Everything You Need to Know About FFXIV Roleplay

Are you a beginner roleplayer or curious about the FFXIV roleplay community? Here is everything you need to know about roleplaying in Final Fantasy XIV! This quick guide should help you get started!

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28 thoughts on “Everything You Need to Know About FFXIV Roleplay”

  1. I absolutely adore how your miqote looks, I wish ffxiv looked this good without mods… I know I can use mods but the idea that I don't look the same to others makes me not want to use em tbh.

  2. Happy you explained it. I sort of knew some of it after being confused by it. In 2020, I just randomly joined Crystal because of xp bonus and accidently entered a new world. Just walking into a friendly nightclub and observing works for some of us who aren't into it. Still I now want to go to Balmung to meet Spiderman.

  3. i feel the need to point it out—but each time i check up on balmung quicksands (it’s funny to go and explore what’s going on there) there’s those big green roegadyns there EVERY single time. does anybody know how long they’ve been there?

  4. I want to role play but i play on controller and everytime someone ends up interacting with me it takes forever to type or remember which emote is what I wish there was an Role Play hot bar guide for controllers and, its also hard to roleplay when I cant afford the emotes on the Mog shop or dont have some thing to grind like high five or something and its so akward to respond with out the same emote 🙁

  5. Everytime i see someone with the RP tag i just think to myself that "oh its one of THOSE people", but now that i think about it, i dont think that i have never even talked to person with a RP tag, since they always roam around with about 3-7 other people and you sometimes find them in odd locations around the world doing poses or somekind of ultra deep RP storyline that you dont want to interrupt by stumbling to the scene

  6. As someone doing some roleplay of one of those "things you haven't even heard", I'm always amazed to see there is more normal RP going on too. I don't know why someone would do that, but hey, I'm not judging. I really shouldn't anyway.

  7. I know this will sound weird and I don't want it to sound weird, but you have such a nice accent lmao Also thanks for the explanation, I've lowkey wanted to join RP as I want more to do in ffxiv after farming all mounts and most of the achievements the 6 years I've been playing. But social anxiety has been getting the better of me.

  8. Less than two minutes into the video you got my sub. Your editing is so clean! I'm glad to see you shedding some light on roleplaying in FFXIV, too; it's such a stigmatized part of the game, and it's really nice to see someone give roleplayers a fair shake. Also, your glamours are so cute. 10/10!

  9. I don't really know why, but I picture Avy Catte's tragic backstory of her family being killed by a deadly field of grass, and Avy going out to avenge them only to be defeated herself! That's when she began the epic quest to become the strongest warrior of light so that she could defeat the true end boss: Grass!

  10. As someone who mostly dabbles casually into RP. Don't fret too much over the backstory. Just keep it simple and related to in game events somewhat. Like my character and their mother being displaced during thr imperial occupation of Gyr Abania. She then found work in Gridania for the grand company. There's loads more details. But it's simple and based on where i started in game and where the miqo'te are based in the game.

  11. As much as I was into roleplay, before FFXIV, I tried in another 3D world, and I cannot get back into it because waiting on someone to type such long paragraph for 1 hour just to find out they already fell asleep or went playing other games in another window or went our doing errands without informing is too common for me… also stalkers… yeah… stalkers disguised as roleplayers… now I find the RP stuffs hard to trust….

  12. Thank you for making this video!! Honestly it's so hard to get into RPing for me. There's barely any easily available information around for beginners and I'm too afraid to just go into it with no information and not knowing what to do. Subscribed, would love more videos like this!


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