Yoshi-P just announced a brand new Final Fantasy game: Final Fantasy XIV Mobile. The game will be made by Lightspeed Studios and supervised by Square Enix. A lot of people are mad and doomposting already that FFXIV Mobile will be a pay to win or gacha game but Xeno is mostly happy about this upcoming game and willing to try it.
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#Xeno #FFXIV #dawntrail
Channel Editor: Leo Coman (Discord: leo.coman)
Outro song: Sirius Beat – The Chosen
Link: http://youtu.be/JuaM1romA3c
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Big ups to WUK Lmao.
Expecting gameplay in an announcement trailer. I would only expect gameplay in a gameplay trailer. That said, I am ready for "ff14 has mobile level graphics OMEGALUL" to happen.
… why?
I'm guessing its gonna be what Mobius was just better
When's the ACT for the mobile version xdd
The counter of FFXIV death begins
I wanna experience ffxiv in a turn based way I think it would be cool and I might enjoy it way more than desktop ffxiv rn
There is a reason there are no MMORPGs on mobile. They suck, and they are unplayable. There is a reason they didn't show gameplay.
booooo, better release a new MMO and let FFXiv die, wenz FF17 online?
FFXIV is so shit lol
Honestly go for it 14 is a cash cow and milking China so we can have main line entries is a win
Combat will be like 11 or 1.0. Sort of a pseudo turn based and no precision movement. My guess is you'll just click on the general area of the arena to move out of landslides and the like. You'll basically have 2 or 3 spots you can stand and just cycle between them. Sort of like older turn based RPGs where you could move characters between the front and back of the party.
I think this is the 1.0 remake. If anything that should be fine.
I think.
No step on snek my liege.
oh no
lot of people see this as death countdown meanwhile i see this as a new opportunity for ffxiv
i mean, i tried my best to introduce ffxiv to my friends even with free trial and there are some reason why they dont want to try it
it is old mmorpg, the graphic sucks, it is paid game and subscription based, the combat is boring compared to new mobile games
so now ffxiv team decide to make it easily accessible, somewhat making it as a new game with no subscription and no gacha, and people be like oh my the game is dying
think of it as introduction to the game, who knows they will try to play the PC after playing the mobile version
In Asia, mobile gaming is very popular, this is because many people can't afford a gaming PC…the money from mobile games is huge, companies won't pass up the opportunity. Just accept this as it is.
do we have gacha in ff14 now?
Cant wait the turning hyper dei+supermicrotransaction game affect the main game
Honestly, I think it will and will not work out. People refuse to upgrade phones to a decent models. You still have people on Galaxy 8s because it's 100x better than the S24 Ultra. Then theres people that use iPhone. But if they can make every a 1 button macro like it's PVP mode which is essentially what you do in OVE anyways. But this mobile version will highlight some of FFXIVs monetization. Ya know that thing people try to deny is baked into FFXIV.
What if it's 1.0 redone with modern design philosophy?
If its on a phone… It's gonna look like boxes.
It will most likely have better netcode than the main game on PC lmao
I'm curious what the gameplay will be myself, a lot of folks in the west don't realize phones have controllers kinda like joycons and you need them to play some games :3. So i'm curious if it will be like "yeah you can use your touch screen I guess…. but your experience will vastly improve on controller"
I completely understand the skepticism, however if it’s going to be a mobile adaptation of the game that will enable me to send my retainers, do some crafting or play the mini games at gold saucer while I’m at work or something, I’m all for it tbh
In my honest opinion, square Enid should stop wasting their money.
I don't see how gameplay would matter, it's mobile, this is gona fail simply because the community won't be able to mod and ERP as good as on PC.
the land before the wuk lmao
relax, it’s a teaser
Finally, this is the beginning of the end for XIV, WoW will rule again. Cope and seethe weeb trash.
and this ladies and gents is why the classes get so homogenized, it's become so easy to play your class you can even play it on your phone.
this basicly means there is 0 hope of classes being slightly interesting or different anymore, infact they will double down on it to make it easier on mobile.
Will genuinely be surprised if it isn't auto combat in the sense that you click an enemy and your character does it's shit. You can probably walk around. But the 'gameplay' is likely just evolved trusts where the player also does shit automatically.
This is gross. FFXIV might be over.
FF14 mobile:
Lamaty adventure
So…. Is this Square attempt of FFXIV classic?
There's one reason why im skeptical of this: Tencent. They're effectively one of the Horsemen of the Apocalypse when it comes to greed in gaming.
Besides, I don't fully trust the no gacha thing. I mean shit, their recent game Deatiny Rising is DOA probably (contrary to what Destiny 2 content creators say because they're about as trustworthy as a politician).
I hope I'm wrong but Tencent does not inspire confidence with this. Guess we'll just have to wait and see how it looks in terms of gameplay
Imagine, the mobile version is the only version that will let up skip the cutscenes in Prae and Castrum
why do americans say "mohbul".
It really puts into perspective how bad 14's graphics are when I couldn't immidietly tell I'm watching a mobile game ad
Different client with no interaction with the actual game
how the fuck are you going to play a game like FF14 on mobile. I mean the hotbar is going to be a nightmare to use.
Can’t wait for this to earn a fuckton of money for sqex to invest everywhere except back into xiv
Finally I can fail shiva at my phone too
You’re genuinely so stupid you can’t comprehend why it’s a bad thing, watch the mobile version have infinitely better qol stuff than the pc version, I wouldn’t be surprised if job design was better in a way as well, if any of these cases are true, it will be such a bad look for the main game, you might think it’s impossible but the pc version is THAT bad.
Little late to the party but as someone who's definitely going to give it a try, for people that might not remember by adapting this they can ditch the crumby spaghetti code that FFXIV is currently running on. Already implies everyone is getting access to player housing instead of the current clown fiesta. And if they add a wow style cosmetic collection system could quickly be superior in some regards.
Bro they are pulling a ff14 immortal LMAO.