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WHAT?!!! 🔥??! 🔥
1:23 that tiger drop was fire 🔥🔥🔥
This is some excellent work. Are you sure this is your first work? Because this is impressive.
As both someone who likes critiquing mods (as far as visuals and cohesion goes anyways), as well as a fan of both Yakuza and XIV, I hope you don't mind if I spitball some suggestions at you: I would adore if you iterated on this, I've been dreaming of someone to make a mod like this for ages, and this one has loads of potential.
– I think that Perfect Balance could have the DoD stance change, with the PB attacks being various moves from DoD style. In my opinion it would fit pretty well with the current setup and it would make the mod feel more complete.
– Adding a bit more impact to the moves through changing the sound effects and making the VFX pop a bit more would go a long way towards improving the quality of the animations, methinks. Could even sneak in the sound effects from Yakuza in there, though I don't know if that's actually possible.
– I think making the animations corresponding to Rush style a bit faster and longer would be a good idea. It is, after all, supposed to be the fast style, though this is fairly minor all things considered. They are perfectly fine as is.
– While I have a suggestion or two for the AoEs, it's a bit complicated since those are fucky to change, I'm told. Still, if they could somehow be changed, I think the Beast charged attacks (and a sneaky Saejima move like his spinning top attack, if that's even possible) would fit like a glove. Enlightenment is a bit more headscratching, though.
That's all I can think of at the moment. Sorry if I come off as pretentious or somethin' by just immediately suggesting changes to the mod, you're free to ignore this in its entirety, but the mod itself – as well as yourself – have caught my interest and I'd like to see where you go from here. I'll be watching with anticipation.
That's rad!
I'm glad to see someone release a MONK mod on a new morning. May God of Destruction bless you, my friend.
I would like to communicate with you about this MOD. Can you give me a way to contact you?
Sadly no Dragon moves in the main rotation, but maybe in the special moves.
Nonetheless, that's rad.
Edit: nvm just noticed that Forbidden Chakra is Tiger Drop