FFXIV Endwalker Relic Tools Crafting 1st Stage Augmented

#ffxiv #endwalker #ffxivguide
⭐⭐⭐Splendorous Tools are level 90 Crafting & Gathering relics added in FFXIV Endwalker. These tools currently have two upgrades — each increasing the overall stats of that tool for their respective classes.
These tools progress through the following stages: Augmented Splendorous and Crystalline. Compared to the previous relics, Skysteel Tools, the Splendorous Tools have a lower barrier to entry, a new glow, and even unique effects which can change how you craft and gather items in-game. These unique effects will become available once the tools are upgraded to the Crystalline stage.

Intro: (0:00)
Augmented Splendorous Saw: (0:04)
Augmented Splendorous Cross-pein Hammer: (0:13)
Augmented Splendorous Raising Hammer: (0:22)
Augmented Splendorous Mallet: (0:30)
Augmented Splendorous Knife: (0:45)
Augmented Splendorous Needle: (0:58)
Augmented Splendorous Frypan: (1:12)
Augmented Splendorous Alembic: (1:31)
Outro: (1:44)

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Se you all there !!!

⭐⭐⭐Endwalker The Movie Serial Playlist:

⭐⭐⭐Music from:
Game: Final Fantasy XIV

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5 thoughts on “FFXIV Endwalker Relic Tools Crafting 1st Stage Augmented”

  1. What can I say! I was hoping for a little more game to play! 🙂 Well i like the look of the Summoner Weapon at least for this stage in the chain. What's everyones thoughts on their weapons and the step it's self?


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