You Will Be Shocked By This Dungeon Feature In Final Fantasy 14 AND Stream Announcement!!

Final Fantasy 14 has gone beyond and beyond to incorporate story immersion and accessibility to it’s players when it comes to playing dungeons. They do so by allowing player to play the dungeons with their favorite characters in the story!!

Stream link :


Stream announcement 0:34
No queues for dungeons 0:54
Concluding remarks 5:42


13 thoughts on “You Will Be Shocked By This Dungeon Feature In Final Fantasy 14 AND Stream Announcement!!”

  1. You can also do this on lower level dungeons if you unlock the mechanic through your Grand Company. It works a little differently but it's essentially the same in function.

  2. I think they coded the Single Target focus to keep player interaction on the forefront of optimal play. I think you also get less gear when you solo run.

  3. Tips for Squadron (meta last updated 5.3)
    to clarify, all debuff and dots made by NPC can stack but will replace each others if it's the same skill (player's is excluded). so do not bring NPC of same job into IDs (except for mechanics clear in wanderer's palace (hard))

    1. If you're tank or healer, always go (pick 2) with arcanist and rogue. they uses DoT and AoE DoT most of the time. However, ID such as wanderer's palace (hard) might need 2 archers to clear mechanics.

    – Rogue : use 1 target high damage dot, not much of self buff so most of the time he/she will keep attacking enemy which result in high DPS. also has AoE attack
    – Arcanist : use DoT AoE, can heal with slower cast compare to Conjuror. sometime has a habit of spaming DoT AoE result in less DPS (because it just refresh the debuff timer). If it happens DPS will be lower than Archer.
    – Archer : use 2 DoTs but with less damage than previous two. due to range advantage he/she will instantly attack when commanded make it ramp up fast for burst DPS on trashes but not as good as Arcanist (except for rare case mentioned above), They're needed to do some mechanics in some IDs as they can still attack and kill adds fast while you command them not to stand in danger zone.

    …and sadly, the rest DPS jobs are not worth mention…

    2. If you're DPS, your DPS partner should be arcanist as it do slightly better DPS than archer and its AoE is better for trashes clear. As for NPC tank, If you prefer fast clear Marauder will always has more DPS than Gladiator.
    – DPS ranking –> Rogue = Arcanist >> Archer > Marauder > Lancer > Thaumaturge = Pugilist > Gladiator > Conjuror

    3. Squadron Limit Break is quite useful because it's DPS buff for whole party, normally use on 2nd boss and Final boss most of the time.

    4. Battle tactics should be Offensive for all NPCs (even healer) to boost your clear time, or Defensive for your tank if he/she is too low level.

    5. You'll need Grand Company seals to enter dungeon with squadron.. so better loot any chests then turn those greens to GC counter for more seals to spend.

    Example for best Squadron team is -> Marauder(Tank), Rogue(DPS), Arcanist(DPS), Conjuror(Healer)

  4. You can also use the Squadron in your Gran Company to do old Dungeon content, while the Trust goes only for Shadowbringers ones.

    They only Single Target because otherwise players would prioritize Trust System instead Duty Finder, and that would break the Finder since nobody would have any reason to wait for queue ( after all, Trust does even do Battle mechanics better than many players, neven seen them doing mistakes, if they could AoE then most of people would prefer to play with them ).

  5. What i like about the trust system is that it is a good way to test out your dps & time yourself in how fast you can do the dungeon with trusts. Sure it is not as good say a parser but i personally find it fun to time myself in these dungeons & see how fast i can clear them. It's a personal game within a game i do for myself 😀

  6. i am a 1.0 player and i have a few words as to the reasons the q is so long for ffxiv- this is based on reality cause and effect not opinion or emotion – Over time the addition of jobs that made the optional playable jobs list un even created an influx of one job type over another hence the q expands for that type as everyone wants to play it . adding to that the removal of the cross class system ment the incentive to play other jobs outside of the specifics liked by a player ment the ones gathering/unlocking skills by playing other jobs no longer did so thus the q expanded even more for the frequented job type. now with the addition of any new job the queue grows this sycle can only be stopped by adding an additional type to even it out and restoring the cross class skill system to give players an active reason to play and master each job thus improving traffic and the rotation of played jobs. the trust system is nice but it doesnt help any player pre shadowbringeres and no content outside story dungeons thus it is a bandais over a wound not a solution.

  7. i also want to add if players wish to help fix the q issue the only way is to request on the loadstone to bring back the cross class system and older skills to fill it – anything short of that will only hinder play and drop replayability slowing the rate at witch people stay in the game . it all happens in steps one action leads to outcome and this is the outcome of that systems removal – average dps q time pre system removal -5mins high end instant low end –


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