Xeno Saves Haurchefant | Dragonsong's Reprise Ultimate Phase 5 Clear FFXIV (WAR PoV)

Dragonsong’s Reprise (Ultimate), also known as Dragonsong Ultimate or Thordan Ultimate / Nidhogg Ultimate is the latest released Ultimate Raid in Final Fantasy XIV Endwalker Patch 6.11. This is Xeno’s very first clear of the Fifth Phase of the Ultimate Raid.

Haurchefant fan art by Aerwindale: https://aerwindale.tumblr.com/post/628597273273794560/fan-art-haurchefant-greystone-of-house-fortemps

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Thank you for watching! Don’t forget to subscribe to Xeno’s YouTube Channel so you can stay up to date with the best Xeno Highlights, Xeno Reacts, Xeno Guides and the funniest Xeno moments from Final Fantasy 14 (FFXIV) and other games played on stream!

#Xeno #FFXIV #Endwalker

Channel Editor: Leo Coman (Discord: Leo#9926)

Outro song: Sirius Beat – The Chosen
Link: http://youtu.be/JuaM1romA3c

Background music by Sirius Beat
Link: https://www.youtube.com/c/siriusbeat

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29 thoughts on “Xeno Saves Haurchefant | Dragonsong's Reprise Ultimate Phase 5 Clear FFXIV (WAR PoV)”

  1. For anyone curious about how the specific mechanic works:

    Tank LB3 not only massively reduces the damage he takes (even after the LB falls off) but it weakens the healing reduction debuff allowing you to actually cast on him.

    Still a DPS check phase, tho, to reduce the incoming raidwide

  2. So basically if Haurchefant lived we wouldnt have the vengeful urgency to reach Azys Lla, Thordan would have succeeded with whatever there and tempered the dragons. Yay

  3. With Haurcefant alive, the warrior of life never manages to remove the eyes from NiddHog-Estinien…. Estinien dies…
    The butterfly effect continues, and the Scions fail to save the world, years later in another cosmic-spanning conflict….

  4. Unfortunately, I had to dislike the video. People are referring to this phase as P4 not P5, and it's set as such on the FFlogs world race. If the title is changed I'll very gladly change to a like because I do enjoy Xeno's videos.


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