. đ
I can't be the only one who watched this and was annoyed at Zepla repeatedly saying things along the lines of "he knew it would be bad" when that's absolutely not what he said; he said that he wasn't surprised that it got mixed reception, meaning that some people liked it and some didn't, but that's not at all the same thing as what Zepla kept saying for most of the video except for a tiny few times where she later quoted the word "mixed" but still doubled down on earlier.
How is it a gigantic shock that he expected narrative reception to be mixed (meaning that many people might subjectively like it, for the record) anyway? We knew going into this that it would be a notably different story with different writers that wasn't the culmination of a longer arc, was intended to be more lighthearted and less apocalyptic for most of it, and that we would have more of a support presence; of course not everyone who plays the game is necessarily going to react the same way to it. How would he make a story subjectively received positively by every single person who plays it?
Personally, I definitely didn't like the overall story as much as the prior two expansions, but there were parts that I did like and the second half in particular really grabbed my active attention and moved me at times; even if the writing was weak at points and too much time was spent planning rather than doing at random points throughout the campaign, I do not at all think that the game is doomed, and I feel that some of the "we're in huge trouble" reactions online are kind of exaggerated. It's perfectly fine to not like the story; don't also act like it's weird if some people who aren't you did like lots of it or that it's somehow insane that the director might expect mixed (note: not universally bad) reactions to an expectedly different story.
Please, go back to world of warcraft and dont ever think about Final Fantasy XIV again, thank you!