I Can't Believe WoW Actually Did This To FFXIV (SARCASM)

How dare Blizzard borrow from FFXIV, they should come up only with their own ideas.

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29 thoughts on “I Can't Believe WoW Actually Did This To FFXIV (SARCASM)”

  1. "as of there's anything as completely original in the video game industry"

    I mean GW2 was original and everyone seems to forget it exist when FF14, wow, bdo, ESO, and new world all copy it's systems now unapologetically that it's had for over 10 years at this point… then act like their the greatest ideas SQUARE or Blizzard have ever implemented while simultaneously still acting like the blueprint doesn't even exist.

  2. ARR might be cataclysm inspired, but none of the actual mechanics or story were similar in my opinion. Wow is more into lifting ideas wholesale and putting a warcraft edge on it

  3. I mean taking features from other games and using them and polishing them up for your game. its great! Its less great when they just copy and paste stuff, particular non-gameplay related aspects. For example, "This is the final chapter of the first book in our story" (obviously copying EW's main story point and something they never had been said earlier when they were working to release SL).

  4. There is a difference in taking inspiration of or from seeing something vs blatantly just coping something without changing or improving upon the idea. The main reference that YoshiP take about with his WoW inspiration was from the disaster of 1.0 as he alluded to in the No Clips Documentary at because at that time it seemed WoW understood the MMO Game and FF14 at the time with 1.0 did not. So he researched as well being a player of WoW also how in rebuilding FF14 how it could be better by taking some inspiration from the most successful MMO game at that time to rebuild FF14.

    These days I think FF14 don’t take as much inspiration from WoW but other games. YoshiP himself has said he has a team that goes out and look at many other games and new MMO games who report back to him design concepts that may be usable in idea inspiration to FF14. That’s with FF14 own twist in it.

  5. It shows that those who still play WoW started out in Legion.
    Actual players knows they've been shamelessly stealing ideas since vanilla, lmao.

    Difference being they actually took stuff but ALSO took the TIME and INVESTMENT to re-shape it into their own ideas, these last points it's what they've stopped doing.

  6. Well, thorgast is terrible, for what I have heard…
    I don't mind if they take inspiration on ff14, they just need to actually make it better instead of poorly implementing things…
    One thing that they should be doing is to listen to the feedback from beta testers and ptr people…

  7. Yeah, no. Copying leads to no innovation
    FF14 copied a lot of stuff from WOW back in 2.0
    But the players didn't like most of them, and those were removed one at a time before Heavensward came
    Do you want to see Blizzard make their own Shadowbringers trailer?
    Like that Chinese game company, literally coped Shadowbringer's trailer frame by frame, absolutely disgusting

    Instead of copying from the competition, Blizzard should do the following
    – Read and UNDERSTAND the player un-subscription survey, they have so much direct feedback that they do not use
    – Review what the players enjoyed in the oldest expansions (Classic, Burning Crusade and Wrath of the Lich King) and bring those back
    – Respect player's time

  8. The problem is that the WoW players are very stupids and thinks that Wow is unic and special
    But the game(wow) is a ripooff of others games already. I i can see that. The thing is much old wow player are very copium they cant get their shit right

  9. Well, as you said, there's getting inspiration from…then there's blatantly ripping off. And lately it seems there has been a lot of the ripping off part. Not in game play or mechanics, more in story arc and….really, the Azem stone? You could have at least changed the color Blizzard.

  10. This is no surprise The reaon why these few people still follow Blizzard after all the fails are like that becuse they've pretty much adopted Blizzard mindset. They bought into this elitist, isolationist stubborness so much that they pretty much mimic it too.

  11. Accolonn I know that you mentioned Project Ascension before in a previous video. What do you think about Blizzard buying the rights to Project Ascession and implementing it into Classic, TBC, and Wrath or even current WoW? I really enjoy the complexity and freedom it adds to class design and new build options. Also, they just released a texture pack that allows you to play classic and TBC with WoW's current character, enemy, npcs, mounts, and world models. Project Ascension is using current WoW content and reorganizes and tweaks it in such a creative way that it feels fresh and new.

  12. Everyone should already know that game developers borrow ideas from other games and franchises and that a good thing like for Instance in middle earth shadow of Mordor and shadow of war the nemesis system is a perfect thing that can be added to other games

  13. Hard to agree with ARR being Cataclysm inspired. I can see it a little but, but they are very different things. I could see people who hadn't played extensive time in both coming to this conclusion tho.

  14. There's a difference between borrowing ideas, and concepts…. and downright ripping stuff off. I mean, FFXIV itself borrowed heavily upon core gameplay concepts that WoW had well before XIV was ever a thing. That kind of stuff is okay. If Blizz decided to put in something like Tomestones (which were an inspiration from the old Badges of Valor system), that would be okay. If Blizz implemented a proper Level Sync function, that would be ok. But what if FFXIV decided to rip off the Horde Insignia, or decide they were going to rip off the Covenants or something? That would be stupid. And so, Blizz ripping off the Azem Crystal and other elements of Shadowbringers is just eyeroll worthy. It's okay to borrow concepts and ideas, it's another thing entirely to rip off artwork, and basically copy somebody else's plot/storyline.

  15. Seeing a handful here who doesn't see the actual problem of this.

    Sure this seems like a minor thing, they just ripped-off something, as simple as teh story direction, Azems Crystal and such.
    The MAIN problem? Is the fact that Blizzard blatantly pulls this off thinking its all good and LYING to you the player base about how they planned the "End of a 3 part chronicle starting from Warcraft 3 etc etc" and the pitiful 9.2 showcase.

    The main problem, is that this is currently the "best" they can do for a game that is doing terrible by the day. So tell me how the hell are you going to expect anything more from this company when the next big patch that NEEDS to succeed is literally ripping off stuff from other games and twisting itself just to make sense? Ruining the story, and ruining the story and lore people have grew up on from WACRAFT III times?

    The answer, is that you can't. They continue to do this and no one will expect anything even a quarter decent from Blizzard cause if this is truely the best they can do when they HAVE to do teh best they can to make their game great again? It's just dissappointing.

  16. It isn't that WoW borrowed something from FFXIV; it's that they borrow the wrong things.
    For instance, rather than borrow "Devs that honestly and earnestly care about presenting a good game experience and doing right by their players" they borrow "the shape of an in-game item"


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