When WoW players start moving to FFXIV

Please be nice to everyone no matter what game they come from.

Play the critically acclaimed MMORPG Final Fantasy XIV!
You can play through the entirety of A Realm Reborn and the award-winning Heavensward expansion up to level 60 for FREE with no restrictions on playtime!

Video made purely for entertainment purposes.
Clip taken from movie Jurassic Park (1993) https://www.amazon.com/Jurassic-Park-Sam-Neill/dp/B008YI91HS

#FFXIV #FinalFantasyXIV


43 thoughts on “When WoW players start moving to FFXIV”

  1. Joined last week and saw some dud using summoner class on a dummy… Talked for 3 hours, was kind and fun to talk to then invited me to guild, did a guild event and won 1mil gil. I love this game to much already even tho I just started

  2. This proud owner of a longboi will stay thank you very much, I'm tired of constantly jumping ship because of politics no matter how disgusting staying even makes me feel

  3. The wow community comming over to FF has over all been dope severs are packed during a period when the game is normally running in skeleton mode meaning minimal players because we are a couple months from the new EXPansion so it’s been dope cuz those of us catching up leveling our alt jobs have short ques and crafters are selling more then they can craft a lot of the time

  4. In wow, you pull everything and run.

    When I do some random low dungeon, sometimes I see same WoW play style. The tank pull 4-8 mobs and run while me trying to heal him. Sigh…

  5. I started and on my first day I was already invited into a friendly and active free company in Limsa Lominsa. I have yet to meet a rude person in this game. Compared to the general demeanor you'd expect in an mmo, it is an unbelievably Wholesome community of helpful people.

  6. I'm so glad i've managed to click with 14, Wow made me feel like a hostage at times stuck playing the same MMO for 15 years it got to the point where it was an abusive relationship, she would beat me constantly and i kept running back out of desperation to hold onto the past.

  7. Only been a member of the FFXIV community for about a week and a half but my wife and I absolutely love it. WoW was the last mmo we played and the community experience there vs in FF is drastically different and in FF is very much more so positive (and this coming from someone that played WoW a very long time.) I don't think well be leaving FFXIV for a long time.

  8. I never played WoW and just got into Final Fantasy because of the Pixel Remaster for the original 6. Thanks to one subscriber I can now play FF14, level 47 and having a blast

  9. Been playing FFXIV since, eh about March, I'm a paladin around level 70 now. I played WoW for 16 years, I still have ptsd from it so bad I was looking up mechanics and even spoiled some scenes for myself in the process of dungeons even before lvl 50 because I was terrified to mess up tanking. Everyone has always been exceptionally supportive, encouraged me to watch cut scenes, and been willing to take the time to explain mechanics when I ask. And I STILL just recently have started to stop worrying about people judging me for watching cutscenes, or not knowing mechanics. I'm finally getting to the point where I don't look up every fight and spoil it for myself first. I knew WoW was toxic, but I never realized just how bad it was until I joined this fantastic community. I'm positive I'm not the only one. So on behalf of most WoW players turned sprout, ty for making us feel welcome, and thank you for showing us that it's okay to enjoy a game for what it is, a GAME!

  10. Honestly had more fun playing this game the last 72 hours than I had in months on ESO, only clocked like 2000 hours in it but it got so repetitive it's unreal, just go through your tiny rotation of skills over and over again and all the annoying gimmicks like light-attack weaving, constantly weapon swapping, it felt like you could never just relax doing anything other than solo content, it felt like there was always something you could fuck up and get bitched at for lol

  11. 10 yr wow veteran, husband and I just moved over. Sometimes I feel too shy to interact, but the community has been gentle, letting me figure out things on my own when I want. All I want is a safe place with kind people, and this feels like home.

  12. I love FFXIV just got it 3 weeks ago, hate cutscenes but love the gameplay. I appreciate the time and effort into everything, it's a game like none other. But I can't do lore in any game, I just want to pew pew .

  13. I didn’t come from WoW but I’ve been more of an avid MMO hater for the longest time. Then a friend convinced me to try this game and it completely turned my entire bias against mmo’s. FF 14 really is something special.

  14. I'm a very experienced player and main tank/healer and I still screw up in basic dungeons from time to time. Almost every time that has happened, people just forgive me and we move on. This community is wacky. (In a good way of course)

  15. As a fellow FF14 player who has shared this very same experience, I found this simply hilarious! Thank you! Also welcome fellow former WoW players! I just quit a few years before you (like six or so)! Also, WATCH YOUR CUTSCENES! No one will say anything about it. If they do, then they are the jerks not you.

  16. I'm not a wow player, but I've played it in a past and mostly rushed true it. I've also gave xiv online couple of chances with trial accounts but quickly just gave up and never logged-on again cos it was confusing. I've been playing it again recently after years went by and I must say that this is one of the sweetest communities ever (Odin server, eu). I've had mounts given to me and someone even helped me find a location I couldn't find…I'm here for the long-term;its a positive experience after years of dealing with stupid idiots in real life….final fantasy actually feels like an utopia where people are not assholes….I can see now why this is so addicting

  17. Been playing for several years, since shortly before HW, and I have NEVER seen so many new players. This game is seriously exploding. Even if Iog in at 3 or 4 am, I still have to wait in queue to get on my server!


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