Finally Achieving Gil Cap in FFXIV

after ten and a half years i finally achieved 1 billion gil or gil cap of 999,999,999 gil. now i ended up buying all the mounts minions fashion accessories and bardings. now i can relax and stop caring about gil as much. now i can join the gil cap elite.


42 thoughts on “Finally Achieving Gil Cap in FFXIV”

  1. I was halfway there, a few months back. I got the feeling I had done all I wanted to do in the game and wanted to move on to other games.
    Being burned out was a big part for quitting several times which resulted in breaks for months. I Bought the ugly ass golden mount and some
    cool ones for some of my favorite FC members and was left with about 110k when I decided to quit the game entirely. The main reason for quitting
    is that it felt to me that the game was taking the WoW Retail route of making everything "easy". Especially my favorite part of the game which
    is crafting. I also don't really feel connected to the game anymore like in previous expansions although the Endwalker ending was the best ending
    ever in a MMO. Congratulations with the gil cap!

  2. Yaayyyy!!! That is great news! You should be proud. Ashe10 is another one I watch and he is good. I need to figure how the hell you did this. Wow. πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ’œ

  3. Congrats, that's huge!! Also, I think it's great you put a bunch back into circulation! I'm sure that made some happy sellers!

    Curious, if you did salvage? And how big is your fleet if so? I'm still setting up my fleet of 12, so it'll be a long while before I ever see cap lol, plus I'm using a sizeable % of the income to fund my growing Free Company.

  4. Congratulations Zane! So happy for you! I'm on your server Gilgamesh and been following you since I started Dec 22. Still a sprout but omnicrafter and closing in on 100M following your guides and advice!


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