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#FFXIV #Meoni #fashionreport
Music from
“Sincerely” by Kevin MacLeod (
Licence: CC BY (
thanks !
I’m reserving my ‘sky’ scripts for other items so I’ll pass on the 100 score this week. Not that I actually need it lol. 😋 So I’ll settle for a very easy 80 score as I have 3 of the necessary gear items just laying about. 😃 Thank you Meoni. Stay safe. ❤️
sigh so a fashionreport that’s unfriendly to bnnuys… I’m so tempted to fantasia back to a miqo haha…
Raptorskin moccasins didn't work for me, just so you guys know. I used the dhalmelskin ones in the end.
Gwalter is the real winner here…he gets so much free advertisement from Meoni, I'm surprised he hasn't usurped Lolorito as the richest person in Ul'dah.
Thank you! I had everything in my glamour chest accept for the skybuilder pants, so I got an easy 92